Government drops plan to combat anti-Muslim hatred with official definition of Islamophobia – The Independent

‘The government has dropped work on an official definition of Islamophobia that was promised more than three years ago, amid mounting concern over inaction on the issue.’

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The Independent, 30th October 2022


UK can take lead in averting mass atrocity crimes, MPs’ report says – The Guardian

‘The UK can take a lead in trying to forecast and avert mass atrocity crimes, MPs suggest in a report published on Monday.’

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The Guardian, 17th October 2022


Football hate crime: CPS vows to use new banning orders – Crown Prosecution Service

‘The CPS today vows to use football banning orders to those convicted of online hate crime connected to the game and prevent them from attending matches.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 29th June 2022


Terrorism offenders ‘enjoy high status’ in prison, QC’s official report says – The Guardian

Posted April 28th, 2022 in hate crime, Islam, news, prisons, reports, terrorism by sally

‘Some terrorists in prison enjoy status and celebrity among their fellow inmates amid a culture of fear and violence in jails in England and Wales that is being exacerbated by staffing cuts, an official review has concluded.’

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The Guardian, 27th April 2022


Edward Colston statue case sent to Court of Appeal – BBC News

‘The acquittal of four people on trial for toppling Bristol’s Edward Colston statue has prompted the attorney general to contact the Court of Appeal.’

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BBC News, 13th April 2022


Watchdog tells police bosses to stop declaring thoughts are crimes – The Independent

Posted March 11th, 2022 in criminal justice, hate crime, news, ombudsmen, police by tracey

‘There is “no such thing as a thought crime”, the outgoing chief inspector of constabulary said as he told police bosses they “enforce the law, they do not make it”.’

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The Independent, 10th March 2022


Autumn Ellis: Lawfulness of policies of public bodies and Freedom of Expression under Article 10 ECHR – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted March 1st, 2022 in freedom of expression, hate crime, human rights, news, police by sally

‘Thirty five years after Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA (Gillick) was decided, the Supreme Court took the opportunity, in R (A) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (A) and R (BF (Eritrea)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department(BF), (previously discussed in this blog here), to restate the boundaries of the test for the lawfulness of policies published by public bodies, and to identify as erroneous cases which had relied on “other principles” (A at [54]). Lords Sales and Burnett, giving the leading judgment in both cases, drew a distinction between policies which can be regarded as “sanctioning” (by statement or omission), and those which are simply capable of “leading” to, unlawful decision-making. They summarised the Gillick test as follows: “Does the policy in question authorise or approve unlawful conduct by those to whom it is directed?” (A at [38]) (referred to here as the “authorisation/ approval test”). Distinct formulations of the lawfulness test relied on in previous cases, which turn on whether a given policy can be regarded as “leading” to an “unacceptable risk” of unlawful decision-making (referred to here as the “unacceptable risk test”), were incorrect to the extent that they constituted a departure from Gillick (A at [75]).’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 28th February 2022


Ministers to reject making misogyny a hate crime in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘Ministers will reject making misogyny a hate crime in England and Wales and urge MPs to get behind controversial legislation that has been criticised for curbing the right to protest as the government seeks to push through major changes to the criminal justice system.’

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The Guardian, 21st February 2022


Making Misogyny A Hate Crime Is Long Overdue – Each Other

Posted February 14th, 2022 in equality, hate crime, human rights, news, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘Misogyny – the hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women – is becoming ever more common within our society, yet little is being done to tackle it effectively.’

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Each Other, 11th February 2022


Three found guilty of murdering Cardiff doctor in homophobic attack – The Guardian

‘A 17-year-old girl and two men have been found guilty of the sadistic homophobic murder of a consultant psychiatrist in a city centre park.’

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The Guardian, 3rd February 2022


Is “Perception-Based Recording” for hate crime compatible with freedom of speech? – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In R (Harry Miller) v The College of Policing [2021] EWCA Civ 1926, the Court of Appeal ruled that current police guidance on the recording of ‘hate incidents’ unlawfully interferes with the right to freedom of expression. The decision overturns a 2020 ruling by the High Court in which Mr Miller’s challenge to the lawfulness of the Hate Crime Operational Guidance was dismissed (discussed previously on this Blog here).’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 28th January 2022


Reforms to protect disabled and LGBT+ victims, criminalise extremist misogynist ‘incel’ hate material, and safeguard free speech – Family Law

‘The Law Commission has announced recommendations to reform hate crime legislation to ensure that disabled and LGBT+ victims receive the same protections as victims with other protected characteristics (race and religion). If enacted, the reforms would ensure all five characteristics are protected equally by the law.’

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Family Law, 27th January 2022


Man jailed for racist abuse at Manchester United FA Cup game – BBC News

Posted January 14th, 2022 in hate crime, imprisonment, news, racism, sentencing, sport by tracey

‘A man who racially abused staff and attacked two police officers during an FA Cup match has been jailed.’

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BBC News, 13th January 2022


DPP Max Hill on how we’re taking action against racist and homophobic football chants – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted January 13th, 2022 in Crown Prosecution Service, hate crime, homosexuality, news, prosecutions, racism, sport by tracey

‘The beauty of football is that anyone can play. All you need is a ball, some friends, and a goal. Fans can unite anywhere in the world with a shared love of a club, country or just the game itself. It is perhaps the most inclusive sport. This weekend saw the FA Cup back in action – a competition which encapsulates the simplicity of the game and pits Premier League giants against relative minnows. But for 90 minutes, it is a level playing field and we often see upsets, none felt more keenly by myself as a lifelong Newcastle United fan with defeat to League One’s Cambridge United. Unfortunately, we also saw the return of reports of racist and or homophobic chanting during at least three cup ties: Crystal Palace vs Millwall, Spurs vs Chelsea and Reading v Cardiff City. This disgusting behaviour will never be tolerated by those who truly love the game, and by most of society.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 12th January 2022


FA urged to follow up CPS’ promise of criminal action over homophobic ‘rent boys’ chants – Daily Telegraph

‘The Football Association have been urged to follow up the Crown Prosecution Service’s promise of criminal action over homophobic “rent boys” chants with disciplinary sanctions against clubs who fail to educate their fans.’

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Daily Telegraph, 11th January 2022


‘Trove of racial hatred’ exposed by investigation into online platforms – The Independent

Posted January 12th, 2022 in duty of care, hate crime, internet, news, racism, statistics by tracey

‘Tech giants have come under fresh fire after an investigation exposed hundreds of thousands of hate profiles online.’

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The Independent, 12th January 2022


Harry Miller: Legal victory after alleged transphobic tweets – BBC News

‘An ex-police officer has won a legal challenge against a national policy for forces to record gender-critical views as non-crime “hate incidents”.’

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BBC News, 20th December 2021


Campaign to make misogyny a hate crime rebuffed by Law Commission – The Guardian

Posted December 7th, 2021 in consultations, gender, hate crime, Law Commission, news, women by sally

‘A coalition of women’s rights campaigners have voiced their disappointment and frustration after the Law Commission decided to reject a proposal to make misogyny a hate crime.’

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The Guardian, 7th December 2021


Online Safety Bill : What to expect – BBC News

‘A report from a joint committee of MPs and Lords recommending what should be included in the Online Safety Bill is due in the next few days.’

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BBC News, 6th December 2021


Pestering women in the street to be outlawed – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 6th, 2021 in criminal justice, harassment, hate crime, Law Commission, news, sexual offences, women by sally

‘Public sexual harassment, such as cat-calling and making sexually explicit comments, to be made an offence in wake of Sarah Everard murder.’

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Daily Telegraph, 3rd December 2021
