Mother who doused daughter in acid sent to secure unit – The Guardian

Posted October 29th, 2010 in domestic violence, hospital orders, mental health, news by sally

“A schizophrenic mother who stabbed her three-year-old daughter to death before dousing her body in acid must stay in a secure psychiatric hospital for the public’s protection, a judge ruled today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 28th Ocotber 2010


Mental health patients ‘locked up in hospitals without legal authority’ – The Guardian

Posted October 27th, 2010 in hospitals, human rights, mental health, news by sally

“Mental health patients are increasingly being locked up in hospitals without legal authority, a practice which may infringe human rights law, the health regulator said today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 27th October 2010


Paddy Hill wins trauma counselling for Birmingham Six ordeal – The Guardian

Posted October 20th, 2010 in mental health, miscarriage of justice, news, psychiatric damage by sally

“Almost 20 years after he was found innocent of committing one of the worst terrorist bombings in Britain, Paddy Hill has won his fight for intensive trauma counselling.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th October 2010


Mother fails to gain reunion with daughter in Northants – BBC News

Posted October 8th, 2010 in care orders, fostering, mental health, news by sally

“A mother has failed in a bid to be reunited with her daughter, despite the appeal court in London recognising the bond between them.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th October 2010


Fiona Bruce harasser detained under mental health laws – BBC News

Posted October 8th, 2010 in harassment, mental health, news by sally

“A man who harassed BBC newsreader Fiona Bruce by sending her ‘love messages’ has been detained in hospital under mental health laws.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th October 2010


Essex Police ‘dismissed sex attack victim’ – BBC News

Posted September 17th, 2010 in complaints, mental health, news, police, sexual offences, victims by sally

“Essex Police failed to investigate sexual assaults because the victim was not believed due to her history of mental illness, a watchdog has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th September 2010


Flesh-eating Hastings killer jailed for 21 years – BBC news

Posted September 17th, 2010 in diminished responsibility, homicide, mental health, news, sentencing by sally

“A Broadmoor patient who confessed to killing two women in East Sussex in 1998 and eating flesh from one of them has been jailed for at least 21 years.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th September 2010


Broadmoor carer admits having sex with rapist patient – BBC News

Posted September 14th, 2010 in care workers, mental health, news, sexual offences, suspended sentences by sally

“A 31-year-old care worker at Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital in Berkshire has admitted having sex with a mentally-ill patient.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th September 2010


Disturbing case of young offender goes to European court – The Independent

Posted September 13th, 2010 in human rights, inquiries, mental health, news, self-harm, young offenders by sally

“The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will this week hear claims from the British government that locking-up an emotionally disturbed young man and failing to prevent him from inflicting terrible self-harm does not merit an independent, public inquiry.”

Full story

The Independent, 12th September 2010


‘Deranged’ motorist who thought car was Starship Enterprise killed couple – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 26th, 2010 in dangerous driving, mental health, news by sally

“Matthew Kelliher, 31, believed he had special powers and that his vehicle, which he likened to a space craft from the television show Star Trek, was capable of travelling at 6,000 miles per hour.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th August 2010


Man who threatened to kill Cheryl Cole jailed – Daily Telegraph

“A man who threatened to kill singer Cheryl Cole and blow up a football stadium has been jailed for two years.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 6th August 2010


Stockton on Tees Borough Council v Aylott – WLR Daily

Stockton on Tees Borough Council v Aylott [2010] EWCA Civ 910; [2010] WLR (D) 216

“In determining pursuant to section 3A(1) of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 whether, for a reason which related to the claimant’s disability, he had been treated less favourably than a person to whom that reason did not apply, the appropriate comparator was someone who had acted in the same way as the claimant but did not suffer from his disability, and not someone to whom the reason for the treatment complained of did not apply.”

WLR Daily, 30th July 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

In re Perrins, deceased; Perrins v Holland and others – WLR Daily

Posted July 26th, 2010 in appeals, law reports, mental health, wills by sally

In re Perrins, deceased; Perrins v Holland and others [2010] EWCA Civ 840; [2010] WLR (D) 196

“In a case where a testator had testamentary capacity when he gave instructions for his will, the will as drafted embodied those instructions and when the testator executed his will a year later his testamentary wishes remained unchanged although he was no longer of full testamentary capacity, the principle in Parker v Felgate (1883) LR 8 PD 171, namely that it was not necessary to prove knowledge and approval of a will provided that (a) the testator believed that it gave effect to his instructions and (b) that it did in fact do so, applied.”

WLR Daily, 22nd July 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summay is removed.

Former MI6 man Daniel Houghton admits secrecy breach – BBC News

“A former MI6 worker from London has pleaded guilty to two offences under the Official Secrets Act.”

Full story

BBC News, 14th July 2010


Workers may find discrimination claims for depression easier after EAT ruling –

“Workers who claim disability discrimination on account of depression should have their cases assessed by the effect of their condition rather than on the basis of strict medical diagnosis, the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) has ruled.”

Full story, 21st June 2010


‘Bullied’ lawyer launches £800,000 lawsuit against employers – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 23rd, 2010 in compensation, employment, harassment, mental health, news by sally

“A former top City lawyer who says she was driven to a mental breakdown by a ‘psycho’ colleague has launched an £800,000 lawsuit over claims that her employers failed to support her.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 23rd June 2010


Man sectioned over Stapleford grandfather’s killing – BBC News

Posted June 21st, 2010 in diminished responsibility, mental health, news, sentencing by sally

“A judge has said mental health doctors in Nottinghamshire should ‘examine their consciences’ after a paranoid schizophrenic stabbed his grandfather.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th June 2010


Lawyer wins tribunal appeal over withdrawal of job offer – Law Society’s Gazette

“A woman lawyer has won her appeal against an employment tribunal ruling that disability discrimination did not lie behind a major law firm’s decision to withdraw a job offer.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 17th June 2010


GPs agree to waive privacy of mentally ill gun owners – The Guardian

Posted June 15th, 2010 in confidentiality, doctors, firearms, medical ethics, mental health, news by sally

“Doctors have agreed to breach their duty of medical confidentiality to patients who own guns if they fear they have become so seriously mentally ill they may use their weapons on themselves or the public, the Guardian has learned.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th June 2010


Judges keen to make wills in favour of ‘Johnny-come-lately’ relatives – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 10th, 2010 in Court of Protection, mental health, news, wills by sally

“Judges are too quick to make wills for mentally ill or elderly people in favour of ‘Johnny-come-lately’ relatives, according to a legal expert.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th June 2010
