Pub takeaway drinks rules to be continued for 18 months – BBC News

Posted August 14th, 2023 in coronavirus, licensed premises, licensing, news by tracey

‘Pubs in England and Wales will be able to continue selling takeaway drinks after the government decided to keep Covid licensing rules.’

Full Story

BBC News, 14th August 2023


Research Briefing: Alcohol licensing: how to object to a licence – House of Commons Library

‘This Briefing looks at how people can object to alcohol licences in England and Wales.’

Full Story

House of Commons Library , 4th July 2023


Appeals against Housing Act 2004 decisions as a “rehearing” – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 3rd, 2023 in appeals, fraud, housing, landlord & tenant, licensing, local government, news, reasons by tracey

‘In a recent case the Court of Appeal has held that when a First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (“the FTT”) hears an appeal against a decision under the Housing Act 2004 as a “rehearing”, the FTT must consider whether the authority’s decision was wrong by reference to facts that existed at the time of its decision, and must also give sufficient deference to the authority’s original decision. Simon Kiely and Francesca Gallagher analyse the ruling.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 30th June 2023


Selective licensing offences and the level of civil penalties – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 3rd, 2023 in fines, housing, landlord & tenant, licensing, local government, news by tracey

‘Simon Kiely and Francesca Gallagher examine useful Upper Tribunal guidance on the approach the First-Tier Tribunal should adopt when considering the level of civil penalties on appeal.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 30th June 2023


Research Briefing: Alcohol: mandatory licensing conditions – House of Commons Library

Posted July 3rd, 2023 in licensed premises, licensing, news, parliament by tracey

‘This Briefing describes the mandatory licensing conditions that apply to the sale of alcohol in England and Wales.’

Full Story

House of Commons Library , 28th June 2023


Bristol shop loses alcohol licence over noise complaints – BBC News

Posted June 23rd, 2023 in alcohol abuse, drug offences, licensing, news by tracey

‘A 24-hour corner shop has lost its alcohol licence after neighbours complained noisy customers woke them up on a nightly basis.’

Full Story

BBC News, 23rd June 2023


Council appeal succeeds after Upper Tribunal finds landlord questioned during First Tier Tribunal hearing was wrong person – Local Government Lawyer

Posted June 22nd, 2023 in landlord & tenant, licensing, news, penalties by tracey

‘The Upper Tribunal has remitted a decision concerning the penalty for an unlicensed landlord to the First Tier Tribunal after it became apparent that the man thought to be the landlord in the First Tier Tribunal hearing was, in fact, the landlord’s father.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 22nd June 2023


How insolvency impacts intellectual property licenses –

Posted June 1st, 2023 in insolvency, intellectual property, licensing, news by sally

‘Licensing is the backbone of many businesses, but many are unaware of how the current economic downturn could affect their operations as both licensees and licensors.’

Full Story, 30th May 2023


Greggs challenges ban on 5am chicken goujons – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 17th, 2023 in appeals, food, licensing, news by sally

‘A court appeal by Greggs will see the bakery chain challenge a London council’s decision to refuse it a licence to sell hot food 24 hours a day.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 16th May 2023


Collecting ‘gourmet’ eggs from black-headed gulls should be banned, says RSPB – The Guardian

Posted May 3rd, 2023 in birds, food, licensing, news by tracey

‘Conservationists say government must stop licensing “unsustainable” harvest of eggs from amber-listed birds.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd May 2023


Tougher licensing rules for taxi drivers come into force – BBC News

Posted April 27th, 2023 in licensing, local government, news, road safety, standards, taxis by sally

‘Tougher rules for taxi and private hire drivers will be introduced in England in a bid to make passengers safer.’

Full Story

BBC News, 27th April 2023


London borough defeats legal challenge to use of remote licensing hearings – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Magistrates’ Court has ruled that neither the Licensing Act 2003 nor the Licensing Act (Hearings) Regulations 2005 require hearings to be held in a physical “place”, in a case that challenged the London Borough of Lewisham’s use of a remote hearing procedure to revoke a premises’ license.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 18th April 2023


Rory Cochrane comments on Supreme Court’s latest telecommunications decision – Devereux Chambers

‘Last week [8 March], the Supreme Court handed down its decision in VIP Communications (In Liquidation) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] UKSC 10, upholding the Secretary of States’ appeal. The Supreme Court has confirmed that the Secretary of State can rely on section 5 of the Communications Act 2003 to direct Ofcom, on national security grounds, not to make regulations exempting commercial multi-user GSM gateways (COMUGs) from licensing.’

Full Story

Devereux Chambers, 8th March 2023


Court to rule on lawfulness of remote hearings – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted April 14th, 2023 in licensed premises, licensing, local government, news, remote hearings by tracey

‘The lawfulness of local authority licensing hearings held remotely will be decided in a judgment expected later this month.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 13th April 2023


Institute of Licensing issues briefing note on Rehabilitation of Offenders Act – Local Government Lawyer

Posted March 29th, 2023 in criminal records, disclosure, licensing, local government, news, rehabilitation by sally

‘The Institute of Licensing (IoL) has issued a briefing note on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 in order to provide assistance to licensing authorities, applicants and representatives in relation to protected convictions and cautions.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 28th March 2023


UK High Court decision paves the way on setting global FRAND royalty rate –

Posted March 17th, 2023 in intellectual property, licensing, news, patents, telecommunications by tracey

‘The High Court in London has issued its first global fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licensing decision since the UK Supreme Court’s landmark Unwired Planet ruling in 2020, confirming the approach taken by the judge in that case.’

Full Story, 16th March 2023


New Judgment: R (on the application of VIP Communications Ltd (In Liquidation)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] UKSC 10 – UKSC Blog

‘This appeal raised an issue of statutory construction. It arises in the context of a type of equipment known as commercial multi-user GSM (Global Systems for Mobile Communications) gateway apparatus (“COMUGs”). GSM gateways are telecommunications equipment containing one or more SIM cards, as used in mobile phones. They enable phone calls and text messages from landlines to be routed directly on to mobile networks. When a call is routed through a GSM gateway, the only data transmitted over the network is the number and location of the SIM card in the GSM gateway. It does not transmit information such as the identity of the calling party and (in the case of a mobile phone) the user’s location, as would ordinarily be the case without a GSM gateway.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 8th March 2023


Boy, 14, sentenced for causing death after crashing into woman with e-scooter – The Guardian

‘A 14-year-old boy has been sentenced for causing the death of a woman after colliding with her while riding a private e-scooter on the pavement.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th March 2023


City council settles claim alleging “discriminatory” pavement licensing policy – Local Government Lawyer

‘City of York Council has settled a wheelchair user’s judicial review claim, which argued the local authority’s pavement licensing policy was discriminatory.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 1st March 2023


A sustainable future – reforming club football governance – Government publications

Posted March 2nd, 2023 in financial regulation, licensing, news, parliamentary papers, sport by tracey

‘This White Paper sets out the government’s comprehensive plan to introduce an independent regulator for professional clubs in the English football pyramid.’

Full paper

Full Story

Government publications, 23rd February 2023
