Aston Villa and Leicester City settle sexual-abuse claims – BBC News

Posted March 5th, 2020 in child abuse, compensation, news, sexual offences, sport by tracey

‘Aston Villa and Leicester City have paid damages to five victims of a football scout convicted of child sex abuse, the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme has learned.’

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BBC News, 5th March 2020


77-year-old man jailed for 22 years for online child sexual offences – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A 77-year-old man who watched and paid for the online sexual abuse of young children in the Philippines has been sentenced to 22 years’ imprisonment.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 27th February 2020


Phones that may hold child abuse images returned to suspects – The Guardian

‘Police are giving back to suspected paedophiles phones and computers that possibly hold child abuse images because they do not have the time or technology to search the devices, a report says.’

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The Guardian, 27th February 2020


When are Article 8 rights engaged in the context of an unfair dismissal claim and how should the engagement of such rights be approached by the tribunal? – 3PB

‘The claimant was employed by the respondent from 1994 until November 2014 as a Probation Service Officer (“PSO”). In 2014 there was an incident at the claimant’s home involving the claimant, her then partner, and her daughter, who was then a teenager. It was alleged that the claimant had been violent towards her daughter, something she had always vehemently denied. Social Services became involved and her daughter was placed on the Child Protection Register (“CPR”).’

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3PB, 7th February 2020


Seven men convicted of grooming teenage girls in Huddersfield – The Guardian

Posted February 19th, 2020 in child abuse, children, news, rape, sexual grooming, sexual offences, victims by sally

‘Seven men convicted of sexually exploiting young girls in Huddersfield “robbed their victims of their childhood and abused them in truly appalling ways”, police have said.’

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The Guardian, 18th February 2020


Man jailed 50 years after raping girl in Prescot – BBC News

‘A man who raped a six-year-old girl when he was a teenager has been jailed almost 50 years after the offence.’

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BBC News, 14th February 2020


Oxford grooming trial: Three men jailed for sexually abusing girl – BBC News

‘Three men have been jailed for sexually abusing a schoolgirl in Oxford following an investigation into child sexual exploitation.’

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BBC News, 13th February 2020


Church of England may have to pay out millions over child sexual abuse – The Guardian

Posted February 13th, 2020 in child abuse, Church of England, clergy, compensation, news, sexual offences, victims by tracey

‘he Church of England could face a multimillion-pound bill after its ruling body voted in favour of compensating survivors of sexual abuse.’

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The Guardian, 12th February 2020


Former monk who sexually abused boys as young as nine jailed for more than 20 years – The Independent

Posted February 13th, 2020 in child abuse, clergy, news, sentencing, sexual offences by tracey

‘A former monk at a Catholic boarding school who sexually abused boys as young as nine has been jailed for more than 20 years.’

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The Independent, 12th February 2020


Senior doctor struck off after spying on 15-year-old girl in shower – The Independent

‘One of the NHS’ most senior doctors has been struck off after spying on a 15-year-old girl as she showered.’

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The Independent, 6th February 2020


Jehovah’s Witnesses sued over ‘child sex abuse’ – BBC News

Posted February 4th, 2020 in child abuse, news, sexual offences by sally

‘At least 20 former Jehovah’s Witnesses are suing the group over historical sexual abuse they say they suffered.’

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BBC News, 4th February 2020


Achieving Best Evidence in Family Cases involving allegations of sexual abuse – Pallant Chambers

Posted January 30th, 2020 in child abuse, evidence, family courts, news, witnesses by sally

‘A judgment was released earlier this week in the recent case EF, GH, IJ (care proceedings) [2019] EWFC which has highlighted a continuing failure of ABE interviewers failing to adhere to the guidance. It’s no surprise that extra care needs to be taken when conducting an interview with a child, after all Children are often poor historians, and many are suggestible: Re B (Allegation of Sexual Abuse: Child’s Evidence) [2006] 2 FLR 1071.’

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Pallant Chambers, 27th January 2020


Child cruelty case triggers call for home schooling review – The Guardian

Posted January 30th, 2020 in child abuse, child cruelty, child neglect, domestic violence, education, news by tracey

‘Child protection experts have called for a national review of home schooling following an inquiry into a case in which a violent stepfather and his partner subjected their young son to extreme neglect and abuse.’

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The Guardian, 29th January 2020


Child sexual exploitation: ‘Everything we said was viewed with suspicion’ – The Guardian

‘Parents of children sexually exploited by criminal gangs can be blamed for not preventing abuse, report finds.’

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The Guardian, 29th January 2020


Elderly abuse suspect could be allowed to starve himself to death, judge says – The Guardian

Posted January 28th, 2020 in child abuse, elderly, news, sexual offences, suicide by tracey

‘An elderly man who stopped eating after being accused of historical child sexual abuse could be allowed to starve himself to death, a judge has said.’

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The Guardian, 27th Janaury 2020


Rotherham child sex abuse victim ‘vindicated’ – BBC News

‘A survivor of sexual abuse in Rotherham has told the BBC she feels “vindicated” by a watchdog’s investigation that found South Yorkshire Police did not do enough to protect her.’

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BBC News, 18th January 2020


Backlash against Sarah’s Law NDAs: Woman who discovered paedophile neighbour taken to court after being accused of telling neighbours – Daily Telegraph

‘Charities have sparked a backlash over the use of NDAs linked to “Sarah’s Law” after a woman who outed her paedophile neighbour was taken to court for revealing his crimes.’

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Daily Telegraph, 17th January 2020


One appeal, Two Bakers and Three tries at a fact finding – Transparency Project

Posted January 16th, 2020 in appeals, child abuse, evidence, news, sexual offences by sally

‘In D (Fact-finding appeal) [2019] EWCA Civ 2302 (20 December 2019) Lord Justice Baker gives the lead judgment concerning an appeal from His Honour Judge Baker. The upshot is that, the question of the child’s injuries having been the subject of two attempts at fact finding by His Honour Judge Baker (one a re-hearing in light of fresh evidence), the matter will now have to go back to a fresh judge for a third try. The little girl at the heart of the case is now 5 years old, her injuries were sustained two years ago and, as a consequence of the need to restart the fact finding process, her future will likely remain undecided for some months yet. She has been in foster care for 2 years, as has her brother who is briefly mentioned in the judgment.’

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Transparency Project, 15th January 2020


The role of CAFCASS in relation to non-subject children: A Case Study of A County Council v Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) [2019] EWHC 2369 (Fam) – Parklane Plowden

‘In a recent decision of the High Court, Mr Justice Keehan considered the extent to which, if at all, the Court has the power to appoint CAFCASS to undertake work with and advise non-subject, non-party children.’

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Parklane Plowden, 13th January 2020


Fifth of adults in England and Wales abused as children, figures suggest – The Guardian

Posted January 15th, 2020 in child abuse, children, news, sexual offences, statistics by sally

‘About one in five adults in England and Wales experienced a form of child abuse before they turned 16, figures suggest.’

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The Guardian, 14th January 2020
