Gary McKinnon extradition to US blocked by Theresa May – BBC News

Posted October 16th, 2012 in computer crime, extradition, human rights, mental health, news by tracey

“British computer hacker Gary McKinnon will not be extradited to the US, Home Secretary Theresa May has announced.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th October 2012


Woman who does not believe she has cancer can undergo operation – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 16th, 2012 in cancer, Court of Protection, health, medical treatment, mental health, news by tracey

“A schizophrenic woman who does not believe she has cancer can now undergo a risky operation against her wishes that could save her life, on the orders of a senior judge.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th October 2012


Back in the spotlight: the detention of mentally ill asylum seekers – UK Human Rights Blog

“The High Court has ruled that the failure to consider the continued detention of a mentally ill failed asylum seeker in accordance with immigration policy rendered his detention unlawful in part.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 9th October 2012


Can the Court Protect Vulnerable Adults who have Capacity? – Family Law Week

Posted September 28th, 2012 in duress, jurisdiction, local government, mental health, news by tracey

“Moira Sofaer, barrister and mediator, of Goldsmith Chambers, considers the protection afforded by the courts to vulnerable adults who are outside the ambit of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in the light of the Court of Appeal’s judgment in DL.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 27th September 2012


Met’s mental illness custody cases reviewed – BBC News

Posted September 24th, 2012 in complaints, custody, inquests, mental health, news, ombudsmen, police by sally

“The Metropolitan Police has commissioned an independent review into how it responds to people with mental health conditions.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th September 2012


Man fined £110 for sending abusive email to Tory MP – The Guardian

“A man who abused a Tory MP in a crude email after the politician was headbutted by a rival at Westminster was fined £110 and ordered to pay £100 costs yesterday. Nicholas Scales told MP Stuart Andrew to ‘stop wasting police time and get your fucking job done’, Leeds magistrates court heard.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd August 2012


Social Services – 11 KBW

Posted August 21st, 2012 in care homes, community care, mental health, news, social services, Wales by sally

“This paper covers 5 topics:
(1) the Social Services (Wales) Bill;
(2) the Mental Health (Wales) Measure;
(3) the role of resources in decisions to provide services and challenges
to decisions about direct payments;
(4) challenges to decisions setting care home fees, and
(5) the relationship between community care and the best interests

Full story (PDF)

11 KBW, 17th August 2012


Moors murderer Ian Brady’s legal advocate arrested – The Guardian

“The legal advocate of the Moors murderer Ian Brady has been arrested for allegedly failing to reveal where the body of Keith Bennett, one of Brady and Myra Hindley’s five young victims, is buried.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th August 2012


IPCC announces external review of inquiry into death of Sean Rigg – The Guardian

Posted August 15th, 2012 in death in custody, evidence, inquests, mental health, news, police, restraint by sally

“The police watchdog is facing fresh criticism after its report into the death of a black man who died in police custody found officers acted ‘reasonably’ and ‘proportionately’, while an inquest jury found unnecessary force had contributed to his demise.”

Full story

The Guardian, 15th August 2012


Should we be using ‘special’ offences to prosecute crimes against disabled people? – UK Human Rights Blog

“Eleven Winterbourne View staff have pleaded guilty to 38 charges of ill-treatment and neglect of a mental health patient under s127 Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA). In this post I want to consider why we need ‘special’ offences like s127 MHA and also s44 Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA), rather than prosecuting crimes in care settings using more ‘mainstream’ offences.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 14th August 2012


Winterbourne View abuse: report criticises authorities for failing to act – The Guardian

Posted August 8th, 2012 in assault, care homes, care workers, local government, mental health, news, reports by sally

“The shocking catalogue of abuse at a care home first exposed by a TV investigation has been laid bare in a damning report.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th August 2012


Sean Rigg inquest: Inquiry into policeman’s evidence – BBC News

Posted August 3rd, 2012 in complaints, death in custody, evidence, inquests, mental health, news, police by tracey

“The police watchdog is to investigate the evidence given by an officer during an inquest into the death of a schizophrenic man who died in custody.”

Full story

BBC News, 2nd August 2012


The Sean Rigg Inquest: Failures and Lessons Learnt – Garden Court Chambers Blog

Posted August 2nd, 2012 in complaints, death in custody, inquests, juries, mental health, news, police by sally

“Yesterday’s narrative verdict in the Sean Rigg inquest revealed devastating failings by the police, mental health services, and the IPCC. Leslie Thomas reflects on the case and asks when will lessons be learnt by those trusted with public confidence?”

Full story

Garden Court Chambers Blog, 2nd August 2012


Sean Rigg death in custody: police used unnecessary force, jury finds – The Guardian

Posted August 2nd, 2012 in death in custody, inquests, mental health, news, police, restraint by sally

“An inquest jury has concluded that police used unsuitable and unnecessary force on a man who died in custody, with officers failing to uphold the detained man’s basic rights as he collapsed after being pinned down for eight minutes.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st August 2012


Selwood v Durham County Council and others – WLR Daily

Selwood v Durham County Council and others [2012] EWCA Civ 979; [2012] WLR (D) 231

“When determining whether a defendant owed a common law duty of care to a claimant in respect of the actions of a third party on the basis of foreseeability, proximity and fairness, justice and reasonableness, in accordance with the test laid down in Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605, there was no need to show that the defendant had assumed any responsibility for the claimant’s safety. In determining whether it was fair, just and reasonable to impose that duty of care on a defendant who was a public authority, additional factors of public policy had to be considered and some classes of claimant would stand in such a special relationship with the defendant public authority that it would be fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care in respect of the actions of a third party. In respect of that limited class of claimants, the weight to be attached to some of the policy considerations which rendered a duty to a wider class undesirable was much less than if the duty was one owed to the world at large. In order to establish the existence of a duty of care on the basis of an assumption of responsibility, there was no requirement for something positive to that effect to have been said or something done which clearly indicated such assumption, and the assumption of responsibility could be inferred from circumstances.”

WLR Daily, 18th July 2012


Man jailed for throwing dog to its death from block of flats – The Independent

Posted July 26th, 2012 in animal cruelty, disqualification, fines, mental health, news, sentencing by sally

“A man who killed his dog by throwing it out of a 10th floor window has been jailed.”

Full story

The Independent, 25th July 2012


Hertfordshire NHS Trust fined over care home death – BBC News

Posted July 20th, 2012 in care homes, care workers, health & safety, homicide, mental health, news by tracey

“An NHS trust has been fined £150,000 and told to pay £326,345 costs over the killing of a female care worker at a residential home in Bedfordshire.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th July 2012


Gary McKinnon ‘no choice’ but to refuse medical test – BBC News

Posted July 19th, 2012 in extradition, mental health, news, suicide by tracey

“Computer hacker Gary McKinnon ‘has no choice’ but to refuse a medical test to see if he is fit to be extradited to the US, his mother has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th July 2012


Huge spike in use of controversial new ‘deprivation of liberty’ orders despite critics arguing they are not fit for purpose – The Independent

Posted July 19th, 2012 in freedom of movement, mental health, news by tracey

” More than 11,000 people were deprived of their liberty last year using controversial new legislation that critics have argued is ‘not fit for purpose’.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th July 2012


Insanity and Automatism – Law Commission

Posted July 18th, 2012 in automatism, consultations, defences, insanity, mental health, press releases by tracey

“The Defences of Insanity and Automatism – Law Commissioner Professor David Ormerod says, ‘To produce meaningful reform proposals and be confident they will work in practice we need evidence of their current use and any problems they pose.  Our scoping paper asks questions to provide that information.’ ”

Full press release

Law Commission, 18th July 2012
