Police criticised over ‘routine’ use of Taser stun guns – The Independent

Posted April 14th, 2008 in news, police, weapons by sally

“Police chiefs were criticised yesterday for using Taser stun guns to handle routine public order situations involving people under the influence of alcohol, and the mentally ill.”

Full story

The Independent, 13th April 2008

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Teenager challenges ‘ridiculous’ DNA arrest – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 9th, 2008 in children, DNA, news, police by sally

“A schoolboy who claims he was prosecuted in ‘ridiculous’ circumstances began a court challenge yesterday that could test police powers to hold DNA and fingerprint samples of thousands of innocent children.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th April 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Rape case to be reopened after police are criticised – The Guardian

Posted April 9th, 2008 in news, police, rape by sally

“A police force which failed to carry out a thorough investigation into a rape case has been told by the Crown Prosecution Service to reopen the inquiry.”

Full story

The Guardian, 9th April 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Investigation into custody death – BBC News

Posted April 4th, 2008 in news, police by sally

“An investigation has been launched into the death of a man who fell ill in a police van.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th April 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Police ‘justified’ in killing man – BBC News

Posted April 3rd, 2008 in news, offensive weapons, police by sally

“A man shot dead by police as he brandished a sword was justifiably killed, an inquest jury has ruled.”

Full story

BBC News, 2nd April 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Met ‘let down’ victim killed by her family – The Guardian

Posted April 3rd, 2008 in disciplinary procedures, domestic violence, murder, news, police by sally

“Two Metropolitan Police officers are to face disciplinary proceedings over their treatment of a young woman who was tortured and murdered in a so-called ‘honour killing’ case after the police watchdog concluded yesterday she had been ‘let down’ by them.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd April 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Police criminalising young to hit targets, says charity – The Guardian

Posted April 3rd, 2008 in news, police, statistics, young offenders by sally

“A police drive aimed at thousands of low-level teenage offenders lies behind an apparent surge in youth crime figures, according to an analysis published today. Police figures suggest reported minor offences by young people soared by 38.9% from 2003-2006, and detected serious offences rose by 19%.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd April 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Lauren Holden, who invented an evil stalker named Casanova, is spared jail – The Times

Posted April 1st, 2008 in harassment, news, police by sally

“A fantasist who wasted 235 hours of police time when she invented a sinister stalker named Casanova has been given a suspended prison sentence.”

Full story

The Times, 1st April 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Homophobic complaints dismissed – BBC News

Posted March 28th, 2008 in news, police, sexual orientation discrimination by sally

“Complaints of homophobia against eight officers from Devon and Cornwall Police have been dsimissed by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).”

Full story

BBC News, 27th March 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Forces may lose hundreds of police as minister threatens to cap budgets – The Times

Posted March 27th, 2008 in news, police by sally

“Hundreds of officers will be taken off the streets if the Government pursues plans being announced today to curb the spending of five police forces.”

Full story

The Times, 27th March 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Muslim leader says police are ‘too cautious’ over Asian pimp gangs – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 26th, 2008 in news, police, prostitution, racism by sally

“A Muslim leader has accused the police of being ‘over cautious’ when investigating Asian gangs suspected of prostituting young white girls for fear of stirring up race riots.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

How police put their faith in the ‘expert’ witness who was a fraud – The Observer

Posted March 25th, 2008 in expert witnesses, news, police by sally

“Failures in the vetting procedures used for expert witnesses have emerged after a court ruled that a computer analyst who helped train hundreds of police officers and gave evidence in scores of trials is a liar and a fraudster.”

Full story

The Observer, 23rd March 2008

Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/

Organised criminals exploit gaps in policing – The Times

Posted March 25th, 2008 in crime, news, police by sally

“Organised criminals are exploiting gaps in policing created as officers become more concerned with hitting government targets and fighting terrorism, senior figures in the Metropolitan Police have warned.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd March 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Smith v Chief Constable of Sussex Police – Times Law Reports

Posted March 17th, 2008 in damages, law reports, negligence, police by sally

Smith v Chief Constable of Sussex Police

Court of Appeal

“While it was not reasonable to expect the police to answer in damages to every individual whose life or health might have been spared or saved by more competent police work, where someone’s life or safety had been so firmly placed in their hands as to make it incumbent on them to take at least elementary steps to protect it, unexcused neglect to do so could sound in damages if harm resulted. ”

The Times, 17th March 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Hundreds of custody ‘near deaths’ – BBC News

Posted March 12th, 2008 in detention, news, police, self-harm by sally

“About 1,000 detainees are involved each year in incidents that result in serious illness or self-harm while in police custody, a report has suggested.”

Full story

BBC News, 12th March 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Police take student’s DNA for £2.40 fare fine – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 7th, 2008 in DNA, news, police by sally

“A university student has been forced to give his DNA to police because he failed to buy a £2.40 rail fare.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

‘Matter of time’ until Pc has to shoot a child – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 6th, 2008 in children, firearms, news, police by sally

“The spiralling use of guns among children means it is only a matter of time before an armed officer is faced with shooting a child, the head of a Home Office task force has warned.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 6th March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Tories want new ‘cybercrime’ police unit – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 6th, 2008 in computer crime, news, police by sally

“A new police unit to tackle ‘cybercrime’ is to be proposed by the Conservatives.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 6th March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

New powers for police to shut rowdy venues and cut drink-related crime – The Guardian

Posted March 5th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, licensed premises, licensing, news, police by sally

“Ministers are to give the police and local authorities powers to create ‘alcohol-free zones’ through the wholesale withdrawal of licences from pubs and clubs in city-centre problem areas.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th March 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Rape cases: police admit failing victims – The Guardian

Posted March 4th, 2008 in news, police, rape by sally

“Police are contributing to the ‘appalling’ conviction rate in rape cases because officers too often fail to take alleged victims seriously enough and settle for mediocrity in their inquiries, the senior policeman responsible for raising standards in rape investigations has told the Guardian.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th March 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk