Colin Harvey and Daniel Holder: The Great Repeal Bill and the Good Friday Agreement – Cementing a Stalemate or Constitutional Collision Course? – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘As predicted, Brexit is proving to be profoundly destabilising for the peace process and the constitutional politics of Northern Ireland. An outcome that lacks the consent of the people of Northern Ireland (a majority voted to remain) is re-opening fundamental questions about future relationships across these islands. We argue that this constitutional mess has potentially created a ‘perfect storm’, and leaves many here struggling with the troubling consequences.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 6th June 2017


Devolution in England: a review – UCL Constitution Unit

Posted April 24th, 2017 in devolution, legal history, London, news by tracey

‘On Monday 10 April Professor Tony Travers of the London School of Economics (LSE) spoke at a Constitution Unit seminar on devolution in England. The talk covered the history of English devolution, international comparisons, and some thoughts for the future amidst the current Brexit-dominated political landscape. Kasim Khorasanee reports.’

Full story

UCL Constitution Unit, 24th April 2017


The government’s ‘English votes for English laws’ review: an assessment – UCL Constitution Unit

Posted April 7th, 2017 in constitutional law, devolution, news, parliament, reports, veto by tracey

‘Last Thursday the government published its technical review of the operation of the “English votes for English laws” (EVEL) procedures in the House of Commons. The review concluded against making “any substantive changes”. Daniel Gover and Michael Kenny argue that this is a missed opportunity. The decision to close down this chance for parliament to engage in meaningful debate about the EVEL system is regrettable, and may prove to be short-sighted.’

Full story

UCL Constitution Unit, 5th April 2017


Elizabeth Campion: The Constitutional “Ripple Effect” of the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Miller and others v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 was highly anticipated as perhaps the most signficant constitutional case of this generation, stirring up such strong reactions that the judges of the Divisional Court who initially decided in favour of Ms. Miller were dubbed “Enemies of the People”. Two months after a majority of an 11-member Supreme Court confirmed that prerogative powers could not be used to invoke Article 50, however, the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 (hereafter referred to as the “Withdrawal Act”) received Royal Assent, conferring power on the Prime Minister to give the notification required to begin the process of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union. The passage of the Withdrawal Act fulfilled the constitutional requirements identified in Miller formally, within the purely political timetable set by the Prime Minister at the Conservative Party’s conference and without any additional legal requirements being imposed by way of amendment. This not only sets the stage but also prepares the way for a more permanent sidelining of Parliament as the supreme legislative body in the UK’s constitution as part of the process of leaving the European Union.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 27th March 2017


Davor Jancic: A Very Parliamentary Brexit: Satire in Two Acts – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted February 24th, 2017 in brexit, devolution, EC law, news, parliament, referendums, veto by sally

‘Brexit is a very parliamentary affair. The reason is that both the UK Parliament, the European Parliament and, in all likelihood, each of the parliaments of the EU Member States will have veto powers over the terms of Brexit. This gives them ample opportunities to influence the course of negotiations. Unless the wishes of all of these parliamentary bodies are accommodated, it will be a rather ‘hard’ Brexit indeed. This commentary examines the role of parliaments in the UK’s yet-to-be-triggered exit from the EU.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 23rd February 2017


Miller, BrEXIT and BreUK-up – Counsel

‘The Supreme Court’s treatment of the devolution issues in Miller is troubling, argues Aidan O’Neill QC, who examines the UK’s complex multi-national constitutional history and potential impact on the devolved political constitution.’

Full story

Counsel, March 2017


David Scott: Miller, Sewel, and the Human Rights Act – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted February 13th, 2017 in devolution, EC law, human rights, news, Supreme Court, treaties by sally

‘Many celebrated Miller’s outcome, imposing a Parliamentary “brake” (however brief) on the triggering of Article 50. But the Supreme Court’s unanimous agreement on the devolution issues [129–151 for the majority; agreement in the dissents at 242, 243, and 282] may have weakened opposition to the Government’s “other” crusade—against the European Court of Human Rights.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 8th February 2017


Role of Law Officers on Devolution and Bills – Attorney General’s Office

Posted December 20th, 2016 in attorney general, bills, devolution, speeches, Wales by tracey

‘The Solicitor General spoke to Public Law Wales on the role of the Law Officers on Devolution and Bills.’

Full speech

Attorney General’s Office, 20th December 2016


Further reforms are needed to strengthen the powers of English MPs, says study – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 28th, 2016 in devolution, EC law, news, parliament, referendums, veto by tracey

‘Further reforms are needed to strengthen the powers of English MPs in Westminster, a new study has found.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th November 2016


New Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law Briefing Paper: ‘Parliament and the Rule of Law in the Context of Brexit’ – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted October 7th, 2016 in brexit, devolution, EC law, legislative drafting, news, parliament, referendums, rule of law by tracey

‘The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law published a new Briefing Paper on 29 September 2016. Titled “Parliament and the Rule of Law in the Context of Brexit”, it aims to inform the work of Parliament by setting out preliminary rule of law issues relating to Brexit.’

Full paper

UK Constitutional Law Association, 5th October 2016


Arguments in the referendum challenge now available – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted October 3rd, 2016 in brexit, devolution, EC law, news, prerogative powers, referendums, treaties by sally

‘The imminent litigation concerning the government’s response to the Brexit vote is much anticipated. The skeleton arguments have now been filed. The High Court has just resisted an application for partial redaction of the arguments, so they are open for public perusal.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 29th September 2016


Kenneth Campbell QC: Sand in the Gearbox: Devolution and Brexit – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted September 5th, 2016 in brexit, constitutional law, devolution, EC law, news, Northern Ireland, referendums, Scotland by sally

‘In the immediate aftermath of the EU referendum result, political comment from a number of quarters suggested that the Scottish Parliament could vote to block Brexit. For the comprehensive reasons given by Mark Elliott on his blog, that was a triumph of hope over the constitutional competence of the institution. However, that is not to say that the structures of devolution do not have a significant role in the working out of Brexit, and may yet act as a trigger for wider constitutional change. This post will suggest that the place of the devolved institutions has been underplayed in the debate thus far, and seeks to identify some of the issues which will require to be addressed. These include: the operation of the Sewel convention and other steps to take account of the interests of devolved areas, discussions around the place of Scotland in the EU, and some effects on structures in Northern Ireland.’

Full story

Constitutional Law Association, 5th September 2016


Greater Manchester to get devolved criminal justice powers – The Guardian

Posted July 7th, 2016 in criminal justice, devolution, local government, news by sally

‘The acting mayor of Greater Manchester is to sign a deal with the government, committing to the transfer of criminal justice and offender management powers to the new devolved authority.’

Full story

The Guardian, 7th July 2016


Jo Murkens: Brexit: The Devolution Dimension – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘The results of the third nation-wide referendum in the United Kingdom are still sinking in at home and around the world. Just below 52% voted to leave the European Union, just over 48% voted to remain. The widespread conclusion is that the UK must leave the EU.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 28th June 2016


Human rights must be protected against the abuse of power – The Guardian

Posted May 16th, 2016 in bills, constitutional law, devolution, human rights, news by sally

‘The Tories’ British bill of rights could deprive victims of the right to seek redress. It must be fought.’

Full story

The Guardian, 16th May 2016


British bill of rights could ‘unravel’ constitution, say MPs – The Guardian

‘The government’s proposed bill of rights will hamper the fight against crime, undermine the UK’s international moral authority and could start “unravelling” the constitution, a cross-party parliamentary committee is warning.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th May 2016


Robert Thomas: Local Government Devolution in England – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘At last, devolution is happening in England, but there are some areas of concern especially as regards the lack of public engagement and the legal framework.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 2nd March 2016


‘English votes’ rules used for first time in House of Commons – BBC News

Posted January 13th, 2016 in bills, devolution, news, parliament by sally

‘New “English votes for English laws” rules have been implemented in the House of Commons for the first time.’

Full story

BBC News, 12th January 2016


Speech by the Lord Chief Justice: The Law of Wales – Looking Forward – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted November 2nd, 2015 in devolution, speeches, Wales by tracey

‘Speech by the Lord Chief Justice at the Legal Wales Conference 9 October 2015.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 23rd october 2015


Government accused of risking ‘disunited kingdom’ as Commons approves English votes for English laws – Independent

Posted October 23rd, 2015 in bills, devolution, news, parliament, Scotland, veto by michael

‘The Government was accused of risking the creation of  a “disunited kingdom” after the Commons approved an historic change to give English MPs a veto over laws which affect only England.’

Full story

Independent, 22nd October 2015
