Charlotte Church wins People libel payout – The Guardian

Posted July 25th, 2012 in damages, defamation, media, news by tracey

“Charlotte Church has received an apology and damages from the People after it falsely claimed she drunkenly proposed to her partner in a pub last year.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th July 2012


BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted July 25th, 2012 in news by tracey

Supreme Court

RT (Zimbabwe) & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] UKSC 38 (25 July 2012)

Perry & Ors v Serious Organised Crime Agency [2012] UKSC 35 (25 July 2012)

Hewage v Grampian Health Board [2012] UKSC 37 (25 July 2012)

T (Children), Re [2012] UKSC 36 (25 July 2012)

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council v Hickin [2012] UKSC 39 (25 July 2012)

Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

EJ (Afghanistan) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 1013 (25 July 2012)

NHS Leeds v Larner [2012] EWCA Civ 1034 (25 July 2012)

KA (Afghanistan) & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 1014 (25 July 2012)

The Hospital Medical Group Ltd v Westwood [2012] EWCA Civ 1005 (24 July 2012)

High Court (Administrative Court)

TT, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Merton [2012] EWHC 2055 (Admin) (25 July 2012)

Patel & Ors v The Secreatary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWHC 2100 (Admin) (24 July 2012)

High Court (Commercial Court)

Dry Bulk Handy Holding Inc v Fayette International Holdings Ltd & Anor [2012] EWHC 2107 (Comm) (24 July 2012)

High Court (Queen’s Bench Division)

Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v Newcastle Primary Care Trust & Ors [2012] EWHC 2093 (QB) (24 July 2012)


Recent Statutory Instruments –

Posted July 25th, 2012 in legislation by tracey

The Human Medicines Regulations 2012

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Consequential Amendments) (Council Tax) Order 2012

The Energy Act 2010 (Commencement) Order 2012


Command papers –

Posted July 25th, 2012 in parliamentary papers by tracey

Government response to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee report on financing new housing supply, Cm 8401 (PDF)


Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts – Law Commission

Posted July 25th, 2012 in press releases, unfair contract terms by tracey

“This Issues Paper looks at unfair terms in contracts between businesses and consumers. During 2012, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is consulting on a package of measures to clarify consumer law, to be introduced by primary and secondary legislation. This provides an opportunity to clarify the law on unfair terms as it affects consumers.”

Full press release

Law Commission, 25th July 2012



Outlawing God? The limits of religious freedom – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 25th, 2012 in human rights, news, religious discrimination by tracey

“Monday night’s fascinating seminar on Article 9, ‘Outlawing God’, saw Dinah Rose QC, John Bowers QC, Dr Evan Harris (Liberal Democrat former MP) and Rabbi Michael Laitner (solicitor and Orthodox rabbi) square off over the relationship of the courts to religious belief and believers, refereed (and sometimes stoked) by Joshua Rozenberg in the chair.

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 25th July 2012



When human rights hit the private law of damages for death – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 25th, 2012 in accidents, compensation, damages, economic loss, families, human rights, news by tracey

“Swift v. Secretary of State for Justice [2012] EWHC 2000 (QB) Eady J, read judgment. This decision involves the intersection of Articles 8 (family) and 14 (discrimination) of the ECHR with the law governing who can recover damages for the death of a relative. This law is the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (for the text see [10] of the judgment – embarrassingly, the one freely available on the internet is out of date). One does not to think for very long before realising that the FAA is underpinned by an idea that one ought to respect the rights of the family, and to pay the family when one has negligently caused the death of a family member. But like all such laws, there is the problem of where to stop – where does the family stop for these purposes?”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 24th July 2012


Government may be in breach of EU copyright laws over volunteer-run libraries’ royalty payment commitments, authors’ body claims –

Posted July 25th, 2012 in copyright, EC law, intellectual property, libraries, news, publishing, volunteers by tracey

“The Government may have failed to abide by EU copyright laws if volunteer-run libraries are not required to pay authors royalties when they loan out books, the Society of Authors (SoA) has claimed.”

Full story, 24th July 2012


ICO reminds firms of requirement to gain clearance for personal data processing –

Posted July 25th, 2012 in data protection, news by tracey

“The UK’s data protection watchdog is reminding firms that they must notify it and be registered in order to process personal data.”

Full story, 24th July 2012


Government launches consultation on the designs legal framework – Intellectual Property Office

Posted July 25th, 2012 in company law, enforcement, intellectual property, press releases by tracey

“The Government today set out its proposals to enhance the UK designs legal framework to make the system more accessible for businesses.”

Full press release

Intellectual Property Office, 24th July 2012


Court of Appeal refuses Secretary of State Sandbach appeal –

Posted July 25th, 2012 in appeals, local government, news, planning by tracey

“The Court of Appeal has upheld a High Court ruling that Secretary of State Eric Pickles must reconsider his refusal of plans for 280 homes on a greenfield site at Sandbach, Cheshire.”

Full story, 24th July 2012


ISPs split over UK open internet code of practice – BBC News

Posted July 25th, 2012 in codes of practice, internet, news by tracey

“Several leading UK internet service providers have refused to sign a code of conduct designed to guarantee ‘full and open access’ to the net.”

Full story

BBC News, 25th July 2012


Jeremy Hunt: Olympics wrong time for PCS border staff strike – BBC News

Posted July 25th, 2012 in budgets, immigration, industrial action, news, sport, trade unions by tracey

“The government is urging Border Agency workers not to hold a strike on the eve of the Olympics, arguing it is the ‘wrong time.’ ”

Full story

BBC News, 25th July 2012


Father’s rights breached by mother ‘too upset’ to let him see children – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 25th, 2012 in appeals, children, families, human rights, news, parental rights by tracey

“A father who was denied access to his children for three years because it upset their mother suffered a breach of his parental rights, the Court of Appeal ruled yesterday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 25th July 2012


Former Dale Farm travellers face new eviction attempt – The Guardian

Posted July 25th, 2012 in housing, local government, news, planning, repossession, travellers by tracey

“Basildon council is preparing to bring back bailiffs after travellers removed from Europe’s largest illegal site at Dale Farm in Essex moved to a neighbouring settlement.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th July 2012



Police protest tactics ‘give officers excessive and disproportionate control’ – The Guardian

“Pre-emptive arrests, confinement by kettling and the gathering of personal data give police officers ‘excessive and disproportionate’ control over public protests, a report by a coalition of police monitoring groups has warned.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th July 2012


Public school teacher Bruce Roth jailed for sexual abuse – BBC News

Posted July 25th, 2012 in child abuse, news, sentencing, sexual grooming, sexual offences, teachers by tracey

“A teacher has been jailed for 11 years for sexually abusing five boys at public schools in Berkshire and Kent.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th July 2012


Tottenham Court Road siege: Man jailed for office bomb hoax – BBC News

Posted July 25th, 2012 in bomb hoaxing, false imprisonment, guilty pleas, news, sentencing by tracey

“A bomb hoaxer who caused the closure of London’s Tottenham Court Road after throwing equipment from the fifth floor of an office block has been jailed.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th july 2012


Inquest hears lessons learnt about IEDs after deaths in Helmand – The Independent

Posted July 25th, 2012 in armed forces, explosives, inquests, news, unlawful killing by tracey

” Two Royal Marines who died in Afghanistan last May were unlawfully killed by an improvised explosive device (IED), an inquest has ruled.”

Full story

The Independent, 25th July 2012


Gabby Agbonlahor’s ex-girlfriend spared jail – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 25th, 2012 in harassment, internet, news, restraining orders, suspended sentences by tracey

“The former girlfriend of Premier League striker Gabby Agbonlahor has escaped a prison sentence for harassing his current partner for four years.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th July 2012
