Police officer who was attacked by suspect has been ‘completely let down’ by justice system, police chief say – Daily Telegraph

‘A female police constable who was attacked by a suspect has been “completely let down” by the justice system after prosecutors pursued a lower charge, the chair of the Police Federation has said.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 25th November 2019

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

What is coercive control and why is it so difficult to recognize? – OUP Blog

‘Engaging in controlling and/or coercive behaviour in intimate or familial relationships became a new criminal offence in England and Wales in December 2015. Coercive Control involves a pattern of abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten the victim. Example behaviours included in this legislation are isolation from friends and family, deprivation of basic needs, monitoring behaviour and time, controlling a victim’s life and/or finances, and may include physical violence. The introduction of this offence was welcomed for recognising the cumulative impact of various forms of domestic abuse and for encouraging police and other criminal justice agencies to move beyond an incident-led and physical violence-based understanding of domestic abuse. However, four years on since the legislation was enacted and with no compulsory national level training or support, what has actually changed?’

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OUP Blog, 25th November 2019

Source: blog.oup.com

UK Government rescues British orphans of Isil fighters from Syria in first repatriation mission – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 22nd, 2019 in children, news, proscribed organisations, prosecutions, terrorism by tracey

‘British orphaned children of Islamic State fighters have been rescued from Syria, in the first evacuation by the UK Government of nationals stranded in the war-torn country following the fall of the “caliphate”.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 21st November 2019

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

‘Pitiful’ £350 fines for fox hunters caught in video footage – BBC News

‘An animal welfare charity has called for people who illegally hunt foxes to be given prison sentences – after two men were fined a “pitiful” £350.’

Full Story

BBC News, 21st November 2019

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Judge slams police treatment of Manchester rape victim – BBC News

Posted November 20th, 2019 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, rape, victims by sally

‘A judge has criticised the way a male police officer interviewed a teenage rape victim, saying it caused “further abuse” for the girl.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th November 2019

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Rape victims who had cases dropped could demand review over ‘secret prosecution targets’ – The Independent

‘Rape victims whose alleged attackers were not prosecuted could have their cases reviewed in light of the exposure of “secret targets”, a watchdog has said.’

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The Independent, 15th November 2019

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Exclusive: ‘perverse incentive’ contributed to slump in rape charges – Law Society’s Gazette

‘An undisclosed Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) target may be behind huge declines in numbers of rape suspects charged since 2016, the Gazette can reveal.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 13th November 2019

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Tory plan to water down Human Rights Act to protect ex-soldiers would turn UK into pariah, experts warn – The Independent

Posted November 12th, 2019 in armed forces, human rights, inquests, news, Northern Ireland, prosecutions by sally

‘Conservative plans to water down the Human Rights Act – to prevent prosecutions of soldiers accused of murders in Northern Ireland – will make the UK a pariah, the party has been warned.’

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The Independent, 11th November 2019

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Half of rape victims drop out of cases even after suspect is identified – The Guardian

‘Almost half of rape victims are dropping out of investigations, as a growing proportion do not want to pursue a prosecution even when a suspect has been identified, according to a Cabinet Office report leaked to the Guardian.’

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The Guardian, 10th November 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Police officer charged with murder of Dalian Atkinson – The Guardian

Posted November 8th, 2019 in death in custody, murder, news, police, prosecutions by tracey

‘A police constable has been charged with murdering Dalian Atkinson in a clash during which a stun gun and other force was used on the former footballer.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th November 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

The girl forced to wait two years for justice after a sexual assault – The Guardian

Posted November 6th, 2019 in children, delay, news, prosecutions, sexual offences, youth courts by sally

‘Lawyers say cuts to police and the CPS mean long delays in youth courts are no longer unusual.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th November 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

MI5 policy ‘gives agents legal immunity to commit serious crimes’ – The Guardian

Posted November 6th, 2019 in human rights, immunity, intelligence services, news, prosecutions, torture by sally

‘MI5 operates a partially secret policy that allows agents to participate in serious crimes including torture and killing, a security tribunal has heard.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th November 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Grenfell criminal charges more likely, say lawyers after inquiry – The Guardian

Posted November 4th, 2019 in fire, health & safety, inquiries, news, prosecutions by sally

‘Lawyers believe the prospect of criminal charges against those responsible for the Grenfell Tower tragedy has “increased significantly” following findings by the official inquiry into the disaster.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd November 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Parents take legal action over pupils labelled as truants – The Guardian

Posted November 4th, 2019 in fines, mental health, news, prosecutions, school children, truancy by sally

‘Families with children who are labelled “school refusers” are planning to take legal action against the government to challenge rules on truancy that allow them to be fined and prosecuted.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd November 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Ex-commissioner condemns ‘failing’ UK approach to human trafficking – The Guardian

Posted October 29th, 2019 in news, prosecutions, trafficking in human beings, victims by tracey

‘The former anti-slavery commissioner Kevin Hyland has described the UK’s system for preventing people-trafficking into the country as “failing” and called for urgent reform.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th October 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Rape victims face ‘culture of disbelief’ despite #MeToo movement, says commissioner – The Independent

‘People who are raped face a “culture of disbelief” when trying to obtain justice, the Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales has said. Dame Vera Baird QC said a combination of myths surrounding rape and a drop in the number of prosecutions, despite record volumes of cases being reported to police, meant many victims feel like they were unsupported by the criminal justice system.’

Full Story

The Independent, 27th October 2019

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Police prosecute man for throwing paint over a carpet aged 12, 10 years after the offence was committed – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 18th, 2019 in children, criminal damage, DNA, guilty pleas, news, prosecutions by tracey

‘Police prosecuted a man for throwing paint over a carpet, 10 years after the offence which he committed aged 12.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 17th October 2019

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Drayton Manor to be prosecuted over Evha Jannath’s death – BBC News

Posted October 18th, 2019 in health & safety, homicide, news, prosecutions by tracey

‘The operator of a theme park where an 11-year-old girl died after falling from a water ride is to be prosecuted under health and safety laws. Evha Jannath, from Leicester, was on a school trip in 2017 when she fell from Splash Canyon at Drayton Manor. Staffordshire-based Drayton Manor Park Ltd will face a charge under Section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act.’

Full Story

BBC News, 17th October 2019

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Vaginal surgery and piercings are not FGM, says CPS guideline – The Guardian

‘Increasingly popular vaginal cosmetic surgery and genital piercing should in most cases not be prosecuted as female genital mutilation (FGM), according to fresh guidance issued by the Crown Prosecution Service.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th October 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

#MeToo and the justice system: complaints up, but convictions down – The Guardian

‘The clearest impact of the #MeToo movement on the British justice system has been a sharp rise in the number of complaints made to police of rape and sexual assault over the past two years.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th October 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com