Boy, 13, jailed after admitting to north London stabbing – The Guardian

Posted April 13th, 2015 in guilty pleas, murder, news, sentencing, weapons, young offenders by sally

‘One of the youngest children to plead guilty to murder has been locked up for a minimum of 11 years after sentencing at the Old Bailey.’

Full story

The Guardian, 11th April 2015


Essex child abuse: Family of rape victim, five, want case reviewed – BBC News

Posted March 30th, 2015 in child abuse, children, complaints, news, police, rape, victims, young offenders by sally

‘The parents of a five-year-old rape victim have called for a new police investigation into her case.’

Full story

BBC News, 29th March 2015


What should we do with violent children? One secure home may have the answer – The Guardian

‘The young people locked up in Clayfields House have been convicted of serious crimes, from assault to murder. Under close supervision, many have turned their lives around – but now this unusual prison may be under threat.’

Full story

The Guardian, 18th March 2015


Removal of clothing by police and Article 8 ECHR – Court of Appeal expresses sympathy for vulnerable position of children in custody – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The Court of Appeal has considered the compatibility with Article 8 ECHR of the police’s removal of a 14 year old girl’s clothing after she had been arrested and taken to a police station.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 9th March 2015


Young offender rehabilitation staff criticised – BBC News

Posted March 12th, 2015 in news, prison officers, probation, rehabilitation, reports, young offenders by sally

‘Work to stop young offenders committing more crimes after their release from custody is hampered by “distrust” among the staff responsible, inspectors say.’

Full story

BBC News, 12th March 2015


This is Abuse summary report – Home Office

‘This report summarises the development and evaluation of the campaign.’

Full report

Home Office, 8th March 2015


Teenager sentenced for throwing bleach in model’s face – The Guardian

Posted March 3rd, 2015 in assault, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

‘A teenager who threw bleach into a young model’s face in a “spiteful and vengeful act” has been sentenced to 27 months in a young offender institution.’

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd March 2015


Protecting the Innocent – BBC Law in Action

Posted February 11th, 2015 in appeals, firearms, gangs, imprisonment, miscarriage of justice, murder, news, young offenders by sally

‘Dwaine George was sent to prison in 2001 for murder. Aged 18 and a member of a Manchester gang, he was convicted for shooting dead another 18-year-old and sentenced to life imprisonment. But Dwaine George said he didn’t do it and continued to protest his innocence throughout the 12 years he eventually served. He was finally vindicated by the Court of Appeal shortly before Christmas, when his conviction was quashed.’


BBC Law in Action, 12th February 2015


Imprisonment ‘turns young offenders into sex criminals’ – The Independent

Posted February 10th, 2015 in imprisonment, news, prisons, reports, sexual offences, young offenders by sally

‘Plans for Europe’s largest juvenile prison were criticised last night after a new report claimed that jailing children increased the chances of them becoming sex offenders in adulthood.’

Full story

The Independent, 10th February 2015


Cigarette row killer Kai Steele given 18 years – BBC News

Posted February 5th, 2015 in murder, news, offensive weapons, sentencing, young offenders by sally

‘A teenager who stabbed a man to death during an argument sparked by a row over a cigarette has been detained for at least 18 years.’

Full story

BBC News, 4th February 2015


London student jailed over Isis terror plot – The Guardian

‘A radical Muslim student who wanted the black flag of the Islamic State (Isis) to fly over Downing Street has been jailed for three and a half years after being found guilty of planning to join rebel forces in Syria.’

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd February 2015


Boy, 16, who murdered teacher Ann Maguire loses challenge to jail term – The Guardian

Posted January 30th, 2015 in appeals, murder, news, school children, sentencing, teachers, young offenders by sally

‘The 16-year-old boy who murdered teacher Ann Maguire has lost a challenge to his 20-year minimum term.’

Full story

The Guardian, 29th January 2015


Connor Barrett party murder youths jailed for life – BBC News

Posted January 19th, 2015 in murder, news, sentencing, young offenders by tracey

‘Two teenagers who murdered a man at a 21st birthday party they gatecrashed have been jailed.’

Full story

BBC News, 16th January 2015


Breck Bednar murder: Lewis Daynes sentenced to life in prison – BBC News

Posted January 13th, 2015 in murder, news, police, sentencing, sexual grooming, young offenders by sally

‘A teenager has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a 14-year-old boy he met through online gaming.’

Full story

BBC News, 12th January 2015


One in 4 inmates at youth ‘prison’ held in virtual solitary confinement, say inspectors – The Independent

‘Boys as young as 15 are being held in virtual solitary confinement in a youth prison plagued by gang violence, inspectors warn today.’

Full story

The Independent, 13th January 2015


Some youth offending teams failing to protect at-risk girls, say inspectors – The Guardian

Posted December 19th, 2014 in children, criminal justice, news, police, probation, young offenders by sally

‘Many girls in the criminal justice system are being sexually exploited and some youth offending teams are failing to provide protection for them, independent inspectors have said.’

Full story

The Guardian, 19th December 2014


Mentally ill teenagers will no longer be held in police cells – The Guardian

Posted December 15th, 2014 in complaints, detention, mental health, news, police, statistics, young offenders by tracey

‘Mentally ill teenagers will no longer be taken to police stations and detained in cells under reforms to be announced by the home secretary, Theresa May, this week.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th December 2014


Too many young adults go from ‘in care’ directly to jail – The Independent

Posted December 8th, 2014 in benefits, care homes, homelessness, news, prisons, young offenders, young persons by sally

‘Young adults leaving care are being let down by the justice system, according to a new academic study. Despite up to a third of the current prison population having experienced the care system, criminal justice professionals are ignorant of ways to help young care leavers stay out of jail, it warns.’

Full story

The Independent, 7th December 2014


Why do we ignore the mental health aspects of crime? – BBC News

‘When 16-year-old Will Cornick admitted murdering the schoolteacher Ann Maguire, the reaction was one of shock and bewilderment.’

Full story

BBC News, 3rd December 2014


PCC admits Essex Police failed child rape victim – BBC News

Posted November 19th, 2014 in child abuse, children, news, police, rape, young offenders by sally

‘A five-year-old rape victim who wrote to officers telling them they had let her down was failed by Essex Police, the force’s police and crime commissioner has said.’

Full story

BBC News, 18th November 2014
