CA supports anonymity orders in personal injury approval hearings – UK Human Rights Blog

‘For some years there has been debate between the judges about whether anonymity orders should be made when very seriously injured people’s claims are settled and the court is asked to approve the settlement. This welcome decision of the Court of Appeal means that anonymity orders will normally be made in cases involving protected parties.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 19th February 2015


Girl, 7, awarded £10m in damages from King’s College Hospital Trust – BBC News

Posted January 23rd, 2015 in birth, compensation, hospitals, news, personal injuries by sally

‘A seven-year-old girl whose mind is “trapped in a body” that will not do as she wants has been awarded £10.1m.’

Full story

BBC News, 22nd January 2015


Tragedy of Latvian migrant who buried her baby alive after police decided they couldn’t help her – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 8th, 2014 in birth, homelessness, infanticide, mental health, news, prostitution by sally

‘A hearing at the Old Bailey hears Elita Amantova, 39, was living off berries and bread left out for the birds before she gave birth.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th December 2014


Nurse faked having baby by ‘borrowing’ friend’s child – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 2nd, 2014 in birth, forgery, fraud, imprisonment, news, nurses, sentencing by sally

‘Court hears how Charmaine Wilson tricked Liam Griffiths into believing drunken one-night stand led to the birth of a baby boy’

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Daily Telegraph, 1st December 2014


Judge rules pregnant paranoid schizophrenic woman must undergo Caesarean section – The Independent

Posted October 23rd, 2014 in birth, Court of Protection, medical treatment, mental health, news by sally

‘A judge has ruled a pregnant woman who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia will undergo a Caesarean section.’

Full story

The Independent, 22nd October 2014


Deceased’s Sudden Death During Stillborn Birth: Clinical Quantification? – Zenith PI Blog

Posted September 10th, 2014 in bereavement, birth, compensation, damages, medical treatment, midwives, negligence, news by sally

‘In a case reported on Lawtel yesterday, the Claimant mother and sister received £160,000 in an out of court settlement following the sudden death of the deceased (‘X’) during the delivery of her stillborn baby in December 2010. The Claimants suffered a traumatic bereavement resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder. The settlement included a dependency claim for the deceased’s son.’

Full story

Zenith PI Blog, 9th September 2014


Woman sentenced for abandoning baby in Birmingham park – BBC News

Posted July 3rd, 2014 in birth, children, mental health, news, sentencing, suspended sentences by sally

‘A woman who dumped her newborn baby in a plastic bag in a Birmingham park has been spared prison.’

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BBC News, 3rd July 2014


Thalidomide drug victims launch legal action – BBC News

Posted June 5th, 2014 in birth, compensation, medicines, news, personal injuries, victims by sally

‘Thalidomide victims have launched legal action against the drug’s manufacturer and distributor 50 years after it was prescribed to their mothers.’

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BBC News, 5th June 2014


Mentally-ill woman has Caesarean after court ruling – BBC News

Posted May 2nd, 2014 in birth, consent, Court of Protection, mental health, news by tracey

‘A mentally-ill woman has given birth by Caesarean section after a judge ruled doctors could perform the procedure. The woman, who is in her 30s and has a psychotic disorder, had a liver condition which posed a risk to her and her baby, doctors said.’

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BBC News, 1st May 2014


Is Time Running Out For Section 20 of The Children Act? – Family Law Week

Posted April 17th, 2014 in birth, care orders, children, local government, news, social services, time limits by tracey

‘Julie Stather, barrister of 42 Bedford Row, examines the recent use of section 20 and considers its future in the light of the impending 26 week limit for care proceedings.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 16th April 2014


Baby in Alessandra Pacchieri forced caesarean case adopted – The Guardian

Posted April 16th, 2014 in adoption, birth, children, consent, Court of Protection, Italy, mental health, news by tracey

‘The daughter of an Italian woman who had a forced caesarean section while in the UK has been adopted by “good and loving people”, the country’s top family judge has announced.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th April 2014


FGM: Top gynaecologist hits out at ‘political’ prosecution for female genital mutilation – The Independent

‘Has the DPP picked the right target for a landmark legal case against a barbaric medical practice? Jeremy Laurance talks to Dr Katrina Erskine.’

Full story

The Independent, 24th March 2014


Poor care ‘resulted in North Yorkshire baby’s death’ – BBC News

Posted March 21st, 2014 in birth, hospitals, midwives, news, standards by sally

‘A hospital has admitted failings in medical care and poor communication resulted in a child being stillborn.’

Full story

BBC News, 21st March 2014


Heavily pregnant immigrant carrying dead child wouldn’t seek help as she was afraid she’d have to pay NHS under ‘health tourism’ rules – The Independent

Posted March 21st, 2014 in birth, health, immigration, news, pregnancy by sally

‘A heavily pregnant immigrant thought to be carrying a dead, unborn child was too afraid to seek medical help in the UK after being told she would have to pay the NHS thousands of pounds to remove the foetus, the High Court has heard.’

Full story

The Independent, 20th March 2014


Ombudsman report into Joshua Titcombe death finds pain was inflicted by ‘inappropriate emails’ – The Independent

Posted February 28th, 2014 in birth, complaints, electronic mail, hospitals, midwives, news, ombudsmen by sally

‘“Inappropriate” emails sent by staff at an NHS trust caused offence and distress to a family who had already lost their baby because of avoidable lapses in his care, the health service ombudsman has said.’

Full story

The Independent, 27th February 2014


Judge orders mentally ill woman to have forced caesarean – Daily Telegraph

‘ A High Court judge has given doctors permission to perform an urgent caesarean section on a mentally-ill woman with diabetes. The woman was delivered of a baby boy within hours of Mr Justice Hayden giving specialists at the Royal Free London NHS Trust approval for the procedure, following a five-hour hearing at the Court of Protection.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st February 2014


Sir James Munby: Caesarean mother case shows need for “radical change” in family courts – Daily Telegraph

‘The case of a mother whose baby was taken away following an enforced caesarean is an “irrefutable demonstration of the pressing need for radical change” in the family courts, senior judge says.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th December 2013


Pregnant woman with ‘very severe’ mental health problems could be forced to have Caesarean – The Independent

Posted December 12th, 2013 in birth, Court of Protection, medical treatment, mental health, news by sally

‘A pregnant woman with “very severe” mental health problems could be forcibly sedated and have her baby delivered via Caesarean section against her will if the need arose, a High Court Judge has ruled.’

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The Independent, 11th December 2013


The mother, the C-section baby and ‘secret British court’: a secrecy scandal – or the birth of a scare story? – The Independent

‘The first grim details published about Alessandra Pacchieri’s brief stay in Britain were, as one commentator put it, “the stuff of nightmares”.
Over the past few days, however, a different story has emerged. Transcripts of judgments relating to the case have now been made public and they reveal the nuances behind the apparently callous decisions of judges.’

Full story

The Independent, 6th December 2013


Judge who ordered mentally ill pregnant woman to undergo Caesarian birth insists that decision was in her best interests – The Independent

Posted December 5th, 2013 in birth, judgments, medical treatment, mental health, news by sally

‘The judge who ordered a mentally ill pregnant woman to undergo a Caesarian section instead of a natural birth insisted that it was in her best interests.’

Full story

The Independent, 4th December 2013
