Prisoners’ Legal Aid, Malayan Killings and the Role of the Judiciary – the Human Rights Roundup – UK Human Rights Blog

‘This week, a challenge to the legal aid reforms by the Howard League for Penal Reform is rejected, while campaigners seeking an inquiry into the action of British soldiers in Malaya in 1948 face similar disappointment. Meanwhile, some of the most senior judges in the UK give their views on the role of the judiciary today.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 23rd March 2014


Al-Sweady Inquiry: Iraq unlawful killings claims dropped – BBC News

Posted March 20th, 2014 in armed forces, inquiries, Iraq, news, unlawful killing by tracey

‘Claims that UK soldiers unlawfully killed Iraqi civilians in 2004 have not been supported by evidence heard by a public inquiry into their deaths, lawyers for their families have said.’

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BBC News, 20th March 2014


Death of Jimmy Mubenga – Charging decisions following inquest – CrimeLine

‘The Crown Prosecution Service has reviewed the evidence relating to the tragic death of Jimmy Mubenga in October 2010. We had previously decided in July 2012 that no charges should be brought in relation to Mr Mubenga’s death. In accordance with a memorandum of understanding between prosecutors, coroners and the police, the case was reconsidered by the CPS following the verdict of unlawful killing at the inquest. All new evidence from the inquest was taken into account during this review. In accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors, the decision now is that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest for Colin Kaler, Terrence Hughes and Stuart Tribelnig to be prosecuted for manslaughter.’

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CrimeLine, 20th March 2014


Immigrant detainees face ‘excessive force and abuse,’ says MoJ report – The Independent

Posted March 19th, 2014 in aircraft, detention, immigration, news, proportionality, restraint, unlawful killing by tracey

‘Immigrant detainees sent home from the UK are still facing “disproportionate force and restraint” and are subjected to offensive language from their escorts, according to a new report by the Ministry of Justice.’

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The Independent, 18th March 2014


Azelle Rodney shooting: police marksman loses high court challenge – The Guardian

Posted February 28th, 2014 in firearms, inquiries, judicial review, news, police, unlawful killing by sally

‘A police marksman has lost his high court bid to challenge a public inquiry finding that he used excessive force when he killed robbery suspect Azelle Rodney.’

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The Guardian, 27th February 2014


Mark Duggan’s mother lodges legal challenge against judge – The Guardian

‘The mother of Mark Duggan, whose fatal shooting by police provoked the 2011 riots, has lodged a legal challenge against the judge who presided over the inquest into her son’s death, which ended with a jury making a majority ruling that he was lawfully killed.’

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The Guardian, 26th February 2014


Mark Duggan inquest jury retires – BBC News

Posted December 12th, 2013 in inquests, news, police, unlawful killing by sally

‘The jury at the inquest into the death of Mark Duggan, shot by police, has retired to consider its ruling.’

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BBC News, 11th December 2013


Further guidance on the conduct of Iraqi death inquiries – High Court – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted October 4th, 2013 in armed forces, families, inquiries, Iraq, news, unlawful killing by sally

“Earlier this year, the High Court ordered that an approach based upon a coroner’s inquest would be the most appropriate form of inquiry under Article 2 EHCR into claims of ill treatment or killings of civilians by the British armed forces in Iraq (see Adam Wagner’s post on this decision). Here the President of the Queen’s Bench sets out the Court’s views as to the form such inquiries should take.”

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UK Human Rights Blog, 3rd October 2013


Q&A: Mark Duggan inquest – BBC News

Posted September 17th, 2013 in firearms, inquests, news, police, unlawful killing by sally

“An inquest into the death of Mark Duggan begins on Monday in London. BBC News explains the issues and background to the case.”

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BBC News, 16th September 2013


Mark Duggan inquest: key issue is whether shooting was lawful, jury told – The Guardian

Posted September 17th, 2013 in firearms, inquests, news, police, unlawful killing by sally

“The 11 members of the jury in the Mark Duggan inquest were on Monday told the key issue they may have to decide is whether his shooting dead by police was lawful or unlawful.”

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The Guardian, 16th September 2013


Al-Sweady inquiry: British soldiers to accuse colleagues of abusing Iraqis – The Guardian

Posted September 4th, 2013 in armed forces, evidence, inquiries, Iraq, news, torture, unlawful killing by sally

“British soldiers have accused colleagues of abusing Iraqis they shot or detained after an intense gunfight with insurgents in 2004, the inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the incident heard on Tuesday.”

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The Guardian, 3rd September 2013


Azelle Rodney death: Met to support police marksman’s legal challenge – The Guardian

Posted August 14th, 2013 in judicial review, news, police, reports, unlawful killing by sally

“Scotland Yard has announced it will support a legal challenge by one of its firearms officers attempting to overturn an official ruling that he unlawfully shot and killed a suspect.”

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The Guardian, 13th August 2013


Coroner blames professor for teenager’s drug death at party – Daily Telegraph

“A coroner has blamed a lecturer and his wife for the ‘tragic and preventable death’ of a 15-year-old girl who took an ecstasy overdose at their home during an unsupervised party.”

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Daily Telegraph, 1st August 2013


Met ‘set to admit liability’ for unlawful killing of Ian Tomlinson – The Independent

Posted August 2nd, 2013 in complaints, news, police, unlawful killing by sally

“Scotland Yard is drawing closer to agreeing compensation with the family of Ian Tomlinson, who died after being pushed to the ground during the G20 protests by a riot officer.”

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The Independent, 2nd August 2013


Damning indictment of police actions surrounding death of Azelle Rodney – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 10th, 2013 in complaints, human rights, inquiries, news, police, unlawful killing by sally

“On 5th July 2013, the report of the inquiry into the death of Azelle Rodney was published. Mr Rodney was a 24-year-old man who was shot dead by a Metropolitan Police officer on 30th April 2005. Mr Rodney was the rear seat passenger in a vehicle driven by an acquaintance of his and was unarmed.”

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UK Human Rights Blog, 10th July 2013


G4S faces damages claim over killing of Jimmy Mubenga – The Guardian

“The family of an Angolan man who died after being restrained by three G4S guards has launched civil proceedings against the security services multinational after an inquest jury found that he had been unlawfully killed on a plane intended to deport him.”

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The Guardian, 9th July 2013


Jimmy Mubenga was unlawfully killed, inquest jury finds – The Guardian

“An Angolan man who died after being restrained by three G4S guards as he was being deported from the UK was unlawfully killed, a jury has found.”

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The Guardian, 9th July 2013


Azelle Rodney death: ‘No justification’ for police shooting – BBC News

Posted July 5th, 2013 in inquiries, news, police, reports, unlawful killing by tracey

“Police had no lawful justification for shooting dead a 24-year-old man in north London eight years ago, an inquiry has found.”

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BBC news, 5th July 2013


Man jailed for smothering mother – The Guardian

“A man who smothered and strangled his mother has been jailed for 13 years, police said today.”

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The Guardian, 22nd May 2013


Al-Swaiedi inquiry: Teenager was tortured and hanged, claims his uncle – The Independent

Posted April 18th, 2013 in armed forces, inquiries, Iraq, news, torture, unlawful killing, young persons by sally

“A teenager who it is claimed was unlawfully killed by British troops in Iraq had been tortured and hanged, his uncle has claimed.”

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The Independent, 18th April 2013
