Luton drug dealers jailed for modern slavery offence – BBC News

‘Two men who sent a vulnerable teenager more than 100 miles from his home to sell Class A drugs have been jailed.’

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BBC News, 23rd February 2024


Killer nurse Lucy Letby in final bid to appeal convictions – The Independent

Posted February 23rd, 2024 in appeals, attempted murder, children, imprisonment, juries, murder, news, nurses, retrials by michael

‘Lawyers for Letby will ask senior judges for permission to bring an appeal against all her convictions at the hearing in London provisionally listed for April 25, a judiciary spokeswoman confirmed on Friday [23rd February]’

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The Independent, 23rd February 2024


Shamima Begum loses appeal against removal of British citizenship – The Guardian

‘Shamima Begum, who left Britain as a schoolgirl to join Islamic State, has lost an appeal against the decision to remove her British citizenship.’

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The Guardian, 23rd February 2024


Snapchat rape: Plea to other possible victims after man jailed – BBC News

Posted February 23rd, 2024 in child abuse, children, imprisonment, internet, news, police, sentencing, sexual offences, victims by michael

‘More potential victims have been urged to come forward after a man was jailed for raping a girl he met on Snapchat.’

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BBC News, 22nd February 2024


Teachers in England could face ban for failing to report evidence of sexual abuse of children – The Guardian

‘Teachers in England face being banned if they fail to report evidence of children being subjected to sexual abuse under plans for new legislation announced by the home secretary, James Cleverly.’

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The Guardian, 21st February 2024


Bronson Battersby: Independent review confirmed – BBC News

Posted February 21st, 2024 in children, families, inquests, negligence, news, social services by sally

‘An in-depth, independent review into the death of a two-year-old boy and his dad will be held by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.’

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BBC News, 20th February 2024


Baby formula milk investigated over high prices – BBC News

Posted February 20th, 2024 in children, competition, consumer protection, food, news by tracey

‘The UK infant formula market is under investigation after regulators said parents could be saving £500 in their baby’s first year.’

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BBC News, 20th February 2024


Use of intermediaries in the Family Court – Local Government Lawyer

‘Louise Thomson analyses a judgment containing valuable guidance on the use of intermediaries in the Family Court.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 16th February 2024


Woman jailed for seven years for handing over girl, 3, for female genital mutilation – The Independent

Posted February 19th, 2024 in child cruelty, children, female genital mutilation, imprisonment, news, sentencing by tracey

‘A British woman has been jailed for seven years in a legal first after she was found guilty of handing over a three-year-old who was subjected to female genital mutilation.’

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The Independent, 17th February 2024


‘Toxic’ online culture fuelling rise in sexual assaults on children by other children, police warn – The Guardian

‘An alarming rise in sexual assaults on children by other children is being fuelled by access to a “toxic” online culture, Britain’s most senior child protection officer has warned, as an Observer investigation revealed a sharp increase in abuse by under-18s reported to police.’

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The Guardian, 17th February 2024


Man who mixed own sperm with dad’s will not have to take paternity test – The Guardian

Posted February 16th, 2024 in birth, children, DNA, families, local government, news, paternity by sally

‘A man who mixed his sperm with his father’s to help get his partner pregnant will not be forced to take a paternity test, the high court has ruled.’

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The Guardian, 15th February 2024


Forced marriage cases will stay ‘underground’ after law change – BBC News

Posted February 15th, 2024 in children, forced marriages, news, statistics by sally

‘Survivors of forced marriage fear cases will remain underground, despite a new minimum-age law designed to crack down on children being married.’

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BBC News, 15th February 2024


Ex-Scout leader from Ipswich sentenced over secret filming – BBC News

‘A former Scout leader has been jailed for 20 months for voyeurism and making indecent images of children.’

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BBC News, 13th February 2024


Victims of Modern Slavery Overlooked Due To Lack of Training, Report Finds – Each Other

Posted February 14th, 2024 in children, employment, forced labour, government departments, local government, news by sally

‘A new report by The Rights Lab and ECPAT, a leading children’s rights organisation, has highlighted the ways in which the UK government and local authorities could become more effective at handling child protection in relation to modern slavery.’

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Each Other, 14th February 2024


Detention at Her Majesty’s Pleasure incompatible with young murderers’ human rights – Law Society’s Gazette

‘High Court judges have ruled that to keep a young offender convicted of murder detained indefinitely is incompatible with certain rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 12th February 2024


British boys more at risk of modern slavery than any other group in UK, says study – The Guardian

‘Almost half of the victims of criminal exploitation in the UK are British boys aged under 18, according to a report calling for new laws to acknowledge them as ­victims of modern slavery.’

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The Guardian, 11th February 2024


One in nine child victims blamed by Met for their own abuse, watchdog finds – The Independent

‘Vulnerable children – who were often victims of abuse, neglect or sexual exploitation – were described as “making poor choices” in concerning language used by Metropolitan Police officers, according to damning report from the police watchdog, which also concluded that 12 in every 100 children were in some way blamed for their abuse.’

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The Independent, 9th February 2024


Claimant wins appeal over lawfulness of housing needs assessment while care proceedings ongoing – Local Government Lawyer

Posted February 8th, 2024 in children, disabled persons, housing, judicial review, local government, news by sally

‘The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has lost a High Court judicial review case over whether it correctly assessed the housing needs of a family with two children who have severe disabilities.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 8th February 2024


Maintenance for a disabled adult child: a case of legal blogging – Transparency Project

‘Between August 2022 and June 2023, I observed, online, a number of hearings in a single case heard by His Honour Judge Shelton who is a judge in the family court in Leeds. The case was about the amount of money that the father/ex husband (James) should pay towards his ex-wife Beth and their daughter Isabelle. (These are fake names.) He had been paying £100 per month to Beth and £1500 to Isabelle. The case was unusual because Isabelle was an adult. Normally, a parent would not have to pay maintenance for an adult child, but there are exceptions to this and one of the exceptions is where the adult child is disabled. Isabelle has multiple physical and intellectual difficulties She lived with Beth in an adapted home and Beth provided her with full-time care, including with the help of various carers.’

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Transparency Project, 6th February 2024


Mesh and sodium valproate scandal victims need payouts soon, report says – BBC News

‘Families of children left disabled by an epilepsy drug and women injured by pelvic mesh implants should be given urgent financial help, England’s patient safety commissioner has said.’

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BBC News, 7th February 2024
