Coronation arrests: Republic leader Graham Smith takes legal action – BBC News

Posted September 13th, 2023 in damages, defamation, human rights, judicial review, news, police, royal family, wrongful arrest by tracey

‘A republican protester detained on the day of King Charles’ Coronation is taking legal action against the Metropolitan Police.’

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BBC News, 12th September 2023


Prince Harry’s lawsuit against Sun publisher can go to trial, judge rules – The Guardian

Posted July 28th, 2023 in damages, interception, media, news, royal family, telecommunications by sally

‘The Duke of Sussex’s damages claim over allegations of unlawful information gathering against the publisher of the Sun will go to trial, a high court judge has ruled.’

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The Guardian, 27th July 2023


Why is Prince Harry heading to the High Court? – BBC News

Posted June 5th, 2023 in interception, media, news, privacy, royal family, telecommunications by sally

‘Prince Harry is one of four people claiming Mirror Group newspapers hacked their voicemails. It is one of several cases the Duke of Sussex is currently involved in with British tabloids.’

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BBC News, 5th June 2023


The Coronation, the Public Order Act 2023 and ‘Free Speech’ – Oxford Human Rights Hub

Posted May 11th, 2023 in demonstrations, freedom of expression, news, public order, royal family by sally

‘In recent years, a lot has been written about “the right to protest” and “the right to free speech” in the UK. Yet neither phrase appears in the latest Public Order Act, which became law on 2nd May 2023. The absence of those phrases is unsurprising. First, neither phrase is precise enough for legal drafting. Second, the Tory government behind the 2023 Act wishes to avoid these conceptual problems by painting a picture of protest movements gone wild. In this post, I consider the new Act amid reports of its use during the coronation. From this early case study, we see a dangerous illustration of what is yet to come.’

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Oxford Human Rights Hub, 9th May 2023


Man admits treason charge over Queen crossbow threat – BBC News

Posted February 3rd, 2023 in firearms, guilty pleas, news, royal family, treason by michael

‘A man who arrived at Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow and told a protection officer “I am here to kill the Queen” has pleaded guilty to a charge under the Treason Act.’

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BBC News, 3rd February 2023


David Torrance: Constitutional mirrors: Coronations and the territorial constitution – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted October 28th, 2022 in constitutional law, news, royal family by tracey

‘Writing about the “work” of the Queen in 1958, the journalist and Herald Dermot Morrah claimed there had been “scarcely any allusion” in her coronation ceremony to the fact that Elizabeth II “was Queen of seven distinct and sovereign realms”. Indeed, added Morrah, “she was crowned not even as Queen of the United Kingdom, but of England alone”.

This was a peculiarly Anglo-centric take, particularly so coming from the pen of a Herald, usually such sticklers for detail. At first glance, the coronation of a British monarch is indeed a very English affair. It takes place at the Abbey Church of Westminster and the service is given by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Yet a closer examination of coronations between 1714 and 1953 reveals them to be constitutional mirrors in which were reflected changes to the territorial constitution. And by highlighting these reflections, one can draw some preliminary observations as to the likely ceremonial at the coronation of King Charles III on 6 May 2023.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 27th October 2022


Legal action by Doreen Lawrence and Prince Harry could mire Daily Mail for years – The Guardian

‘Now Dacre faces the prospect of seeing the Daily Mail’s parent company Associated Newspapers dragged into a lengthy legal battle, where he could have to give evidence under oath about his newspaper’s activities in the name of journalism. According to a statement issued by lawyers for the six individuals, the claims include allegations of illegal activity such as homes being bugged, deceptive tactics used to obtain private medical information and the tapping of live phone calls.’

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The Guardian, 7th October 2022


David Torrance: A Tale of Two Accessions: 1952 and 2022 – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted September 29th, 2022 in burials and cremation, Crown, news, Privy Council, royal family, succession by sally

‘No two Accessions are the same. That of King Edward VII in 1901 was characterised by widespread confusion regarding custom and practice, for Queen Victoria’s succession to the Throne had long ago faded from the public consciousness. This time, the “official mind” was better prepared and the major difference between the Accession of King Charles III in 2022 and that of his mother Queen Elizabeth II in February 1952 was its visibility. By comparing the ceremonial surrounding these Accessions (and some others), this article reveals developments in what Walter Bagehot called the “dignified” constitution over the past seven decades.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 28th September 2022


Research Briefing: The death of a monarch – House of Commons Library

Posted September 14th, 2022 in bereavement, news, parliament, royal family by tracey

‘The death of a monarch – and the accession of a new sovereign – involves the Cabinet, the Privy Council, Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the Church of England. This paper outlines the historical precedents for the events that will follow the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.’

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House of Commons Library , 9th September 2022


Charity Commission opens compliance case into donor to the Prince’s Trust – The Guardian

Posted August 8th, 2022 in charities, Charity Commission, loans, news, royal family by tracey

‘The Charity Commission has opened a compliance case into one of the key donors to Prince Charles’s charity after it emerged it had been funded by unsecured loans.’

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The Guardian, 7th August 2022


Man charged under Treason Act after crossbow incident at Windsor Castle – The Guardian

Posted August 3rd, 2022 in firearms, mental health, news, offensive weapons, royal family, treason by tracey

‘A 20-year-old man has been charged with a treason offence and making threats to kill the Queen, after he was arrested at Windsor Castle with a crossbow on Christmas Day last year.’

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The Guardian, 2nd August 2022


Prince Harry wins bid to challenge security decisions – BBC News

Posted July 22nd, 2022 in government departments, judicial review, news, royal family by tracey

‘The Duke of Sussex has been granted permission to bring a High Court challenge against the Home Office over his security arrangements in the UK.’

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BBC News, 22nd July 2022


BBC to pay ‘substantial damages’ to William and Harry’s royal nanny over Bashir smears – The Independent

Posted July 22nd, 2022 in BBC, damages, deceit, defamation, news, royal family by tracey

‘The BBC has agreed to pay “substantial damages” to William and Harry’s former nanny over “false and malicious” allegations used to obtain Martin Bashir’s 1995 Panorama interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.’

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The Independent, BBC News, 22nd July 2022


Prince Harry wins latest stage of Mail on Sunday defamation case – The Independent

Posted July 8th, 2022 in damages, defamation, media, news, royal family by sally

‘A Mail on Sunday article on the Duke of Sussex’s legal claim against the Home Office contained parts that were defamatory, the High Court has ruled.’

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The Independent, 8th July 2022


BSB panel rejects complaints over barrister’s Royal baby tweet – Legal Futures

‘A Bar Standards Board (BSB) panel has rejected more than 80 complaints made against a barrister accused of making racist comments on Twitter about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s baby last year.’

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Legal Futures, 30th March 2022


Buckingham Palace: Man sentenced for climbing into grounds – BBC News

‘A man found with a knife and drugs in the grounds of Buckingham Palace has been given a suspended jail term.’

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BBC News, 9th February 2022


Court of appeal to hear challenge over media ban from Prince Philip’s will court case – The Guardian

Posted January 24th, 2022 in appeals, media, news, reporting restrictions, royal family, wills by tracey

‘A legal challenge over a decision to ban media organisations from a court case about the Duke of Edinburgh’s will is to be heard by the court of appeal.’

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The Guardian, 24th January 2022


Prince Harry in legal fight to pay for UK police protection – BBC News

Posted January 17th, 2022 in government departments, judicial review, news, police, royal family by tracey

‘Prince Harry is seeking a judicial review against a refusal of the Home Office to allow him to personally pay for police protection when in the UK.’

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BBC News, 16th January 2022


Meghan to receive just £1 from Mail on Sunday for privacy invasion – The Guardian

Posted January 5th, 2022 in compensation, copyright, damages, media, news, privacy, royal family by sally

‘The Mail on Sunday will pay the Duchess of Sussex just £1 in damages for invading her privacy by publishing a private letter she had sent to her father.’

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The Guardian, 5th January 2022


Meghan Markle: Mail on Sunday loses appeal in privacy battle over letter to estranged father – The Independent

Posted December 2nd, 2021 in appeals, media, news, privacy, royal family by sally

‘The publisher of the Mail on Sunday has lost a legal battle to overturn a High Court ruling on its publication of a letter written by Meghan Markle to her estranged father.’

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The Independent, 2nd December 2021
