Chelsea fan jailed for antisemitic tweets aimed at Tottenham supporters – The Independent

‘A Chelsea fan who posted antisemitic and racist tweets aimed at Tottenham fans has been jailed.’

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The Independent, 6th November 2021


Chelsea fan jailed for anti-Semitic tweets aimed at Spurs supporters – BBC News

Posted November 5th, 2021 in hate crime, imprisonment, internet, Judaism, malicious communications, news, sentencing, sport by michael

“A Chelsea supporter who posted anti-Semitic tweets aimed at Tottenham fans, including photos of Auschwitz and a man doing a Nazi salute, has been jailed.”

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BBC News, 5th November 2021


Significant Rise In Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Since 2015 – Each Other

‘In 2014-15, there were 6,363 reports of hate crimes based on sexual orientation. Comparatively, in 2020-21, there were 19,679 reports. For 2014-15, 598 transphobic hate crimes were reported but in 2020-21, 2,588 were reported.’

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Each Other, 25th October 2021


Boris Johnson does not support making misogyny a hate crime – BBC News

Posted October 5th, 2021 in hate crime, news, police, women by sally

‘Boris Johnson does not support calls to make misogyny a hate crime, telling the BBC there is “abundant statute” to tackle violence against women.’

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BBC News, 5th October 2021


Priti Patel: Men jailed over racist Snapchat video that went viral – BBC News

‘A man has been jailed for making a racist Snapchat video in which he targeted Home Secretary Priti Patel and used racial slurs.’

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BBC News, 12th August 2021


Radio host sentenced to 32 months’ imprisonment for inciting racial hatred on his radio show – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A radio host has been sentenced to 32 months’ imprisonment for using antisemitic language and racial slurs on his live radio show.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 6th August 2021


Why Is Disability Hate Crime So Hard To Prove? – Each Other

‘Under UK law, something is deemed a hate incident if the victim or anyone else thinks it was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. It then becomes a hate crime if it crosses the boundary of criminality.’

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Each Other, 3rd August 2021


Neo-Nazi Andrew Dymock jailed for terror and hate crimes – BBC News

‘A neo-Nazi student who created two extremist groups and promoted a “distorted and wicked cause” has been jailed.’

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BBC News, 21st July 2021


The UK Has Seen An Increase in Anti-Semitic Hate Crime – Each Other

Posted July 7th, 2021 in hate crime, Judaism, news, racism, religious discrimination, statistics by sally

‘In recent months, there has been a spike in the number of anti-Semitic hate crimes reported in the UK, including a pair of incidents where a Jewish man was targeted twice in the space of an hour while travelling in London.’

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Each Other, 6th July 2021


UK man jailed for sharing extremist videos, including Christchurch attack – The Guardian

Posted June 24th, 2021 in hate crime, internet, news, sentencing, terrorism, video recordings by sally

‘A British man has been jailed for terrorism offences after sharing explosives manuals and extremist videos, including one apparently celebrating the New Zealand mosque massacres, on rightwing chat groups.’

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The Guardian, 24th June 2021


Misogyny as a hate crime – what it means and why it’s needed – Family Law

Posted May 27th, 2021 in criminal records, hate crime, news, police, women by tracey

‘In recent weeks, the government announced that it will instruct all police forces across the UK to start recording crimes motivated by sex or gender on an experimental basis- effectively making misogyny a hate crime. This follows the example of Nottinghamshire Police in 2016, followed by another 10 police forces since.’

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Family Law, 25th May 2021


Daughter of murdered Muslim man calls for official Islamophobia definition – The Guardian

Posted April 6th, 2021 in hate crime, Islam, murder, news, terrorism by sally

‘The daughter of a Muslim man who was murdered by a white supremacist as he walked home from evening prayers at a Birmingham mosque is launching a campaign calling for the government to adopt an official definition of Islamophobia.’

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The Guardian, 5th April 2021


London-wide launch of operation to convict those who assault NHS staff – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted April 1st, 2021 in assault, doctors, hate crime, news, nurses, paramedics, pilot schemes, prosecutions by tracey

‘Known as Operation Cavell, the initiative will see a senior officer review all reports of assaults and hate crime against NHS staff. Following a three-month pilot, the National Health Service (NHS), Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have been working in partnership to launch the scheme today (Wednesday, 31 March) which aims to increase convictions and protect NHS staff on the frontline.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 31st March 2021


Police will be required to record crimes motivated by hostility to women – minister – The Guardian

Posted March 18th, 2021 in bills, domestic violence, hate crime, news, police, violence, women by sally

‘The government is to require police forces to collect data on crimes apparently motivated by hostility towards women, a potentially significant step towards making misogyny a hate crime.’

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The Guardian, 17th March 2021


Barrister tells of racial abuse on bus amid warnings pandemic is fuelling hatred – Daily Telegraph

‘People from Muslim backgrounds have become targets during the pandemic due to the “rabbit holes” of online conspiracies, campaigners have said as a barrister spoke out about a hate crime.’

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Daily Telegraph, 2nd March 2021


New UK laws needed to stop hate speech and extremism, says report – The Guardian

‘Massive gaps in the law allow terrorism to be glorified and hatred to be spread, and a major crackdown is needed to stop more violence being triggered, an official report has said.’

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The Guardian, 24th February 2021


UK’s first football hate crime officer turns focus on social media – The Guardian

Posted February 16th, 2021 in hate crime, internet, news, police, prosecutions, racism by sally

‘Since starting his role as the UK’s first football hate crime officer earlier this month, PC Stuart Ward has been busier than expected, considering football fans are banned from stadiums as part of the coronavirus lockdown.’

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The Guardian, 15th February 2021


Teenage neo-Nazi from Cornwall is UK’s youngest terror offender – BBC News

Posted February 2nd, 2021 in hate crime, news, terrorism, young offenders by sally

‘The teenage leader of a neo-Nazi group has become the youngest person in the UK to have committed a terrorist offence.’

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BBC News, 1st February 2021


Boy guilty over Oxford Street racist coronavirus attack – BBC News

Posted January 5th, 2021 in coronavirus, grievous bodily harm, hate crime, news, racism, young offenders by sally

‘A 15-year-old boy has been found guilty of racially attacking a Singaporean student who was told “I don’t want your coronavirus in our country”.’

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BBC News, 4th January 2021


Hate targeted at Gypsy, Traveller and Roma linked to rise in suicides – report – The Guardian

Posted December 10th, 2020 in hate crime, news, reports, suicide, travellers by tracey

‘Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities are experiencing hate incidents on an almost daily basis, while mental health issues and suicide are leading to an “epidemic of needless deaths”, a government-funded report has found.’

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The Guardian, 10th December 2020
