Man who set ex-girlfriend’s home on fire spared jail because he was ‘badly affected’ by break-up – The Independent

Posted November 29th, 2019 in arson, fire, news, sentencing, suspended sentences by tracey

‘A man who committed arson after his ex-girlfriend broke up with him has been spared jail after his lawyer argued the attack was an “acute stress reaction” to the end of the relationship.’

Full Story

The Independent, 28th November 2019


Men given suspended sentences for ‘releasing fox into path of hunt’ – The Guardian

‘Two men convicted of animal cruelty offences after being filmed dragging a fox out of a tunnel and releasing it “into the path of a hunt” have been given suspended sentences.’

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The Guardian, 26th November 2019


Expert who “fall short” face “much more robust” response – Litigation Futures

‘Expert witnesses who “fall short of the mark” face a “much more and properly robust” response from the courts, a recently retired Court of Appeal judge has warned.’

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Litigation Futures, 11th November 2019


Greater Manchester woman given suspended jail sentence over attempted £37k Right to Buy fraud – Local Government Lawyer

Posted November 6th, 2019 in fraud, housing, local government, news, right to buy, sentencing, suspended sentences by sally

‘A woman from Greater Manchester who made a fraudulent Right to Buy application has been given a suspended jail sentence.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 5th November 2019


Katrice Lee: Woman sentenced for impersonating missing toddler – BBC News

‘A woman who used social media to impersonate a toddler missing for almost 40 years has been handed a suspended jail term.’

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BBC News, 30th October 2019


Bride-to-be fleeced fiance’s stag party out of £11k – BBC News

Posted October 30th, 2019 in compensation, forgery, marriage, news, sentencing, suspended sentences, theft by sally

‘A bride-to-be frittered away her fiance’s stag party kitty, leaving him and his friends stranded at a UK airport, a court has heard.’

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BBC News, 29th October 2019


Mail on Sunday writer spared jail after recording court hearing on phone – The Guardian

Posted October 24th, 2019 in contempt of court, fines, media, news, sentencing, suspended sentences by sally

‘A Mail on Sunday features writer has been spared jail after blaming “work pressure” for recording a court hearing on her mobile phone.’

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The Guardian, 23rd October 2019


Former milkman sentenced for money laundering – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A former milkman who got into financial difficulties has been sentenced for money laundering.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 26th September 2019


CA quashes paralegal’s “unfair” contempt sentence – Legal Futures

‘It was “manifestly unfair” for a circuit judge to issue a paralegal with a suspended six-month prison sentence for inadvertently breaching the Family Procedure Rules, the Court of Appeal has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 17th September 2019


Woman jailed for punching Muslim woman and ripping her hijab off – The Independent

Posted September 11th, 2019 in alcohol abuse, assault, hate crime, Islam, news, police, racism, sentencing, suspended sentences, taxis by tracey

‘A care assistant has been jailed for 20 months after attacking two shoppers and ripping one’s hijab off.’

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The Independent, 10th September 2019


Suspended Jail Sentences For Campaigners Protesting Site Of UK’s ‘Biggest Fracking Tremor’ – Rights Info

‘Three campaigners who breached an injunction restricting protest at a shale gas site struck by what is believed to be the UK’s biggest fracking tremor have been given suspended prison sentences.’

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Rights Info, 3rd September 2019


Anti-fracking trio given suspended sentences for breaking protest ban – The Guardian

‘Three anti-fracking activists have been given suspended prison sentences after breaking a ban on demonstrations which their lawyers argued “severely curtails the right to protest”.’

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The Guaridan, 3rd September 2019


Defendant who brought fraudulent ‘phantom passenger’ claim against council given suspended sentence – Local Government Lawyer

‘A defendant who brought a fraudulent claim against Cardiff Council in a “phantom passenger” road traffic accident case has been sentenced to four months in prison, suspended for 18 months, it has been reported.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 28th August 2019


London borough prosecutes man who tried to take over council flat by claiming to be nephew of deceased tenant – Local Government Lawyer

‘The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has successfully prosecuted a man who fraudulently tried to take over the council tenancy of a resident who had passed away by pretending to be his nephew.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 20th August 2019


Woman sentenced for faking terminal illness to con charity into paying for her wedding – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A woman who claimed she had terminal cancer so she could con a small charity into paying for a wedding ceremony has today been sentenced.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 16th August 2019


Legal system ‘beyond the point of collapse’ as three men avoid jail – BBC News

‘The legal system in England and Wales is “beyond the point of collapse”, according to a Crown Court judge. Judge Simon Carr gave three men suspended sentences instead of sending them to jail because of how long it had taken for the case to get to court.’

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BBC News, 31st July 2019


Man jailed for 50 minutes in ‘shortest ever prison sentence’ – The Independent

‘A man has been given what is believed to be Britain’s shortest jail sentence of just 50 minutes.’

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The Independent, 31st July 2019


Protester who harassed Anna Soubry handed suspended sentence – The Guardian

‘Self-styled yellow vest protester James Goddard has been handed a suspended prison sentence and banned from an area around parliament for hurling abuse at the remain-supporting MP Anna Soubry. The pro-Brexit campaigner, 30, was filmed calling the former Conservative a Nazi and a traitor outside the Houses of Parliament in December and January.’

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The Guardian, 22nd July 2019


Paedophile spared jail after police and prosecutor blunders – Daily Telegraph

‘A paedophile has been spared jail after a judge claimed a series of mistakes from the police and prosecutors have allowed him to walk free.’

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Daily Telegraph, 16th July 2019


Judge faces no action over drink-driver ‘being a woman’ remark – BBC News

‘A judge who said a drink-driver deserved a chance to avoid jail because she is a woman will not face sanctions.’

Full Story

BBC News, 8th July 2019
