Murderer James Ford who tried to help terror attack victim freed – BBC News

Posted May 21st, 2021 in murder, news, parole, rehabilitation, terrorism, victims by tracey

‘A murderer who tried to help one of the victims of the London Bridge terror attack has been cleared by the Parole Board to be freed from prison.’

Full Story

BBC News, 21st May 2021


Brother of Manchester arena attackers asks for immunity to take part in public inquiry – The Guardian

Posted May 21st, 2021 in attorney general, families, immunity, inquiries, murder, news, terrorism by tracey

‘The elder brother of the Manchester Arena bombers has asked for immunity from prosecution in return for answering questions at the public inquiry into the terror attack.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 20th May 2021


Mental health tests in the presence of counter-terror units ‘unethical’, says charity – The Guardian

‘Mental health assessments are being conducted in the presence of police in little-known hubs that embed nurses and psychologists with counter-terrorism units, raising “serious ethical concerns”, a medical charity has said.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 19th May 2021


New Acts –

2021 c. 14 – Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021

2021 c. 11 – Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Act 2021

2021 c. 25 – National Security and Investment Act 2021

Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021

2021 c. 17 – Domestic Abuse Act 2021


Former police officer jailed for National Action membership – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A former probationary police officer has been sentenced at the Old Bailey to a total of four years and four months in prison after he was exposed as a secret member of a neo-Nazi group.’

Full Story

Crown Prosecution Service, 30th April 2021


Longer jail terms and stricter monitoring as new terror laws gain Royal Assent – Ministry of Justice

‘The biggest shake-up of terrorist sentencing and monitoring in decades has been granted Royal Assent today (29 April 2021) – giving the courts, police and security services greater powers to protect the public.’

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 29th April 2021


Met dismisses police officer who belonged to banned neo-Nazi terror group – The Guardian

‘A man who became the first British police officer convicted of belonging to a neo-Nazi terrorist organisation has been dismissed from the Metropolitan police without notice.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st April 2021


Security services and police to face questions over London Bridge attacker – The Guardian

Posted April 12th, 2021 in inquests, intelligence services, news, police, recidivists, rehabilitation, terrorism by tracey

‘The security services and police are to face questions over whether they missed the chance to stop a convicted terrorist out on licence with an electronic tag who stabbed two people to death. On Monday, the inquests open into the deaths of Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, who were killed in the November 2019 attack at Fishmongers hall, near London Bridge at a prisoner rehabilitation conference.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th April 2021


Daughter of murdered Muslim man calls for official Islamophobia definition – The Guardian

Posted April 6th, 2021 in hate crime, Islam, murder, news, terrorism by sally

‘The daughter of a Muslim man who was murdered by a white supremacist as he walked home from evening prayers at a Birmingham mosque is launching a campaign calling for the government to adopt an official definition of Islamophobia.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th April 2021


Watchdog steps in over secrecy about UK women in Syria stripped of citizenship – The Guardian

‘The Home Office’s refusal to disclose the number of women who, like Shamima Begum, have been deprived of their British citizenship after travelling to join Islamic State is under investigation by the information commissioner.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 29th March 2021


Michael Foran: Shamima Begum, the Separation of Powers, and the Common Good – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘The Supreme Court has come under significant criticism for its handling of the Shamima Begum case, decided on 26 February. Much has already been said in relation to the deference that the court showed to the executive, with some arguing that it was improper or even a complete abdication of the judicial role itself. This post seeks to clarify what precisely the court did and did not do in relation to the exercise of its constitutional duty to review the legality of executive action. It will suggest that the Court did not engage in any strong deference as to the nature of Begum’s rights nor to the balance to be struck between those rights and the common good. Such questions remained wholly within the purview of the Court. While the Court did pay due respect to the executive’s authority to determine and pursue the common good, this was subject to an assessment of lawfulness. Any deference, if it can even be called deference, was to the rule of law, given both the statutory scheme in question and the common law distinction between review and appeal. The determination of the scope of individual rights entails an exercise of judicial interpretation which seeks to strike an appropriate balance between the applicable legal considerations. It is not deference for the court to include constitutional principles such as the separation of powers within those considerations.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 17th March 2021


Daniella Lock: The Shamima Begum Case: Difficulties with ‘democratic accountability’ as a justification for judicial deference in the national security context – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘No doubt much will be written on the Supreme Court’s Shamima Begum ruling handed down on 26 February. The ruling has a number of notable features. In particular, a high level of deference was afforded to the executive which seems to contrast with the Supreme Court’s approach in high profile constitutional cases of recent years (such as, for example, in the Miller cases). A key feature of this deference is that it is offered in a national security context, where judicial deference has often played a role. This deference is partly justified by the Court on the grounds that Ministers are democratically accountable for national security decisions. However, as this post argues, the extent to which democratic accountability is a legitimate ground for judicial deference to national security decisions is questionable in light of current UK practice. This post raises three difficulties with relying on democratic accountability as a ground for deference in the UK national security context.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 9th March 2021


Shamima Begum and The Humpty Dumpty Supreme Court – Oxford Human Rights Hub

‘On 26 February 2021, the Supreme Court refused permission for Shamima Begum to return to the UK. The Supreme Court judgment in the high-profile case of the British woman who left the UK as a 15-year-old girl to travel to Syria to join the so-called Islamic State, however, resulted in the Court effectively washing its hands of the case staying it until a full hearing can occur in future—a remote possibility. In the judgment, Lord Reed held the Court of Appeal was in error by substituting its own view of the balance to be struck between national security and the applicant’s rights. In so doing, the Court of Appeal did not give the Secretary of State’s assessment due respect. In this brief post, I wish to focus on a principal aspect of the Supreme Court’s judgment: the concept of deference.’

Full Story

Oxford Human Rights Hub, 8th March 2021


Shamima Begum: SSHD strikes back in Supreme Court – EIN Blog

‘Ms Shamima Begum was born and raised in the UK. She was a British citizen at birth and at age 15 she travelled to Syria with two friends and soon afterwards she married an ISIS fighter and is currently detained in poor conditions in the Al-Roj camp run by the Syrian Democratic Forces. She now wishes to return home to the UK to have a fair and effective appeal. She was deprived of her British citizenship on 19 February 2019 because the SSHD believed that her return would present a risk to national security. She applied for leave to enter (LTE) the UK so that she could pursue an appeal against the deprivation decision. The Court of Appeal unanimously held that the only way Ms Begum, can have a fair and effective appeal is to be permitted to come into the UK to pursue her appeal. King, Flaux and Singh LJJ found that fairness and justice must – on the facts of her case – outweigh any national security concerns. But in a twist of fate, the Supreme Court unanimously held in favour of the SSHD and found that the right to a fair hearing does not trump everything else, such as the public’s safety. The court took the view that if a vital public interest makes it impossible for a case to be fairly heard, then the courts cannot ordinarily hear it. Therefore, her deprivation appeal should be stayed until she can play an effective part in it without compromising the public’s safety.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 7th March 2021


Supreme Court: Shamima Begum may be barred from UK – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Since 2019 when Shamima Begum was found in a camp in north Syria, her hopes of returning to the UK have ebbed and flowed (see here and here). Stripped of her British citizenship, she brought three sets of legal proceedings. Last week, after a ruling by the Supreme Court, her hopes receded once more. The Home Secretary was entitled to refuse her entry to the UK to pursue her appeal against the loss of citizenship, the Court ruled. So, Ms Begum’s appeal has been stayed, pending some change in her circumstances which will enable her to participate in a hearing – albeit from outside the UK.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 1st March 2021


Shamima Begum: Isis member loses Supreme Court battle to return to UK – The Independent

Posted February 26th, 2021 in appeals, children, citizenship, human rights, news, Supreme Court, terrorism, young offenders by tracey

‘Shamima Begum has lost her legal battle attempting to return to the UK to fight for her British citizenship. The Supreme Court found that the former Isis member did not need to be in the country to have a “fair and effective appeal”, overturning a previous ruling by the Court of Appeal.’

Full Story

The Independent, 26th February 2021


Discretionary Life Sentences – Setting the minimum term – ½ or 2/3 of the notional determinate sentence – Doughty Street Chambers

Posted February 25th, 2021 in attorney general, dangerous offenders, news, sentencing, terrorism by sally

‘James Wood QC discusses recent sentence appeals on minimum terms in discretionary life sentences. He assesses the likely impact of the recent statutory changes increasing the minimum term to be served by some prisoners serving determinate sentences from ½ to 2/3. He identifies prosecutorial appeals to increase minimum terms in discretionary life sentences by the Attorney General, and warns that the judicial and statutory drift appears to be towards a similar lengthening from ½ to 2/3 of the minimum term to be served by those sentenced to discretionary life sentences on grounds of dangerousness.’

Full Story

Doughty Street Chambers, 24th February 2021


New UK laws needed to stop hate speech and extremism, says report – The Guardian

‘Massive gaps in the law allow terrorism to be glorified and hatred to be spread, and a major crackdown is needed to stop more violence being triggered, an official report has said.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 24th February 2021


Leader of Islamist terrorist network jailed for over 3 years after sparking manhunt at UK borders – The Independent

‘A senior leader of a terrorist network has been jailed after sparking a manhunt that caused nine-hour tailbacks in Dover.’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd February 2021


17 Human Rights Groups Are Boycotting The Government’s Prevent Review – Here’s All The Context – Each Other

Posted February 18th, 2021 in human rights, Islam, minorities, news, terrorism by sally

‘Leading human rights groups including Liberty, Amnesty International and the Runnymede Trust have announced a boycott into a pending review of the Government’s Prevent Strategy.’

Full Story

Each Other, 17th February 2021
