Video journalist fights court application over EDL footage – The Guardian

Posted February 11th, 2013 in disclosure, evidence, media, news, police, video recordings by sally

“A video journalist is fighting a court application by police to force him to hand over footage he shot of the English Defence League.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th February 2013


Lord Judge ‘troubled’ by court camera plan – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 30th, 2013 in courts, judges, news, video recordings by sally

“The lord chief justice has voiced opposition to the government’s plan to allow the filming of sentencing in the Crown court.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 30th January 2013


The supreme court’s YouTube channel is a welcome step for open justice – The Guardian

Posted January 21st, 2013 in internet, judgments, news, Supreme Court, video recordings by sally

“Judgment summaries are a good start, but it would be useful to watch recordings of full hearings. Do you agree?”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st January 2013


Man who filmed himself raping a woman at knifepoint on his iPad is jailed – The Independent

Posted January 15th, 2013 in deportation, news, rape, sentencing, video recordings by sally

“A man who filmed himself raping a woman at knifepoint on his tablet computer was today jailed for six years.”

Full story

The Independent, 14th January 2013


Liverpool double rapist Mindaugas Budkus jailed – BBC News

Posted January 14th, 2013 in assault, DNA, news, offensive weapons, rape, robbery, sentencing, video recordings by tracey

“A man convicted of raping two women within three weeks in Liverpool has been sentenced to life in prison.”

Full story

BBC News, 11th January 2013


Jail sex offenders for longer, proposes review of sentencing guidelines – The Guardian

“Rapists and sex attackers should be given longer prison terms, the Sentencing Council recommends, as courts take into account gang attacks and new technologies exploited by offenders.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th December 2012


Man who put cat in tumble drier jailed – The Independent

Posted November 14th, 2012 in animal cruelty, internet, news, sentencing, video recordings by sally

“A man who put his cat in a tumble drier and posted the footage on YouTube has been jailed.”

Full story

The Independent, 13th November 2012


Azelle Rodney Inquiry lawyers can see surveillance film footage – UK Human Rights Blog

“R (on the application of the Metropolitan Police Service) v the Chairman of the Inquiry into the Death of Azelle Rodney and Interested Parties [2012] EWHA 2783 (Admin).

The public inquiry into the death of Azelle Rodney, which commenced in 2010, was still under way when it was interrupted by the present dispute. It concerned the issue whether police surveillance footage taken from the air, showing Azelle Rodney’s movements in the two hours before his death, should be disclosed to the legal team representing his mother at the Inquiry.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 16th October 2012


Pentyrch web date killer Bleddyn King given 28 years – BBC News

Posted October 17th, 2012 in arson, internet, murder, news, robbery, sentencing, video recordings by tracey

“An 18-year-old man who stabbed a 64-year-old widower 72 times in his bungalow after meeting him on a website has been jailed for life for murder.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th October 2012


Teenager jailed for life over fatal schoolboy fight

Posted September 21st, 2012 in evidence, murder, news, offensive weapons, sentencing, video recordings, young offenders by tracey

“A 15-year-old boy has been given a life sentence for killing a schoolboy whose stabbing was recorded on his own mobile phone.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st September 2012


Teenager who throttled and beat girl detained indefinitely – The Guardian

“A teenage boy who throttled a 10-year-old girl as she played in a street and repeatedly beat her around the head so viciously he could have killed her has been locked up indefinitely.”

Full story

The Guardian, 27th July 2012


PCC dismisses Bell Pottinger complaint over secret filming for Independent – The Guardian

Posted July 26th, 2012 in complaints, lobbying, media, news, public interest, video recordings by sally

“Undercover filming of PR executives discussing work for the Uzbekistan government for an Independent exposé was justified in the public interest, the Press Complaints Commission has ruled.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th July 2012


Virtual courts: more speed, less justice? – The Guardian

Posted July 18th, 2012 in courts, criminal justice, legal services, news, video recordings by tracey

“No one wants delay or waste in the criminal justice system, but the plans for virtual and flexible courts don’t look fair or efficient.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th July 2012


John Terry racism trial begins over Anton Ferdinand remark – The Guardian

Posted July 9th, 2012 in complaints, fines, news, racism, sport, video recordings by sally

“The trial of John Terry for allegedly racially abusing Anton Ferdinand will get under way on Monday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 9th July 2012


Trial begins of police officer accused of killing Ian Tomlinson – The Guardian

Posted June 18th, 2012 in demonstrations, evidence, homicide, news, police, trials, video recordings by sally

“The trial has begun of Simon Harwood, the police constable accused of killing Ian Tomlinson, who died shortly after he collapsed amid a major Metropolitan police operation around the G20 summit in London in April 2009.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th June 2012


Jacqueline Woodhouse jailed for racist Tube rant – BBC News

Posted May 29th, 2012 in alcohol abuse, harassment, news, racism, recidivists, video recordings by tracey

“A London Underground passenger has been jailed for 21 weeks after she admitted hurling racist abuse at fellow passengers.”

Full story

BBC News, 29th May 2012


Badger baiter sentenced to 23 weeks – The Independent

Posted May 23rd, 2012 in animal cruelty, news, sentencing, video recordings by sally

“A man who urged his dog to attack and kill badgers kept footage of the brutal fights on his phone, a court heard today.”

Full story

The Independent, 22nd May 2012


Man who stabbed pensioner is jailed after being traced by spit – The Guardian

Posted April 2nd, 2012 in attempted murder, attempts, DNA, evidence, murder, news, sentencing, video recordings by sally

“A man who stabbed a 74-year-old woman six times in a ‘frenzied’ attack has been jailed after he was caught for spitting on the pavement.”

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd April 2012


Ban on filming in British courts to be lifted – The Independent

Posted March 28th, 2012 in courts, media, news, video recordings by sally

“Television cameras are to be allowed into courts for the first time to film the sentencing of serious criminals.”

Full story

The Independent, 28th March 2012


Student arrested for filming buildings wins police payout – The Guardian

Posted March 19th, 2012 in complaints, news, police, terrorism, video recordings by sally

“An Italian student has won an out-of-court settlement with police after she was stopped under anti-terrorist legislation while filming buildings in London, and later arrested, held in a cell for five hours and then fined.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th March 2012
