Just Stop Oil protesters jailed after M25 blocked – BBC News

‘Five environmental activists who organised protests that brought part of the M25 to a standstill over four days have been jailed.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th July 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Coroner criticises US government for lack of training given to Anne Sacoolas prior to Harry Dunn crash – The Independent

‘A coroner has criticised the US government for a lack of training provided to its employee Anne Sacoolas before the crash that killed Harry Dunn.’

Full Story

The Independent, 13th June 2024

Source: www.independent.co.uk

New Acts – legislation.gov.uk

2024 c. 10 – Automated Vehicles Act 2024

Source: www.legislation.gov.uk

UK climate activists convicted in first trial of new anti-protest laws – The Guardian

‘Three climate activists have been convicted of “interference with key national infrastructure” by marching in the road in west London for 20 minutes, in the new offence’s first test at trial.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th May 2024

Source: www.theguardian.com

Driver avoids six-month ban over ‘inadequate’ sign – BBC News

Posted April 16th, 2024 in driving licences, news, penalties, road traffic offences, roads by tracey

‘A driver who racked up 12 penalty points within seven days on the same stretch of road has avoided a potential six-month ban after a court heard the signage was “inadequate”.’

Full Story

BBC News, 16th April 2024

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Campaigners lose another challenge over Stonehenge tunnel plan – The Independent

Posted February 20th, 2024 in environmental protection, monuments, news, planning, roads by tracey

‘Campaigners have lost a High Court challenge over renewed plans to build a road tunnel near Stonehenge.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th February 2024

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Harry Dunn’s family says UK still allowing Americans to escape justice as US soldier flees after crash – The Independent

‘Harry Dunn’s family have warned that something has gone “very badly wrong” for another US citizen to have been able to evade justice in the UK after alleged involvement in a car crash.’

Full Story

The Independent, 14th December 2023

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Stonehenge A303 tunnel opponents in second High Court bid – BBC News

Posted December 12th, 2023 in government departments, judicial review, monuments, news, road traffic, roads by sally

‘Campaigners will make a second High Court bid later to try to block a road tunnel project near Stonehenge.’

Full Story

BBC News, 12th December 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Stonehenge campaigners’ last-chance bid to save site from road tunnel – The Guardian

Posted December 11th, 2023 in government departments, judicial review, news, planning, roads by tracey

‘They are a disparate bunch. Archaeologists, environmentalists, historians, transport experts, countryside campaigners and druids. But they will come together in the Strand in central London on Tuesday with a common purpose: to stop the bulldozers from, in their mind, wreaking havoc at one of the UK’s most iconic sites. They will try to convince the high court over three days that the government’s plan to build a two-mile road tunnel close to the great circle of Stonehenge will permanently disfigure a unique and globally important landscape.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th December 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Just Stop Oil protesters’ jail terms potentially breach international law, UN expert says – The Guardian

‘Long sentences handed to two Just Stop Oil protesters for scaling the M25 bridge over the Thames are a potential breach of international law and risk silencing public concerns about the environment, a UN expert has said.’

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The Guardian, 20th November 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Bristol grandma among Just Stop Oil M25 activists spared jail – BBC News

‘A 76-year-old grandmother is among 12 activists spared jail for causing “massive disruption” on the M25.’

Full Story

BBC News, 31st October 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

‘Archaic’ UK law needs urgent update for self-driving vehicles, MPs say – OUT-LAW.com

‘The UK’s reputation as a “trailblazer” in the development of self-driving vehicles is at risk unless new laws are passed as a matter of urgency to better support their testing and commercialisation, a committee of MPs has said.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 15th September 2023

Source: www.pinsentmasons.com

Campaigner given green light to appeal High Court ruling over Department for Transport guidance on tactile paving and kerb heights – Local Government Lawyer

Posted August 17th, 2023 in appeals, consultations, disabled persons, dogs, footpaths, news, roads by sally

‘The Court of Appeal has granted a disability rights campaigner permission to appeal in her ongoing legal challenge against the Secretary of State for Transport regarding guidance on the use of tactile paving.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 15th August 2023

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Highways in a Climate Crisis – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

Posted August 3rd, 2023 in chambers articles, climate change, news, roads, transport by sally

‘The judgment may not be the final word, given a stated intention to ask the Court of Appeal to reconsider this matter. However the decision makes interesting reading on the important issue of how transport links can be promoted in light of the climate crisis – and gives a clear steer to follow for the time being.’

Full Story

4-5 Gray's Inn Square, 27th July 2023

Source: www.4-5.co.uk

Just Stop Oil protesters have appeals blocked over Dartford crossing sentences – The Guardian

Posted August 1st, 2023 in appeals, demonstrations, environmental protection, news, nuisance, roads, sentencing by sally

‘Two Just Stop Oil protesters who scaled the bridge at the Dartford crossing, closing it to traffic for more than a day and a half, have been refused permission to appeal against their sentences.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 31st July 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

Curbing protest disruption – Law Society’s Gazette

‘As many will have seen in the media, environmental activist group Insulate Britain (IB) has carried out London protests in a manner deliberately designed to cause serious disruption. These protest tactics have included activists deliberately blocking highways by sitting down in the road, and often gluing themselves to its surface and/or locking themselves to each other to make their removal more time-consuming. IB has repeatedly stated that these protests will continue until its demands are met.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 16th June 2023

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Activists who blocked road to stop UK deportation flight to Jamaica acquitted – The Guardian

Posted June 14th, 2023 in demonstrations, deportation, immigration, Jamaica, news, nuisance, roads by sally

‘Three activists who lay on a road outside an immigration detention centre to prevent people being put on a Home Office deportation flight to Jamaica have been cleared by a jury of charges of causing a public nuisance.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th June 2023

Source: www.theguardian.com

High Court gives green light to further grounds for challenge in ULEZ expansion judicial review – Local Government Lawyer

‘The High Court has allowed further grounds in the judicial review claim lodged by a coalition of London councils in opposition to the proposed expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 30th May 2023

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Drivers face being fined ‘unfairly’ for using yellow box junctions – report – The Independent

Posted May 3rd, 2023 in enforcement, fines, local government, news, police, road traffic offences, roads by tracey

‘Drivers risk unfair fines for using most yellow box junctions which councils want enforcement powers over, according to a new report. Problems with the boxes include poor visibility and being too large, research commissioned by the RAC found.’

Full Story

The Independent, 3rd May 2023

Source: www.independent.co.uk

New police powers to tackle slow-walking protests – BBC News

‘Police in England and Wales are to be given new powers to tackle “disruptive” slow walking used by protesters to block roads.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th April 2023

Source: www.bbc.co.uk