Met police put spit hood on 90-year-old woman and pointed Taser at her – The Guardian

‘A 90-year-old black woman was handcuffed and had a spit hood placed over her head and a Taser pointed at her by the Metropolitan police.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 30th May 2023


Law firms and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace – Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog

‘Sexual harassment in the workplace has attracted growing concern globally over the past five years. The House of Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee (WESC) inquiry in July 2018 triggered a parliamentary debate around the need for stricter duties for employers to prevent unwanted sexual behaviour at work. In parallel, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has prioritised tackling sexual misconduct in law firms and recent changes to its Codes of Conduct emphasise the expectation on firms to foster a culture of zero tolerance to counter-inclusive behaviours, including sexual misconduct.’

Full Story

Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog, 23rd May 2023


Wayne Couzens could have been identified as a sex offender in 2015, report says – The Guardian

‘Wayne Couzens escaped being identified as a sex offender six years before he murdered Sarah Everard, despite police having the registration of a car he had allegedly used to flash passersby, as well as his name and address, an official report has revealed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 23rd May 2023


UK crime agency to pursue up to 100 lawyers accused of helping traffickers – The Guardian

‘The National Crime Agency is preparing to pursue up to 100 lawyers it believes are helping traffickers abuse modern slavery laws to secure asylum for people entering the UK.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 18th May 2023


No cab-rank rule breach – yet – for barrister signatories of eco-resolution – Legal Futures

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) will not take action against barristers who have committed not to prosecute climate protestors or work for fossil fuel companies – at least until they actually refuse instructions.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th May 2023


Lord Sentamu: Former Archbishop of York told to step down from Church – BBC News

‘The former Archbishop of York has been forced to step down from his Church of England role after a review into how he handled a child sex abuse allegation.’

Full Story

BBC News, 14th May 2023


Warnings over NHS data privacy after ‘stalker’ doctor shares woman’s records – The Guardian

‘The confidentiality of NHS medical records has been thrown into doubt after a “stalker” hospital doctor accessed and shared highly sensitive information about a woman who had started dating her ex-boyfriend, despite not being involved in her care.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th May 2023


Met Police officer who left man paralysed not guilty of GBH – BBC News

‘A Met Police officer who left a man paralysed when he Tasered him as he ran away has been cleared of causing grievous bodily harm.’

Full Story

BBC News, 11th May 2023


Sentamu rejects report findings that he failed to act on child sexual abuse claim – The Guardian

‘John Sentamu, the former archbishop of York, failed to act on disclosures that a Church of England vicar raped a 16-year-old boy, a report commissioned by the church has found.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th May 2023


Ethics and access: striking the right balance – Bar Standards Board

‘What is an ethical lawyer? Should an ethical lawyer steer clear of certain clients on public interest grounds? And should the regulator police the profession’s choice of client?’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 28th April 2023


Four staff at specialist hospital guilty of mistreating vulnerable patients – The Independent

‘Four members of staff at a specialist hospital have been found guilty of mistreating vulnerable patients after an undercover BBC Panorama documentary.’

Full Story

The Independent, 28th April 2023


LSB to put focus on “ethical competence” of lawyers – Legal Futures

‘There needs to be more focus on the “ethical competence” of lawyers throughout their careers, the Legal Services Board (LSB) has suggested.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 25th April 2023


Independent review of NHS Tayside over disgraced surgeon Sam Eljamel – BBC News

‘Health Secretary Michael Matheson is launching an independent review of NHS Tayside in relation to disgraced former head of neurosurgery Sam Eljamel.’

Full Story

BBC News, 20th April 2023


Met officers who shared WhatsApp messages mocking Harvey Price found guilty of gross misconduct – The Independent

‘Eight serving and former Metropolitan Police officers have been found guilty of “gross misconduct” over a “discriminatory and offensive” WhatsApp group, which contained messages mocking Katie Price’s disabled son.’

Full Story

The Independent, 13th April 2023


Met Police: Former officer found guilty of rape – BBC News

‘A former Metropolitan Police officer has been found guilty of raping a woman while he was off duty.’

Full Story

BBC News, 4th April 2023


Transgender children GP: Helen Webberley wins suspension appeal – BBC News

‘A GP offering treatment for transgender patients online has won a High Court appeal against her suspension as a doctor and can now work again.’

Full Story

BBC News, 1st April 2023


BSB “assessing” self-reports from barristers over cab-rank rule defiance – Legal Futures

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) said last night that it was assessing self-reports from barristers who say they will defy the cab-rank rule.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 31st March 2023


Don’t crow over court victories, bar leader warns – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Barristers should not crow online about court victories, the profession’s leader has warned amid renewed controversy over lawyers being identified with their clients.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 23rd March 2023


Teacher who lied that she had cancer and surgeons removed her eye banned from classroom – The Independent

Posted March 24th, 2023 in cancer, deceit, disciplinary procedures, fraud, news, professional conduct, teachers by tracey

‘A teacher who lied about having cancer and falsely claimed that surgeons had removed her eye has been banned from the classroom indefinitely.’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd March 2023


Met officers investigated for sexual misconduct working as normal – BBC News

‘More than 100 Metropolitan Police officers being investigated for sexual misconduct are currently working without restrictions, figures reveal.
The Liberal Democrats have found that as of 3 February, more than a quarter of 548 officers being investigated for domestic abuse and sexual misconduct were working as normal.’

Full Story

BBC News, 20th March 2023
