Tribunal rejects paralegal’s disability discrimination claim – Legal Futures

‘An employment tribunal has comprehensively rejected a disability discrimination claim brought by a paralegal who worked for well-known personal injury firm Ralli.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 5th July 2019


Paralegal jailed for swindling money from clients’ estates – Legal Futures

Posted April 23rd, 2019 in fraud, guilty pleas, news, paralegals, probate, sentencing by sally

‘A paralegal who stole £70,000 from people’s estates to splash out on designer clothes and handbags has been jailed for more than three years.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 23rd April 2019


Victim of senior partner’s f-word tirades awarded £47,000 – Legal Futures

‘A paralegal subjected to f-word tirades by the senior partner of a London law firm has been awarded £47,000 by an employment tribunal – less than 5% of the value of her claim.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 5th April 2019


Supervising solicitor “told paralegal to lie” to barrister – Legal Futures

Posted February 8th, 2019 in disciplinary procedures, news, paralegals, personal injuries, solicitors by sally

‘An experienced personal injury paralegal who lied to a barrister and legal expenses insurer “on instruction from her supervising solicitor” has been banned from working for law firms.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th February 2019


Lawyers “must make way” for justice innovation to take hold – Legal Futures

Posted February 8th, 2019 in artificial intelligence, legal profession, legal services, news, paralegals by sally

‘A report on global access to legal services has identified established legal professions led by lawyers as a block to progress and urged them to step aside in favour of non-lawyer leaders who can be relied on to bring in necessary reforms without self-interest.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th February 2019


Employment tribunal vindicates law firm’s denial that former employee was disabled – Legal Futures

‘A judge has dismissed a claim by a law firm paralegal that he was the victim of disability discrimination, finding he had “dishonestly” altered a document about his medical condition and that, in any case, he had not told his employer about his supposed post-traumatic stress disorder.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th April 2018


Paralegal subjected to f-word tirades by senior partner wins harassment claims – Legal Futures

‘A paralegal who was subjected to a “long accumulation of abuse” by the senior partner of a London law firm was the victim of harassment on the grounds of age and sex, an employment tribunal has found.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 1st March 2018


Solicitor, paralegal and others face contempt of court trial over “fraudulent” PI claim – Legal Futures

Posted February 2nd, 2018 in contempt of court, fraud, news, paralegals, personal injuries, solicitors by sally

‘A solicitor, paralegal, GP and claims management company owner are all set to face committal proceedings for contempt of court shortly over an alleged fraudulent personal injury claim.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 1st February 2018


Give paralegals rights of audience “so they can do more legal aid work” – Legal Futures

Posted January 4th, 2018 in legal aid, legal representation, news, paralegals, rights of audience by sally

‘Paralegals should be given rights of audience to enable them to do more legal aid work, an academic has argued.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 4th January 2018


Paralegal wins employment tribunal claim for £14,000 bonus from personal injury firm – Legal Futures

Posted September 5th, 2017 in contracts, employment, employment tribunals, law firms, news, paralegals by sally

‘A paralegal employed by a personal injury firm under an oral contract was entitled to a bonus payment worth almost £14,000, an employment tribunal has ruled.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 5th September 2017


Paralegal who pretended to be a barrister to defraud cancer-sufferer jailed for eight years – Legal Futures

Posted August 24th, 2017 in fraud, impersonating a barrister, news, paralegals, sentencing by sally

‘A paralegal who pretended to be a barrister with several people, including a terminal cancer sufferer he tricked out of her life savings, has been sent to jail for eight years.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 24th August 2017


Solicitors, trainee and paralegal jailed after landmark convictions for insurance fraud conspiracy – Legal Futures

Posted April 10th, 2017 in fraud, insurance, news, paralegals, police, sentencing, solicitors by sally

‘Two solicitors, a trainee and a paralegal are among six men who have today been jailed for a total of 13 and a half years at Liverpool Crown Court for insurance fraud that cost victims £426,000.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 7th April 2017


Barristers who outsource work must avoid referral fees, Bar Council warns – Legal Futures

Posted February 22nd, 2016 in barristers, contracting out, fees, news, paralegals by sally

‘Barristers who outsource work must not “ask for or accept” any payment from third parties, the Bar Council has warned.’

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Legal Futures, 22nd February 2016


Outsourcing and use of litigation assistants – Bar Council

‘Purpose: To assist barristers regarding the rules and their ethical obligations relating to outsourcing and the use of litigation assistants.’

Full story

Bar Council, 17 February 2016


‘Going into legal aid work now is career suicide’ – The Guardian

‘Government cuts to legal aid means social welfare lawyers are a dying breed. So where will the next generation come from? Step up the Justice First Fellowship.’

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The Guardian, 6th January 2015


DPP boosts support for victims by moving staff to Crown Courts – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted September 11th, 2015 in Crown Court, Crown Prosecution Service, news, paralegals, victims, witnesses by tracey

‘The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Alison Saunders, is boosting the support offered to victims and witnesses at Crown Court proceedings by ensuring that the vital service offered by our dedicated CPS paralegal staff is provided exactly where it is needed – at court where the victims and witnesses are.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 11th September 2015


Paralegals could damage solicitor ‘brand’ – survey – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Paralegals who qualify as solicitors without completing a formal training contract could damage the solicitor ‘brand’, according to a survey by Leeds Law Society.’

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Law Society’s Gazette, 31st March 2015


Paralegal hopes to be first solicitor admitted through ‘equivalent means’ route – Legal Futures

‘Paralegal Shaun Lawler has said he hopes to be the first solicitor admitted to the profession through the ‘equivalent means’ route rather a traditional training contract.’

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Legal Futures, 20th March 2015


Fine for paralegal who moved firms and took sensitive data with him – Legal Futures

Posted September 11th, 2014 in costs, data protection, fines, news, paralegals by sally

‘A paralegal who took sensitive information from his employer when moving to a rival law firm was convicted of a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act this week.’

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Legal Futures, 11th September 2014


Law graduates flock to paralegal roles – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted August 12th, 2013 in law firms, legal education, legal profession, news, paralegals by sally

“Law firms are receiving up to 100 applications for every paralegal vacancy as graduates become desperate for work and firms seek out lower staff costs.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 12th August 2013
