An Option for Defendants Charged Under the Lockdown Regulations – Thomas More Chambers

Posted May 29th, 2020 in adjournment, coronavirus, defences, news, prosecutions by sally

‘The variety of criminal offences created as part of HM Government’s response to the current Covid-19 pandemic has caused a discomforting amount of confusion for individuals, police, criminal practitioners, and courts. This brief article makes the small suggestion that, in the very short term, criminal defence practitioners may wish to seek adjournments for any prosecutions under the Public Health (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 (“the Lockdown Regulations”) pending a judicial review of the lawfulness of the Regulations.’

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Thomas More Chambers, 18th May 2020


Number of PI hearings halves during lockdown – Litigation Futures

‘The number of hearings in personal injury (PI) cases has halved since lockdown began, new figures have shown, with barristers calling for a presumption towards hearing, rather than adjourning, cases.’

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Litigation Futures, 22nd May 2020


Getting the Court to Hear Your Case During the Pandemic – 3PB

Posted May 19th, 2020 in adjournment, coronavirus, county courts, lists, news, remote hearings by sally

‘The county court has responded rapidly to the sudden and unprecedented change to its working practices. However, the move to remote hearings has brought a marked decline in the retention of existing listings. Many litigants have found their hearings adjourned by the court even when those hearings were, on the face of it, suitable for hearing remotely.’

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3PB, 12th May 2020


Judge was wrong not to adjourn trial involving injured litigant – Litigation Futures

Posted May 7th, 2020 in accidents, adjournment, boundaries, news by sally

‘A judge was wrong to refuse adjourning a trial where one of the litigants injured his back just before the hearing and needed an emergency operation, the High Court has ruled.’

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Litigation Futures, 5th May 2020


Extensions of time and adjournment of face-to-face hearings for Covid-19 reasons – Parklane Plowden Chambers

Posted May 6th, 2020 in adjournment, chambers articles, coronavirus, courts, delay, news, time limits by sally

‘In the challenging and constraining times imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be difficult to comply with case management directions. Although the parties may agree extensions of time of up to 56 days if they do not imperil a hearing date, applications continue to be necessary where the extension may impact on a court hearing.’

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Parklane Plowden Chambers, 28th April 2020


Court of Appeal sets out ‘cardinal points’ on remote hearings and approach to public law children cases – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Appeal has handed down rulings in the first two appeals relating to the welfare of children to have reached the court on the issue of remote hearings during the COVID-19 pandemic.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 30th April 2020


Civil and family cases being adjourned “for no apparently good reason”: Bar Council – Local Government Lawyer

‘Many civil and family cases are being adjourned “for no apparently good reason”, the Chair of the Bar Council, Amanda Pinto QC, has claimed.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 28th April 2020


To adjourn or not to adjourn: consideration of the Chief Coroner’s Guidance in relation to COVID-19 and the effects of the pandemic on inquests and reports of deaths to coroners – Parklane Plowden

Posted April 28th, 2020 in adjournment, coronavirus, inquests, news by sally

‘The Chief Coroner Guidance (numbers 34 and 35) has made it clear, as with other jurisdictions, that no physical hearing should take place unless it is urgent and essential business and it is safe for those involved.’

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Parklane Plowden, 24th April 2020


Principles to be considered in respect of Applications for Adjournment or for Extension of Time during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Henderson Chambers

Posted April 28th, 2020 in adjournment, coronavirus, news, time limits by sally

‘In Municipo de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group PLC & Ors ([2020] EWHC 928 (TCC)) His Honour Judge Eyre QC set out the principles to be applied by the Court when considering applications to extend time for compliance with directions or for the adjournment of hearings in the context of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. These principles provide a helpful framework for parties seeking to make such applications.’

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Henderson Chambers, 24th April 2020


High Court rejects attempt to adjourn £250m trial because of virus – Litigation Futures

‘The High Court has rejected an application to adjourn a five-week trial of a £250m insolvency claim because of the coronavirus pandemic.’

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Litigation Futures, 9th April 2020


Dealing with Applications for Adjournments due to Ill-Health – St Ives Chambers

Posted February 14th, 2020 in adjournment, case management, chambers articles, health, litigants in person, news by sally

‘The High Court has provided a comprehensive summary, in the case of Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) V Avacade Ltd & Ores [2020] EWHC 26, of the relevant authorities when it comes to applying for an adjournment on the grounds of ill-health.’

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St Ives Chambers, 6th February 2020


Freeman tribunal adjourned and may not finish until October next year – The Guardian

Posted December 17th, 2019 in adjournment, disciplinary procedures, doctors, drug abuse, news, sport, tribunals by tracey

‘The occasionally dramatic if sprawling medical tribunal of the former British Cycling and Team Sky doctor Richard Freeman, which was due to be done and dusted last March, may not finish now until October 2020 after being adjourned yet again.’

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The Guardian, 16th December 2019


Family judges must justify delaying final decisions – Court of Appeal – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 24th, 2019 in adjournment, delay, family courts, news by tracey

‘Judges have been warned by the Court of Appeal not to adjourn final decisions in family cases simply to “press the pause button”.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 23rd September 2019


Judge praises LiPs denied adjournment to find solicitors – Litigation Futures

Posted September 20th, 2019 in adjournment, legal representation, litigants in person, news, probate by sally

‘A deputy master hearing a probate dispute in the High Court said the way litigants in person ran their defence justified a decision not to adjourn the case so they could instruct new lawyers.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 20th September 2019


Medical tribunal of former Team Sky doctor Richard Freeman adjourned – The Guardian

Posted March 6th, 2019 in adjournment, disciplinary procedures, doctors, news by sally

‘The medical tribunal of the former Team Sky and British Cycling doctor Richard Freeman, which was due to hear charges that he purchased 30 sachets of banned testosterone for an unnamed rider, has been adjourned and will not be heard until later this year at the earliest.’

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The Guardian, 5th March 2019


CA rules £1m security order to admit late statement was wrong – Litigation Futures

Posted February 18th, 2019 in adjournment, costs, news, service, time limits, witnesses by sally

‘A High Court judge was wrong to order a defendant to make a £1m security for costs payment – almost the sum the claimant was seeking – to rely on a witness statement it had served late, the Court of Appeal has ruled.’

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Litigation Futures, 18th February 2019


Children: Public Law Update (August 2018) – Family Law Week

‘John Tughan QC of 4 Paper Buildings reviews recent, important Children Public Law cases.’

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Family Law Week, 15th August 2018


Late and late again – intentional homelessness and benefit claims – Nearly Legal

Posted July 11th, 2018 in adjournment, delay, homelessness, local government, news by tracey

‘Oduneye v Brent London Borough Council (2018) EWCA Civ 1595. This was a second appeal from a s.204 appeal on Brent’s decision that Ms O was intentionally homeless. Ms O was in person. She had sought an adjournment to seek legal representation but this was a fortnight before the hearing and refused on the basis that she had known of the appeal hearing since permission on 21 October 2017.’

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Nearly Legal, 10th July 2018


Appealing adjournments in misconduct hearings – UK Police Law Blog

Posted June 15th, 2018 in adjournment, appeals, case management, news, police, tribunals by tracey

‘Challenges to a failure to adjourn seem to be popping-up at the moment. There was the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Solanki v (1) Intercity Telecom Ltd (2) Guidinglight Finance Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 101 – where a judge had failed to give adequate reasons for rejecting medical evidence justifying an adjournment. By contrast, in the recent decision of Lindsay v Solicitors’ Regulatory Authority [2018] EWHC 1275 (Admin), the respondent in misconduct proceedings failed to advance adequate evidence to support such an application. What lies deeper beneath, however, is whether an appeal against a decision not to adjourn requires the appellate court or tribunal to consider whether the original decision lay within the range of reasonable responses open to the decision maker below or, alternatively, has to determine the question of fairness / correctness itself.’

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UK Police Law Blog, 15th June 2018


When to adjourn a misconduct hearing – UK Police Law Blog

Posted February 12th, 2018 in adjournment, disciplinary procedures, news, police, professional conduct, regulations by tracey

‘When must a police misconduct hearing adjourn the proceedings for the attendance of the respondent officer or even a witness?’

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UK Police Law Blog, 9th February 2018
