BSB publishes its first Regulatory Decisions Report – Bar Standards Board

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published its first annual Regulatory Decisions Report. It covers the year ending on 31 March 2020.’

Full press release

Bar Standards Board, 27th November 2020


Bullying at the Bar “tolerated”, with pupils suffering most – Legal Futures

Posted October 13th, 2020 in barristers, bullying, harassment, news, pupillage by sally

‘Bullying, discrimination and harassment at the Bar is perceived to be tolerated “to a certain extent” due to its “adversarial, male-dominated culture and competitive nature”, new research has found.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th October 2020


Bar Council: Positive action like ‘preferential briefing’ can aid diversity – Legal Futures

Posted October 7th, 2020 in barristers, diversity, equality, news, pupillage, sex discrimination, women by tracey

‘Positive action – such as giving female barristers preferential access to briefs after returning to chambers from career breaks – can bring about real change in addressing under-representation at the Bar, the Bar Council has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 7th October 2020


Commercial chambers offers £20k to fund withdrawn pupillage at crime set – Legal Futures

Posted September 16th, 2020 in barristers, budgets, coronavirus, criminal justice, government departments, news, pupillage by michael

‘A London commercial chambers has put up £20,000 to fund a pupillage that a criminal set has had to withdraw because of the impact of Covid-19.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 16th September 2020


BSB publishes report on the impact of Covid-19 on pupillage – Bar Standards Board

Posted September 11th, 2020 in barristers, coronavirus, news, pupillage by tracey

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published a report on the impact that Covid-19 is having on pupillages. The report finds that, while chambers and other organisations have shown a commendable commitment to sustaining pupillages in difficult circumstances, there is likely to be some pressure on the supply of pupillages available from 2020 to 2022.’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 8th September 2020


Covid knock-on puts future pupillage numbers under pressure – Legal Futures

Posted September 9th, 2020 in barristers, coronavirus, news, pupillage, statistics by sally

‘The number of chambers delaying pupillages that were due to start this month or next is likely to have a knock-on effect on the supply of places until 2022, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) said today.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th September 2020


Transitioning back to chambers – Counsel

Posted September 8th, 2020 in barristers, barristers' clerks, coronavirus, mental health, news, pupillage by sally

‘As chambers begin to repopulate amid continuing uncertainties, wellbeing policies are more important now than ever. Dr Anna Colton and Lucy Burrows explain how to spot signs of anxiety and protect members, pupils and staff.’

Full Story

Counsel, September 2020


Diversity of criminal bar at risk as junior barristers forced to quit – The Guardian

Posted September 1st, 2020 in barristers, coronavirus, criminal justice, diversity, minorities, news, pupillage by sally

‘Junior barristers and pupils from underrepresented backgrounds are dropping out of the profession at an alarming rate, threatening the diversity of the criminal bar, the anonymous blogger and author known as Secret Barrister has warned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 31st August 2020


Call for Inns to act as pupillage shortage worsens – Legal Futures

Posted June 25th, 2020 in barristers, inns of court, news, pupillage by sally

‘The Inns of Court should build a “large co-working space”, possibly on one of their “grand gardens”, to increase the number of pupillages, the president of the Middle Temple Students Association has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 25th June 2020


Black lawyers launch initiative to fight racial injustice – Legal Futures

‘A group of lawyers has begun crowdfunding to support a new initiative aiming to combat racial injustice by facilitating access to justice, funding and legal representation.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 4th June 2020


BSB outlines concern over post-virus ‘virtual’ chambers – Legal Futures

Posted May 22nd, 2020 in barristers, coronavirus, flexible working, news, pupillage by sally

‘Some chambers may choose to continue operating virtually once the Covid-19 crisis passes, with “significant implications” for their support services and collegiality, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) heard yesterday.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 22nd May 2020


BSB approves online exams with “astonishing” anti-cheat rules – Legal Futures

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has announced that Bar students will be able to take this year’s exams online – but barristers have expressed concern about the “astonishing” anti-cheating provisions.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 14th May 2020


Most chambers “face collapse” without government cash – Legal Futures

Posted April 3rd, 2020 in barristers, budgets, coronavirus, news, pupillage, statistics by sally

‘More than half of barristers’ chambers will go out of business within six months if they do not receive financial support from the government during the coronavirus crisis, the Bar Council has warned.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 3rd April 2020


Calls to protect criminal solicitors, pupils and LPC students – Legal Futures

‘Criminal defence solicitors in London yesterday threatened to stop attending police stations and a protocol to protect pupil barristers was published among efforts to protect the profession during the coronarivus pandemic.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 25th March 2020


Pupils must have written agreements from May – Legal Futures

Posted February 4th, 2020 in continuing professional development, diversity, news, pupillage by sally

‘Written pupillage agreements will become compulsory from 1 May 2020, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 4th February 2020


Minimum pupillage award from 1 January 2020 announced – Bar Standards Board

Posted November 21st, 2019 in barristers, news, pupillage, remuneration by tracey

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today announced that the rate for the minimum pupillage award that will apply from 1 January 2020 will be £18,866 per annum for pupillages in London and £16,322 per annum for pupillages outside London.’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 20th November 2019


Solicitors “need to get out more” to boost profession’s image – Legal Futures

Posted November 13th, 2019 in legal education, legal profession, news, pupillage, solicitors by sally

‘Sixteen-year-olds have been invited to compete in a competition aimed at educating them about the work of a solicitor and testing their aptitude, with the winner receiving financial support to become one.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th November 2019


Aspiring barristers “not told reality of obstacles facing them” – Legal Futures

Posted October 3rd, 2019 in barristers, diversity, equality, legal education, news, pupillage, women by tracey

‘Students aspiring to careers at the Bar are not always told clearly the difficulties they will face with obtaining a pupillage and funding their studies, according to a retired High Court judge.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 2nd October 2019


Pupillage advice: where to get it – Counsel

Posted September 25th, 2019 in barristers, news, podcasts, pupillage by michael

‘I’ve not met anyone who found the pupillage application process easy. Even the most brilliant candidates agonise over their applications and worry about how best to prepare for that curveball interview question. So, how do you maximise the chances of success? Even before that, how do you pick the right area of law?’

Full Story

Counsel, September 2019


Bar delays ‘anti-abuse’ written contracts for pupils – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 17th, 2019 in barristers, codes of practice, contracts, delay, news, pupillage, standards by tracey

‘The bar regulator has delayed the introduction of compulsory written pupillage agreements which could tackle the “abusive” treatment of pupils.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 16th September 2019
