Libel success fees limited to 10% – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 5th, 2010 in costs, defamation, fees, media, news, solicitors by sally

“The success fees charged by lawyers in defamation cases will be cut by 90% after justice secretary Jack Straw laid an order to amend the laws on ‘no win, no fee’ agreements.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 5th March 2010


Libel lawyers have success fees cut up to 90 per cent – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 4th, 2010 in costs, defamation, fees, media, news, solicitors by sally

“Libel lawyers will have their success fees cut by 90 per cent under a Government ruling which has been hailed as a victory for press freedom.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th March 2010


Landmark Court of Appeal ruling on retainers – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 4th, 2010 in fees, law firms, news, solicitors by sally

“Solicitors who cease acting for a client where the case has no chance of success on points of law are entitled to be paid for the work done up to that point, the Court of Appeal has ruled.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 4th March 2010


High-profile barrister ‘tried to double his legal fees by wrongly claiming work’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 17th, 2010 in barristers, fees, news, professional conduct by sally

“One of the country’s highest paid civil barristers, Jeremy Rosenblatt, tried to double his publicly-funded legal fees by ‘wrongly claiming’ for work, a hearing was told.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th February 2010


Joe Calzaghe to sue promoter Frank Warren for £1.8m – BBC News

Posted February 11th, 2010 in fees, news, sport by sally

“Former world champion Joe Calzaghe is suing his ex-manager and promoter Frank Warren for £1.8m.”

Full story

BBC News, 10th February 2010


Bar Council to launch legal action against MoJ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 9th, 2010 in costs, criminal justice, fees, judicial review, news by sally

“The Bar Council and the Criminal Bar Association are set to take the government to court for the first time in 20 years over what they claim are ‘inadequate and unfair’ consultations on new fees for criminal legal aid work.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 8th February 2010


Joint Bar Council / CBA Response to the LSC VHCC Paper – The Bar Council

Posted February 8th, 2010 in barristers, consultations, fees, press releases by sally

“Joint response by the Bar Council and the Criminal Bar Association to the Legal Services Commission VHCC paper.”

Full response

The Bar Council, 7th February 2010


Bar Council Moves Toward Judicial Review of Government’s Consultations on Criminal Legal Aid – The Bar Council

Posted February 8th, 2010 in costs, fees, judicial review, legal aid, pre-action conduct, press releases by sally

“The Bar Council has taken the first step toward a judicial review (JR) of two consultations on Advocates Graduated Fees and Very High Cost Cases (VHCCs) which are being conducted by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Legal Services Commission (LSC) respectively.  The Bar Council has instructed solicitors to write to the MoJ and the LSC, in accordance with the pre-action protocol for judicial review claims.  The principal basis for the Bar Council’s claim is that the consultation exercise is inadequate and unfair.”

Full press release

The Bar Council, 5th February 2010


Lord Justice Jackson’s recommendations should be implemented speedily – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 2nd, 2010 in civil justice, fees, insurance, news, reports by sally

“‘Access to Justice entails that those with meritorious claims (whether or not ultimately successful) are able to bring those claims before the courts for judicial resolution or post-issue settlement, as the case may be. It also entails that those with meritorious defences (whether or not ultimately successful) are able to put those defences before the courts for judicial resolution or alternatively, settlement based upon the merits of the case.’”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 1st February 2010


The Jackson report: PI claimant lawyers rue detrimental effect on access to justice – The Lawyer

Posted January 26th, 2010 in costs, fees, news, personal injuries, reports by sally

“The personal injury (PI) claimant market has launched an all-out assault on Lord Justice Jackson’s report into civil legal costs, arguing that his proposals would actually impede access to justice.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 25th January 2010


Government proposes slashing libel lawyers’ success fees –

Posted January 21st, 2010 in costs, defamation, fees, news by sally

“The Government plans to slash the success fees that no-win no-fee lawyers can claim in libel cases. The proposed action is part of the Ministry of Justice’s reform of libel law.”

Full story, 21st January 2010


Straw proposes reducing success fees in defamation cases – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 20th, 2010 in costs, defamation, fees, Ministry of Justice, press releases by sally

“Success fees that lawyers can charge for winning defamation cases in no-win, no-fee agreements should be reduced from 100% to 10%, Justice Secretary Jack Straw announced today.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 19th January 2010


Libel lawyers’ ‘success fees’ to be cut by 90% to aid investigative journalism – The Guardian

Posted January 20th, 2010 in costs, defamation, fees, media, news by sally

“Lawyers who sue the media will see their fees cut by 90% under plans set out by the government today to bring down the cost of libel actions.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th January 2010


Economic Growth and Social Equity Mean Jackson Reforms are vital to the National Interest – The Bar Council

Posted January 18th, 2010 in costs, fees, news, reports by sally

“The wide-ranging review of the cost of accessing the civil justice system must be an economic and social priority of any incoming government, the Bar Council said today.”

Full story

The Bar Council, 15th January 2010


Review of Civil Litigation Costs: final report – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted January 15th, 2010 in costs, fees, news, personal injuries, reports by sally

Review of Civil Litigation Costs: final report (PDF)

Judiciary of England and Wales, 14th January 2010


Jack Straw: review of civil litigation costs – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 14th, 2010 in costs, fees, Ministry of Justice, news, personal injuries, reports by sally

“Justice Secretary Jack Straw has thanked Sir Rupert Jackson for his comprehensive report on costs in civil litigation.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 14th January 2010


Jackson report published today – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 14th, 2010 in costs, fees, news, personal injuries, reports by sally

“Claimant personal injury lawyers and after-the-event (ATE) insurers were nervously awaiting the publication of the Jackson report as the Gazette went to press.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 14th January 2010


Law Society challenges move to charge acquitted defendants fees – The Guardian

Posted January 11th, 2010 in fees, Law Society, legal aid, news by sally

“People accused of crimes will begin paying legal fees at five crown courts in England and Wales tomorrow , as the government faces increasing criticism over measures that will see some innocent people footing part of the bill for their defence.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th January 2010


Legal aid: reforming advocates graduated fees – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 21st, 2009 in consultations, fees, legal aid by sally

“This consultation paper sets out proposals to bring the rates paid to advocates for defence work more in line with the rates paid by the Crown Prosecution Service. We are aiming to save £50m from advocates fees in order to contribute towards overall efficiency savings.”

Full consultation paper

Ministry of Justice, 16th December 2009


Lawyers cash in on NHS negligence cases – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 18th, 2009 in fees, health, negligence, news by sally

“One in five NHS negligence claims now results in lawyers picking up more in compensation than the patient they act for.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th December 2009
