Bankers’ pay curbed under new City rules – The Times

Posted July 8th, 2009 in financial regulation, news, remuneration by sally

“Banking executives will have their pay linked to long term profitability under new rules designed to prevent a repeat of last year’s financial meltdown.”

Full story

The Times, 8th July 2009


City wrongdoers face bigger fines – BBC News

Posted July 6th, 2009 in financial regulation, fines, insider dealing, news by sally

“The Financial Services Authority (FSA) wants to impose much bigger fines on firms or individuals who cheat their customers or engage in insider dealing.”

Full story

BBC News 6th July 2009


OFT vows to pursue bank charges – BBC News

Posted June 26th, 2009 in banking, financial regulation, news by sally

“The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) will still pursue bank overdraft charges as unfair, even if it loses the current legal appeal in the House of Lords.”

Full story

BBC News, 25th June 2009


City watchdog’s tough stance earns record £27.3m in fines – The Guardian

Posted June 8th, 2009 in financial regulation, fines, news by sally

“The number of fines and bans handed out by the Financial Services Authority is on course for a record this year as the City watchdog steps up its ‘get tough’ approach to regulation.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th June 2009


FSA steps up battle against insider trading – The Times

Posted June 1st, 2009 in financial regulation, insider dealing, news by sally

“The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is to increase the firepower of its enforcement division by hiring several lawyers from leading City firms, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 1st June 2009


Financial Services Authority shuts record number of rogue advisers – The Times

Posted April 15th, 2009 in financial advice, financial regulation, news by sally

“The City watchdog has banned a record number of firms that sell mortgages, pensions, investments and insurance.”

Full story

The Times, 14th April 2009


FSA wins case to bar General Re chief – The Times

Posted April 7th, 2009 in financial regulation, news by sally

“Financial Services Authority says it has turned down appeal by former insurance chief over ban on working in the City.”

Full story

The Times, 6th April 2009


FSA secures first jail term for insider dealing – The Times

Posted March 31st, 2009 in financial regulation, insider dealing, news, sentencing by sally

“A solicitor who tipped off his father-in-law and profited from a takeover deal was jailed for eight months today in the Financial Services Authority’s (FSA) first criminal prosecution for insider dealing. ”

Full story

The Times, 30th March 2009


Lawyers welcome plans for financial shake-up – The Times

Posted March 19th, 2009 in banking, financial regulation, news by sally

“Proposals aimed at shaking up Britain’s banking sector received a cautious welcome from the City’s leading financial services lawyers today.”

Full story

The Times, 18th March 2009


New boardroom code to ‘draw on lessons’ from bank crisis – The Times

Posted March 18th, 2009 in codes of practice, financial regulation, news by sally

“A leading City regulator will pave the way today for the biggest overhaul of best boardroom practice in six years when it launches a full-scale review of the Combined Code, the corporate governance template for investors and listed companies.”

Full story

The Times, 18th March 2009


Lord Turner to unveil banking crackdown – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 16th, 2009 in financial regulation, news by sally

“Lord Turner, chairman of the Financial Services Authority, will unveil proposals to tighten up financial regulations surrounding banks, hedge funds and tax havens when he publishes his blueprint for international regulation on Wednesday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th March 2009


FSA faces multimillion claim for failing to stop Terry Freeman trading – The Times

Posted March 5th, 2009 in company law, financial regulation, negligence, news by sally

“The Financial Services Authority is facing a multimillion-pound compensation claim from a group of investors who say that the City watchdog failed to stop the activities of a suspected rogue trader.”

Full story

The Times, 5th March 2009


FSA revises rule change on with-profits compensation –

Posted February 27th, 2009 in financial regulation, news by sally

“New rules preventing life companies from using surpluses held in with-profits funds to meet compensation costs will only apply to policies sold after the rules come into force, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) announced this week.”

Full story, 26th February 2009


Lawyers back call for single City fraud watchdog – The Times

Posted February 24th, 2009 in financial regulation, fraud, news by sally

“Senior lawyers have backed a call by Sir Ken Macdonald, the former Director of Public Prosecutions, who wrote in The Times yesterday calling for a single regulator to fight City fraudsters in order to restore confidence in banks and the financial sector.”

Full story

The Times, 24th February 2009


New study calls for overhaul of legal regulation – Legal Week

Posted February 23rd, 2009 in financial regulation, fraud, news by sally

“The regulation of corporate law in England and Wales needs an overhaul in order to restore public confidence in the sector, according to a College of Law study published today.”

Full story

Legal Week, 23rd February 2009


Law firm Fox Hayes fined almost £1m for role in share scams – The Times

Posted February 17th, 2009 in financial regulation, fraud, law firms, news by sally

“A defunct British law firm has been fined nearly £1 million for ‘recklessly’ assisting Spanish boiler rooms to defraud British investors out of millions of pounds.”

Full story

The Times, 17th February 2009


Companies still not owning up to corruption – The Times

Posted February 4th, 2009 in corruption, financial regulation, news by sally

“Two out of five senior executives would attempt to bury a corruption problem rather than report it to authorities, a survey has found.”

Full story

The Times, 4th February 2009


Two Pacific Continental Securities executives banned by FSA – The Times

Posted January 29th, 2009 in financial regulation, news by sally

“Two executives of Pacific Continental Securities, a notorious stockbroking firm that fleeced more than 8,000 savers, were banned from the City yesterday. Steven Griggs, the former chief executive, and Charles Weston, the former finance director, were also heavily fined by the Financial Services Authority.”

Full story

The Times, 29th January 2009


City watchdog: banking system needs profound change – The Times

Posted January 22nd, 2009 in banking, financial regulation, news by sally

“The banking system must undergo ‘profound’ changes if a repeat of the current collapse is to be avoided in future, the head of the City watchdog has warned.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd January 2009


JJB Sports boss Chris Ronnie suspended amid shares inquiry – The Times

Posted January 21st, 2009 in company directors, financial regulation, news by sally

“JJB Sports suspended its chief executive yesterday as the investigation into his lost stake continues. Chris Ronnie admitted last week that the 27.5 per cent stake he controlled in the retailer had reverted to the liquidators of Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander (KSF), his financial backer. Mr Ronnie said he did not know when the shares were disposed of, or at what price.”

Full story

The Times, 21st January 2009
