Names of staff members who dealt with complaints are not necessarily personal data, Tribunal says –

“The names of three junior members of staff who had handled complaints made to the financial services regulator should have been disclosed as part of a freedom of information request as disclosure ‘did not adversely affect their privacy’, a tribunal has ruled.”

Full story, 18th April 2012


Banks failing to carry out anti-bribery measures, says FSA – The Guardian

Posted March 30th, 2012 in banking, bribery, financial regulation, news by tracey

“The City watchdog has warned that many banks are failing to provide proper controls to prevent bribery and corruption despite the high profile introduction of the Bribery Act last year.”

Full story

The Guardian, 29th March 2012


Credit Suisse salesman fined £210,000 by FSA – The Guardian

Posted March 14th, 2012 in banking, confidentiality, financial regulation, fines, news by sally

“A senior salesman at Credit Suisse has been fined £210,000 by the Financial Services Authority for playing a guessing game with clients to enable them to identify private information about a forthcoming bond issue.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th March 2012


Investors launch legal action against RBS – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 13th, 2012 in banking, financial regulation, news, shareholders by sally

“A group of institutional and private shareholders has launched a multi-billion pound legal claim against the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), its former chief executive Fred Goodwin and 18 directors and non-executive directors.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th March 2012


Taxpayer owned Bank of Scotland escapes fine over “serious misconduct” during financial crisis –

Posted March 13th, 2012 in banking, financial regulation, fines, news by sally

“The corporate arm of the Bank of Scotland was guilty of ‘very serious misconduct’ in the way it loaned money to businesses which contributed to its need to be bailed out by the Government, the financial services regulator has confirmed.”

Full story, 12th March 2012


Call for tighter controls on payday lenders – The Guardian

Posted March 7th, 2012 in consumer credit, debts, financial regulation, loans, news by sally

“Payday lenders should be forced to limit the rolling over of loans, stop allowing customers to switch from one lender to another, and to share information about their customers with other lenders, the business, innovation and skills committee has recommended.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th March 2012


Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in Administration) v CRC Credit Fund Ltd and Others (Financial Services Authority intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted March 2nd, 2012 in client accounts, financial regulation, insolvency, law reports, trusts by tracey

Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in Administration) v CRC Credit Fund Ltd and Others (Financial Services Authority intervening): [2012] UKSC 6: [2012] WLR (D)  53

“The ‘client money pool’ to be distributed among former clients of Lehman Brothers’ London affiliate was not limited to money which had been placed in segregated client accounts, as required by the Financial Services Authority, but extended to identifiable client money which the company had failed to segregate and had retained in its own house accounts. The pool was to be distributed rateably among all clients who had a contractual entitlement to have money segregated and not just those in whose favour segregation had actually occurred.”

WLR Daily, 29th February 2012


‘Liquidity swaps’ beneficial in moderation, City regulator says –

Posted March 2nd, 2012 in banking, financial regulation, insurance, news by tracey

“Insurers and banks can legitimately trade liquid and illiquid assets providing it is done on a ‘sensible scale,’ the City watchdog has said.”

Full story, 2nd March 2012


CPP shares suspended on stock exchange – The Guardian

Posted February 21st, 2012 in banking, consumer protection, financial regulation, insurance, news by tracey

“Major banks could become embroiled in another mis-selling scandal after shares in CPP, the embattled credit card insurer, were suspended on the London Stock Exchange after a Financial Services Authority investigation.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th February 2012


Santander fined £1.5m over FSCS cover confusion – The Guardian

Posted February 21st, 2012 in banking, financial regulation, fines, news by tracey

“Santander has been fined £1.5m by the City regulator for failing to inform customers that stock market-linked bonds they were buying were not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) if the bank went bust.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th February 2012


FSA issues guidance on how businesses can avoid using unfair contract terms –

Posted February 1st, 2012 in financial regulation, news, unfair contract terms by sally

Businesses are using consumer contracts that give them too much leeway to unfairly change the terms of those contracts, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has said.

Full story, 1st February 2012


Banker banned from City for obtaining £1.4m dishonestly to cover debts – The Guardian

Posted January 31st, 2012 in banking, disciplinary procedures, financial regulation, fines, news by sally

“One of the most senior figures in the banking industry, Ravi Sinha, who once fronted a bid for Northern Rock, has been banned from working in the City and fined £2.9m by the Financial Services Authority after dishonestly obtaining millions of pounds to cover his debts.”

Full story

The Guardian, 31st January 2012


Direct Line and Churchill fined for file tampering – BBC News

Posted January 20th, 2012 in complaints, data protection, financial regulation, insurance, news by tracey

“Insurance firms Direct Line and Churchill – both owned by RBS – have been fined £2.17m for tampering with customer complaint files before submitting them to the Financial Services Authority (FSA).”

Full story

BBC News, 18th January 2012


Insurer fined £2.8m by FSA for sales standards – BBC News

Posted December 19th, 2011 in financial regulation, fines, insurance, news by tracey

“An insurer has been fined £2.8m by the City watchdog for a ‘high-risk’ system of pay for its sales agents, among other faults.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th December 2011



New mortgage lending rules set out by FSA – BBC News

Posted December 19th, 2011 in financial regulation, mortgages, news by tracey

“New rules to stop a resurgence in risky mortgage lending are likely to be imposed in 2013 by the Financial Services Authority (FSA).”

Full story

BBC News, 19th December 2011


RBS report: FSA’s analysis of banks was ‘deficient’ – BBC News

Posted December 12th, 2011 in banking, financial regulation, news by sally

“The UK’s financial regulator will be highly critical of its own role in its report into the circumstances surrounding the collapse of the Royal Bank of Scotland, the BBC has learned.”

Full story

BBC News, 11th December 2011


Payday loan companies face tougher regulation over high interest rates – The Guardian

Posted December 8th, 2011 in debts, financial regulation, interest, loans, news by tracey

“Companies that provide expensive, short-term loans to desperate borrowers face tougher regulation by the government.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th December 2011


Mobile phones no longer exempt from trader phone tapping rules –

Posted November 18th, 2011 in data protection, financial regulation, news, telecommunications by tracey

“Investment banks and financial traders in the UK must now record the mobile phone conversations of their staff following the closure of a regulatory loophole.”

Full story, 17th November 2011


Government proposed to regulate banking industry’s consumer payments body –

Posted November 15th, 2011 in financial regulation, news, reports, speeches by sally

“The Government will introduce proposals next year to regulate the banking-industry body that runs the UK’s payments system, it has said.”

Full story, 14th November 2011


FSA told to rethink on legal privilege – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 20th, 2011 in financial regulation, judicial review, news, privilege by tracey

“The Financial Services Authority has been urged to review its operating procedures after it was found to have acted unlawfully in its use of legally privileged material during an enforcement investigation.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 20th October 2011
