Councils could be owed “hundreds of millions of pounds” in business rates following Supreme Court ruling – Local Government Lawyer

Posted May 19th, 2021 in appeals, leases, local government, news, rates, statutory interpretation by sally

‘Local authorities could be in line for hundreds of millions of pounds in business rates following last week’s landmark Supreme Court ruling, the solicitor who acted for the appellant councils has claimed.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 17th May 2021


Johnson’s planning laws an ‘utter disaster’, say countryside campaigners – The Guardian

‘A dramatic loosening of planning laws to create a housebuilding boom will damage local democracy and destroy swathes of countryside by granting property developers a freer hand to build over green fields, planning experts have warned.’

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The Guardian, 11th May 2021


Grenfell survivors condemn ‘grave injustice’ as leaseholders left facing huge bills to remove cladding – The Independent

Posted April 30th, 2021 in accidents, bills, building law, fire, government departments, housing, leases, loans, news, victims by tracey

‘Survivors and bereaved relatives from the Grenfell Tower fire disaster say they are furious after parliament voted for measures that will leave householders facing huge bills for removing dangerous cladding from homes.’

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The Independent, 29th April 2021


Landlords challenge fairness of restructuring plan in landmark case –

Posted April 29th, 2021 in debts, landlord & tenant, leases, news, rent by sally

‘The scope for landlords to successfully challenge restructuring plans launched by financially distressed tenants who seek to compromise lease liabilities could be severely impinged if the High Court in London approves a restructuring plan in the face of opposition from landlords.’

Full Story, 28th April 2021


Supreme Court agrees to hear battle over termination of fixed term secure flexible tenancies – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Supreme Court has granted Croydon Council permission to appeal in a dispute over the termination of fixed term secure flexible tenancies.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 28th April 2021


Grenfell: Government defeated on fire safety costs bill – BBC News

‘The government has been defeated for a fourth time on its Fire Safety Bill as the House of Lords voted to shield residents from fire safety work costs.’

Full Story

BBC News, 27th April 2021


No loss, no gain, no mesne profit? – New Square Chambers

Posted April 15th, 2021 in estoppel, landlord & tenant, leases, mesne profits, news by sally

‘This decision is a real treat to read. The case, which is principally concerned with the validity of a break clause notice served by a landlord to determine a lease, is delivered in a communicative style, and enlivened by a number of sporting references.’

Full Story

New Square Chambers, 1st April 2021


20-6 or 4-1: Council wins High Court battle over lease of stately home – Local Government Lawyer

Posted April 8th, 2021 in leases, local government, mesne profits, news by sally

‘A High Court judge has likened the result of a trial of a lease dispute involving Wigan Borough Council to the outcome of rugby league and soccer matches.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 7th April 2021


Between repairs and structural defects – Nearly Legal

Posted April 6th, 2021 in leases, news, repairs, service charges by sally

‘This was the Court of Appeal judgment on an appeal from the Upper Tribunal … where the issue was whether the leaseholders were liable under their service charge for the costs of works by City of London, the freeholder, to remedy structural defects.’

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Nearly Legal, 4th April 2021


Leaseholders win battle with City of London over service charges – Local Government Lawyer

Posted March 31st, 2021 in leases, local government, London, news, repairs, service charges by tracey

‘Leaseholders have won a Court of Appeal case against the City of London Corporation over whether certain repairs to their homes are chargeable to them.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 31st March 2021


Leasehold miscellany – Nearly Legal

Posted March 8th, 2021 in appeals, costs, housing, landlord & tenant, leases, news, service charges, tribunals by tracey

‘Some brief notes on Upper Tribunal and Court of Appeal judgments on leasehold matters.’

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Nearly Legal, 6th March 2021


Using leasehold property for holiday lets – Becket Chambers

Posted February 25th, 2021 in covenants, holidays, leases, news by sally

‘As we start to consider the possibility of lockdown lifting and our thoughts recklessly stray to the idea of getting away from it all, I thought I would dampen the exuberance by reminding us all of the perils of using leasehold property for holiday lets (Airbnb or otherwise).’

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Becket Chambers, 24th February 2021


Case Preview: Balhousie Holdings Ltd v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (Scotland) – UKSC Blog

Posted February 25th, 2021 in care homes, leases, news, sale of land, Scotland, Supreme Court, VAT by sally

‘In this post, Jacob Gilkes, a member of the tax team at CMS, previews the decision awaited from the UK Supreme Court in the matter of Balhousie Holdings Limited v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs, which concerns whether a sale and leaseback transaction should be regarded for VAT purposes as a disposal by the seller of its “entire interest” in the building.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 25th February 2021


Lancashire Hot Pot – waiver of forfeiture and landlord knowledge of breach – Nearly Legal

Posted January 27th, 2021 in covenants, forfeiture, landlord & tenant, leases, news, rent by sally

‘On 22nd January the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in the case of Faiz v Burnley Borough Council (2021) EWCA Civ 55. Judgment dismissing the appeal was given by Lewison LJ; with whom Arnold and Asplin LLJs agreed. The case came on appeal from the decision of HHJ Halliwell (2020) EWHC 407 (Ch).’

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Nearly Legal, 26th January 2021


Is it a single dwelling? Determination of breach not required where shop converted to multiple flats in breach of lease – Hardwicke Chambers

‘David Peachey was recently successful in Zash Properties Limited v Landau Medical Consultancy Limited (County Court, HHJ Johns QC), which dealt with the conversion of a shop into two studio flats in breach of lease. The case raises interesting points about whether a determination of breach is required prior to the service of s.146 notices in respect of headleases of multiple dwellings, and whether it is reasonable for a landlord to refuse consent for change of use from commercial to residential use because of the statutory rights applicable to residential long leases.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 18th January 2021


Ping Pong and fire safety – Nearly Legal

Posted January 11th, 2021 in accidents, bills, fire, health & safety, housing, leases, news, repairs by sally

‘Fire safety issues in blocks of flats and other multi-occupancy buildings are one of, if not *the* biggest issue in housing law and policy today. The background is pretty well-known and, for present purposes, can be quite easily summarised. Since the Grenfell Tower disaster, it has become clear that there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dwellings across England and Wales which have fire safety problems, either as a result of how they were originally constructed or because of conversion/adaptation works. Those problems are not limited to ACM cladding (which was the kind of cladding on Grenfell Tower) but also includes lots of other types cladding (including something called HPL cladding, in essence, wood-effect), and the absence of fire breaks (designed to stop fire spreading from one flat to another), defective or absent fire doors.’

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Nearly Legal, 10th January 2021


Government vows to end complex leasehold costs – BBC News

Posted January 7th, 2021 in fees, leases, news, rent by tracey

‘Planned reforms of the controversial leasehold system in England are set to clamp down on high costs when extending a lease.’

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BBC News, 7th January 2021


And he’s not there… – Nearly Legal

Posted December 16th, 2020 in appeals, drug offences, housing, landlord & tenant, leases, news, noise, nuisance, trespass, tribunals by tracey

‘A breach of lease case in the Upper Tribunal which, despite the names, appears to be between two unrelated people. So I shall call them L – the leaseholder – and F – the freeholder – to avoid multiple Gibbins related confusion.’

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Nearly Legal, 13th December 2020


The importance of acting with “reasonable promptitude” when applying for relief from forfeiture: Keshwala and another v Bhalsod [2020] EWHC 2372 (QB) – Hardwicke Chambers

‘The tenants (Claimants) had a twenty-year lease of 89 Narborough Road, Leicester (Property) which commenced on 12 March 2008. The Property consisted of a lock-up shop on the ground floor with residential accommodation above. The Claimants mistakenly paid only £1,500 of the £2,000 quarterly instalment of rent that fell due in June 2018, leaving arrears of £500.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 14th October 2020


For this relief, much thanks – Nearly Legal

Posted October 5th, 2020 in appeals, debts, delay, forfeiture, landlord & tenant, leases, news, rent by tracey

‘Keshwala & Anor v Bhalsod & Anor (2020) EWHC 2372 (QB). An appeal from a Circuit Judge’s decision refusing relief from forfeiture, focussing on the issue of delay in making the application for relief. This was a commercial lease, though with living accommodation above. Mr Keshwala had taken a 20 year lease of the property in 2008. In 2015, the current freeholder had bought the freehold. Also in 2015, the rent first fell into arrears. The freeholder forfeited by re-entry and Mr K obtained relief from forfeiture on payment of arrears and costs.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 4th October 2020
