Paula Gilfoyle and Carolaine Rainey: the remarkable similarities – The Times

Posted May 13th, 2009 in murder, news, suicide by sally

“The similarities are remarkable. Two women found hanged in their garages a couple of weeks before their first babies were due.”

Full story

The Times, 13th May 2009


Findings on pregnant suicide open Eddie Gilfoyle case to doubt – The Times

Posted May 13th, 2009 in evidence, murder, news, statistics, suicide by sally

“Crucial new evidence has emerged that casts doubt on the conviction of a man serving a life sentence for the murder of his pregnant wife.”

Full story

The Times, 13th May 2009


Verdict on prison death quashed – BBC News

Posted April 3rd, 2009 in inquests, news, prisons, suicide by sally

“A fresh inquest has been ordered into the death of a prison inmate who was found hanged in his cell.”

Full story

BBC News, 3rd April 2009


Regina (Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions – Times Law Reports

Posted February 24th, 2009 in aiding and abetting, assisted suicide, law reports, prosecutions, suicide by sally

Regina (Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions

Court of Appeal

“The refusal by the Director of Public Prosecutions to publish detailed guidance as to the circumstances in which individuals would or would not be prosecuted for assisting another person to commit suicide was lawful.”

The Times, 24th February 2009


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Woman’s anti-suicide Asbo to stay – BBC News

Posted February 20th, 2009 in ASBOs, news, suicide by sally

“Magistrates have refused to lift an Asbo on a woman who has made repeated seaside suicide attempts.”

Full story 

BBC News, 20th February 2009


Gassed children unlawfully killed – BBC News

Posted February 20th, 2009 in domestic violence, inquests, news, suicide, unlawful killing by sally

“A father killed himself and his two young children after splitting from their mother, an inquest has heard.”

Full story 

BBC News, 20th February 2009


R (Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions – WLR Daily

Posted February 20th, 2009 in aiding and abetting, assisted suicide, law reports, prosecutions, suicide by sally

R (Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions [2009] EWCA Civ 92; [2009] WLR (D) 62

The Director of Public Prosecutions did not act unlawfully in failing to publish detailed guidance as to the circumstances in which individuals would or would not be prosecuted for assisting another person to commit suicide.”

WLR Daily, 19th February 2009


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Jury blasts staff over death in cell – The Times

Posted February 10th, 2009 in inquests, mental health, news, prisons, suicide by sally

“Staff at a privately run jail failed to do all they could to ensure the safety of an inmate who killed himself while suffering a mental illness, a coroner’s jury ruled yesterday.”

Full story 

The Times, 10th February 2009


Prison suicides down, but no room for complacency, says minister – The Guardian

Posted January 5th, 2009 in news, prisons, suicide by sally

“The number of inmates who kill themselves in jails in England and Wales fell last year, according to figures published yesterday by the Ministry of Justice.”

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd January 2009


Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – WLR Daily

Posted December 16th, 2008 in hospitals, human rights, law reports, mental health, suicide by sally

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2008] UKHL 74; [2008] WLR (D) 386

Where there was a real and immediate risk of a patient detained in a mental hospital committing suicide, art 2 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as scheduled to the Human Rights Act 1998, imposed an operational obligation on the medical authorities to do all that could reasonably be expected of them to prevent him doing so.”

WLR Daily, 15th December 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – Times Law Reports

Posted December 11th, 2008 in hospitals, human rights, law reports, mental health, suicide by sally

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

House of Lords

“The right to life protected by article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights imposed an operational obligation on medical authorities to do all that could reasonably be expected of them to prevent a patient detained in a mental hospital who was known to be at a real and immediate risk of committing suicide from doing so.”

The Times, 11th December 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Daughter wins legal battle over mother’s suicide – The Independent

Posted December 10th, 2008 in hospitals, human rights, mental health, negligence, news, suicide by sally

“The daughter of a mentally-ill woman who walked out of a hospital and threw herself under a train has won the final round of her battle for the right to sue the local health trust for damages. ”

Full story

The Independent, 10th December 2008


Net Suicide Bill would breathe life into government censorship – The Register

Posted September 25th, 2008 in freedom of expression, internet, news, suicide by sally

“Government moves to reduce the availability of suicide sites on the internet may herald a new era of online censorship in the UK.”

Full story

The Register, 24th September 2008


Father jailed after faked suicide – BBC News

Posted September 22nd, 2008 in news, perverting the course of justice, suicide by sally

“A father from South Yorkshire who faked his suicide before using his mobile phone to report his disappearance to police has been jailed for 12 months.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th September 2008


Suicide websites – Law Commission

Posted September 19th, 2008 in internet, press releases, suicide by sally

“We are pleased to see that the Government has announced its intention to amend the language of section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961.”

Full press release

Law Commission, 17th September 2008

Estate agent kills himself after sex harassment case – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 4th, 2008 in harassment, news, sexual offences, suicide by sally

“An estate agent has killed himself two weeks after being ordered to pay a former employee tens of thousands of pounds for sexual harassment.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 2nd August 2008


Eddie Gilfoyle: judges’ error over suicide note gives husband hope of appeal – The Times

Posted August 4th, 2008 in appeals, evidence, murder, news, suicide by sally

“A glaring error by judges in the case of a man accused of killing his wife by faking her suicide is to be used in a fresh attempt to clear his name.”

Full story

The Times, 4th August 2008


Father kills himself in dock after guilty verdict – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 8th, 2008 in assault, child abuse, news, suicide by sally

“An abusive father killed himself in the dock of a court after being found guilty of a brutal assault on his baby daughter.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 8th July 2008


Suicide websites and internet chatrooms could be closed down – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 6th, 2008 in internet, news, suicide by sally

“Websites that encourage people to commit suicide could be shut down under changes to the law, it was disclosed today.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 6th June 2008


Prison suicide inquiry could cast doubt on Lin Russell murder verdict – The Independent

Posted June 2nd, 2008 in informers, news, perjury, suicide by sally

“Detectives have launched an investigation into the death of a police and prison informant who was found hanged in his jail cell. The probe into Paul Day’s suicide, shortly after he told a solicitor he wished to retract false evidence he gave in a series of high-profile cases, including the 1996 murders of Lin and Megan Russell, raises the prospect of manslaughter charges and the possible unravelling of some major criminal cases.”

Full story

The Independent, 1st June 2008
