Police pay woman £40,000 after using unlawful force – BBC News

‘A woman has been paid £40,000 compensation by a police force after two officers trespassed in her home and unlawfully arrested her.’

Full Story

BBC News, 14th November 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Prankster spared jail but warned of ‘sticky wicket’ after Oval stunt – The Independent

Posted October 20th, 2022 in news, sentencing, sport, suspended sentences, trespass, video recordings by sally

‘A self-styled YouTube prankster who collided with England cricketer Jonny Bairstow after invading the Oval pitch was warned he faces a “sticky wicket” if he defies court orders as he was handed a suspended sentence.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th October 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Noise cameras to be trialled in England to tackle ‘boy racers’ – The Guardian

Posted October 18th, 2022 in evidence, news, noise, road traffic offences, video recordings by sally

‘Noise-detecting traffic cameras will be trialled in four areas in England in an attempt to crack down on “boy racers” who rev engines and use illegal exhausts, the Department for Transport has announced.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 18th October 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Crown court roll-out of pre-recorded evidence in England and Wales complete – BBC News

Posted September 27th, 2022 in Crown Court, evidence, news, rape, trafficking in human beings, victims, video recordings by sally

‘The use of pre-recorded evidence from victims and witnesses of crimes such as rape has been rolled out across all crown courts in England and Wales.’

Full Story

BBC News, 26th September 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

TikTok may be fined £27m for failing to protect children – BBC News

Posted September 27th, 2022 in fines, internet, news, privacy, video recordings by sally

‘TikTok could face a £27m fine for failing to protect children’s privacy when they’re using the platform.’

Full Story

BBC News, 26th September 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

The police killing of Chris Kaba – The Guardian

Posted September 21st, 2022 in families, firearms, homicide, news, podcasts, police, professional conduct, video recordings by sally

‘The killing of a 24-year-old black man by firearms officers in south London comes at a time of plummeting faith in the police and serious questions about accountability for the new Met chief.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st September 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

YouTuber guilty of Oval pitch invasion during England game – BBC News

Posted September 15th, 2022 in news, sport, trespass, video recordings by tracey

‘A self-styled YouTube prankster who collided with England cricketer Jonny Bairstow after invading the pitch at the Oval has been found guilty of aggravated trespass.’

Full Story

BBC News, 14th September 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Barristers accuse ministers of rushing release of pre-recorded video evidence – The Guardian

‘Barristers have accused ministers of ignoring a crisis in the criminal justice system by continuing to roll out pre-recorded video evidence for rape survivors in England and Wales amid a strike by advocates. The policy, allowing complainants of offences including modern slavery to be cross-examined before trial in front of a limited number of people, was extended to five more crown courts on Friday, taking the total to 63. Three-quarters of courts are covered and all will be by the end of the month.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th September 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Met fails in second bid to sack senior officer over child abuse video – The Guardian

‘The high court has thrown out the Metropolitan police’s latest attempt to sack a decorated senior black officer, with a judge branding one of its arguments “hopeless”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th July 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Criminal reforms target ‘deepfake’ and nonconsensual pornographic imagery – The Guardian

‘Secretly videoing or taking photographs of people under their clothes or sharing “deepfake” pornography without consent could lead to prison sentences of up to three years, under recommendations by the Law Commission of England and Wales.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th July 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

New regulations solve cross-border hybrid hearing issues – OUT-LAW.com

Posted July 1st, 2022 in foreign jurisdictions, news, remote hearings, video recordings by tracey

‘New regulations issued this week give courts in England and Wales new powers to permit individuals overseas to watch transmissions of ‘hybrid’ court hearings combining both in-person and remote participants.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 1st July 2022

Source: www.pinsentmasons.com

Leeds YouTube racer Adeel Habib jailed for dangerous driving – BBC News

Posted June 23rd, 2022 in dangerous driving, news, sentencing, video recordings by sally

‘A man whose YouTube channel showed him driving high-performance cars at high speeds on busy public roads has been sentenced for dangerous driving.’

Full Story

BBC News, 22nd June 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

New pilots to boost support for rape victims in court – Ministry of Justice

‘Rape victims will receive enhanced support at 3 Crown Courts under a new pilot scheme launched by the government today (16 June 2022) as part of efforts to drive up prosecutions and convictions.’

Full Story

Ministry of Justice, 16th June 2022

Source: www.gov.uk

Abusers face up to five years in jail with new non-fatal strangulation offence – The Independent

‘A new offence of non-fatal strangulation has come into force, meaning abusers will now face up to five years behind bars.’

Full Story

The Independent, 6th June 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Third of revenge porn cases dropped by victims – The Independent

Posted May 17th, 2022 in internet, news, pornography, prosecutions, victims, video recordings by tracey

‘More than a third of revenge porn cases are dropped by victims despite a suspect being identified, figures show.’

Full Story

The Independent, 16th May 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

‘Entitled’ former world darts champion jailed for two years for sexual assault – The Independent

Posted May 13th, 2022 in imprisonment, news, sentencing, sexual offences, victims, video recordings by tracey

‘Former world darts champion Ted Hankey has been jailed for two years for a sexual assault caught on camera.’

Full Story

The Independent, 12th May 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Paul Grayson: Voyeur Sheffield nurse who filmed up patients’ gowns jailed – BBC News

‘A nurse “fixated by sex” who filmed up the gowns of unconscious hospital patients has been jailed for 12 years.’

Full Story

BBC News, 11th May 2022

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Man gets suspended jail sentence for ‘offensive’ video of Grenfell Tower model – The Guardian

Posted April 21st, 2022 in news, racism, retrials, sentencing, suspended sentences, video recordings by sally

‘A man has been sentenced to 10 weeks, suspended for two years, after admitting sending a “grossly offensive” viral video of a cardboard model of Grenfell Tower being burned on a bonfire.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 20th April 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com

Man jailed for 13 years for raping woman he met in Kingston nightclub – The Independent

‘A man has been jailed for 13 years after he filmed himself raping a woman he met at a nightclub.’

Full Story

The Independent, 7th April 2022

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Covid denier fined for filming in Gloucester hospital – The Guardian

Posted January 20th, 2022 in coronavirus, fines, harassment, hospitals, news, threatening behaviour, video recordings by tracey

‘A woman acting as a “guerrilla journalist” when she filmed inside a hospital in an attempt to prove her belief that lockdown measures were disproportionate has been convicted of a public order offence.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 19th January 2022

Source: www.theguardian.com