Assisted dying bill introduced in Parliament – BBC News

Posted July 29th, 2024 in assisted suicide, bills, news by sally

‘A bill which would allow terminally ill adults with six months or fewer to live to get medical help to end their own lives has been introduced in the House of Lords, by former Labour Justice Secretary Lord Falconer.’

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BBC News, 26th July 2024


Assisted dying bill to be introduced into House of Lords – The Guardian

Posted July 26th, 2024 in assisted suicide, bills, government departments, news, parliament by sally

‘Keir Starmer is under pressure to fulfil a promise to allow a parliamentary vote on legalising assisted dying as a bill is to be introduced into the House of Lords on Friday.’

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The Guardian, 26th July 2024


Rethinking the UK’s approach to dying: lessons from an end-of-life helpline – Mental Capacity Law and Policy

Posted July 22nd, 2024 in assisted suicide, charities, health, news, reports, suicide by sally

‘The Charity Compassion in Dying has published a comprehensive and powerful report based on analysis of calls and emails received on its information line, together with a YouGov poll, outlining how talking about end of life decision-making in the United Kingdom is not currently working.’

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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 22nd July 2024


Assisted dying researcher sues police over arrest – BBC News

‘A PhD student researching assisted dying is suing police for damages over her arrest after travelling with a woman from Wales who had doctors in Switzerland help to end her life.’

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BBC News, 12th July 2024


Assisted dying / assisted suicide – concrete British realities -Mental Capacity Law and Policy

Posted March 27th, 2024 in assisted suicide, bills, news, Scotland by sally

‘Reading some of the recent media coverage of the issue of assisted dying / assisted suicide, people could be forgiven for thinking that resolving the debate is a simple matter. In the context of a private MSP bill being introduced into the Scottish Parliament this week (March 25 2024), it is doubly important to be clear that – whatever one’s views – implementing any decision to legalise assisted dying / assisted suicide is not going to be simple.’

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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 25th March 2024


‘We need more compassion’: UK families call for assisted dying reform – The Guardian

‘As MPs report on the issue, a son and daughter on how their parents’ deaths led them to campaign for a change in law.’

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The Guardian, 29th February 2024


Assisted dying / assisted suicide – an informer – Mental Capacity Law and Policy

‘In light of the publication of the Westminster Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee’s (very good) report on assisted dying / assisted suicide on 29 February 2024 and as a modest contribution to informing debate about these issues, I have recorded an ‘informer,’ in which I give an overview of the current law in England & Wales and worldwide, set out some of the reasons why people might want change, and some reasons why people are concerned about it, and then look at what the European Convention on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities might say of relevance. It is quite a lot for half an hour, and it goes without saying that it is a video which engages with difficult matters.’

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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 29th February 2024


Bringing the Right to Die to the British Isles (Part II): The Cautionary Experience of Australia’s Northern Territory – Oxford Human Rights Hub

Posted November 30th, 2023 in assisted suicide, bills, consultations, euthanasia, news by sally

‘Part I of this blog discussed the legality of assisted dying in the Isle of Man at present and the proposed legalisation of assisted dying and voluntary euthanasia under the Assisted Dying Bill 2023. If enacted, the Isle of Man will become the first jurisdiction in the British Isles to legalise any form of assisted dying, although the legislatures of the UK, Ireland, and Jersey are currently conducting consultations on such laws. However, there is precedent for a semi-independent jurisdiction, like the Isle of Man, spearheading the legalisation of assisted dying and voluntary euthanasia – and being reprimanded as a result.’

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Oxford Human Rights Hub, 29th November 2023


Bringing the Right to Die to the British Isles (Part I): The Isle of Man’s Proposed Assisted Dying Regime – Oxford Human Rights Hub

Posted November 29th, 2023 in assisted suicide, bills, human rights, news by sally

‘On 31 October 2023, a bill that would legalise assisted dying for the first time in the British Isles passed its second reading – but not in Westminster. Rather, it was Tynwald, the legislature of the Isle of Man, which took this step towards the protection of the right to a dignified death, or, depending on one’s view, the erosion of the right to life.’

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Oxford Human Rights Hub, 28th November 2023


Assisted dying inquiry hears people in UK face ‘unbearable suffering’ – The Guardian

Posted March 29th, 2023 in assisted suicide, inquiries, news, suicide by sally

‘People dying in the UK face “uncontrollable” pain and “unbearable suffering”, which palliative care alone cannot fix, according to the first evidence to a major new parliamentary inquiry asking if assisted dying should finally be legalised.’

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The Guardian, 28th March 2023


Is it time to rethink the laws on assisted dying? – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2022 in assisted suicide, bills, government departments, health, murder, news, podcasts by sally

‘Laws around assisted dying have long been contentious and euthanasia remains illegal in the UK. But campaigners such as David Minns are continuing to push for change.’

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The Guardian, 17th October 2022


Graham Mansfield: Failed suicide pact killer calls for law change – BBC News

Posted July 22nd, 2022 in assisted suicide, homicide, murder, news, sentencing, suspended sentences by tracey

‘A man who was handed a suspended prison sentence after killing his terminally ill wife in a failed suicide pact has said the law on euthanasia must change.’

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BBC News, 21st July 2022


Synod vote on “assisted suicide” – Law & Religion UK

Posted July 15th, 2022 in assisted suicide, Church of England, news, suicide by tracey

‘Following the debate on Dr Simon Eyre’s Private Members’ Motion on Assisted Suicide on 10 July 2022, General Synod voted 289 in favour, 25 against and 33 abstentions; the Church of England issued the Press Release More funding needed for palliative care, General Synod hears, in debate on Assisted Suicide.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 12th July 2022


A Decent Death: Stephen Sedley and My Death, My Decision – Law Pod UK

Posted February 23rd, 2022 in assisted suicide, judges, news, podcasts, suicide by sally

‘Rosalind English talks to Trevor Moore of the campaign group My Death, My Decision about UK laws on assisted dying, and they reflect on a speech given by former Court of Appeal judge Sir Stephen Sedley on the subject.’

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Law Pod UK, 21st February 2022


Should We All Have The Right To Die On Our Own Terms? – Each Other

Posted January 20th, 2022 in assisted suicide, bills, disabled persons, euthanasia, news by tracey

‘As the Assisted Dying Bill is scrutinised in parliament, the debate over whether terminally ill people should have the right to die is heating up again. So, what could a right to die look like in the UK?’

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Each Other, 20th January 2022


Prosecutors seek the public’s views on mercy killings and failed suicide pacts – Crown Prosecution Service

‘The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is seeking views on a proposed update to legal guidance on homicide, to assist prosecutors considering the public interest when dealing with suspects in deaths arising out of failed suicide pacts and so called “mercy killings”.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 14th January 2022


Jersey approves assisted dying in principle in first for Britain – The Independent

Posted November 26th, 2021 in assisted suicide, Jersey, news by tracey

‘Jersey looks set to become the first place in Britain to approve assisted dying after a landmark vote by the island’s States Assembly. Law-makers supported a proposal that people should, in principle, be allowed to choose to die.’

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The Independent, 25th November 2021


Peers urged to reject bill to legalise assisted dying – BBC News

Posted October 22nd, 2021 in assisted suicide, bills, doctors, news by sally

‘Medical professionals and religious leaders have warned peers against backing a fresh attempt to relax the law on assisted dying.’

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BBC News, 21st October 2021


Assisted Dying Bill (England & Wales) – Law & Religion UK

Posted October 21st, 2021 in assisted suicide, bills, Christianity, Judaism, news, press releases by sally

‘The second reading of Baroness Meacher’s Assisted Dying Bill is scheduled for Friday 22 October. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi and the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster have issued a joint Press Release, reproduced below, which warns of the risk to vulnerable people should Parliament back a new attempt to change the law on assisted suicide. Links to the information on Physician-assisted dying, including its comparison of the arguments for and against, are also reproduced below.’

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Law & Religion UK, 20th October 2021


A Decent Death – London Review of Books

Posted October 14th, 2021 in assisted suicide, human rights, news, prosecutions, suicide by sally

‘The​ law of England and Wales – Scotland’s law is not in all respects the same – has come a long way in my 82 years. Absurdly and cruelly, until the 1961 Suicide Act was passed it was a crime to kill yourself. While those who succeeded were beyond the law’s reach, those who tried and failed could be sent to jail. In the 1920s the home secretary had to release a Middlesbrough woman with fourteen children who had been given three months in prison for trying to kill herself. There is a Pythonesque sketch waiting to be written about a judge passing a sentence of imprisonment for attempted suicide: “Let this be a lesson to you and to any others who may be thinking of killing themselves.” In fact, by the mid 19th century the law had got itself into such a tangle that a person injured in a failed attempt at suicide could be indicted for wounding with intent to kill, an offence for which Parliament had thoughtfully provided the death penalty.’

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London Review of Books, 21st October 2021
