Painkiller crash death nurse Cerys Price jailed – BBC News

Posted February 6th, 2020 in dangerous driving, drug abuse, news, sentencing by sally

‘A “drugged-up” nurse who killed a man in a head-on crash after taking a high dose prescription painkillers has been jailed for five years and four months.’

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BBC News, 6th February 2020


Cadet death: Man jailed for killing rapper by dangerous driving – The Independent

Posted January 10th, 2020 in accidents, dangerous driving, drunk in charge, news, sentencing, unlawful killing by tracey

‘A van driver who admitted he felt “a little drunk” before getting behind the wheel and killing up-and-coming rapper Cadet in a head-on collision with a taxi has been jailed for almost five years.’

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The Independent. 9th January 2020


Nurse Cerys Price guilty of death by dangerous driving – BBC News

Posted December 19th, 2019 in dangerous driving, news by sally

‘A nurse who crashed her car after taking prescription painkillers has been found guilty of death by dangerous driving.’

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BBC News, 18th December 2019


Connor Marsden jailed over Melissa Tate hit-and-run death – BBC News

‘An unlicensed driver who killed a 10-year-old girl in a hit-and-run has been jailed for seven years and four months.’

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BBC News, 12th December 2019


Man jailed for driving stolen car into police officers in Sussex – The Guardian

Posted December 13th, 2019 in accidents, aggravated vehicle taking, burglary, dangerous driving, news, sentencing by sally

‘A man who drove a stolen car into two police officers and a member of the public, causing “catastrophic injuries”, has been jailed for four years and eight months.’

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The Guardian, 12th December 2019


Birmingham lorry driver Robert Bradbury jailed for killing doctor – BBC News

‘A lorry driver who killed a doctor because his cluttered dashboard obstructed his view has been jailed.’

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BBC News, 6th December 2019


Police referred to standards watchdog over death of 12-year-old boy killed outside school – Daily Telegraph

‘Police investigating a hit and run outside a school tonight referred themselves to the standards watchdog over their “previous contact” with the murder suspect.’

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Daily Telegraph, 3rd December 2019


Speeding motorcyclist who killed pedestrian spared jail because he was being tailgated – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 3rd, 2019 in accidents, bereavement, dangerous driving, news, road safety, road traffic by tracey

‘A motorcyclist who killed a pedestrian while speeding escaped jail after a judge accepted that a tailgating motorist meant he could not slow down.’

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Daily Telegraph, 2nd December 2019


Sophie Brimble: Man jailed for killing woman in race crash – BBC News

‘A driver who caused the “needless” death of a woman in an 80mph crash has been jailed for eight years.’

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BBC News, 18th November 2019


Lincolnshire driver jailed after smashing into stationary traffic – BBC News

Posted November 12th, 2019 in dangerous driving, guilty pleas, news, sentencing by sally

‘A lorry driver has been jailed for 18 months after smashing into a queue of stationary traffic.’

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BBC News, 11th November 2019


Snowdonia campsite death: Drunk driver who killed woman by running over tent jailed – The Independent

Posted October 23rd, 2019 in accidents, dangerous driving, drunk in charge, news, sentencing, unlawful killing by tracey

‘A driver who killed a mother while she slept after drunkenly crashing into tents at a Snowdonia campsite has been jailed.’

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The Independent, 22nd October 2019


Westminster car crash driver Salih Khater jailed for life – BBC News

Posted October 15th, 2019 in attempted murder, dangerous driving, news, sentencing, terrorism by tracey

‘A man who drove at cyclists and police officers outside Parliament has been jailed for life for attempted murder.’

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BBC News, 14th October 2019


Driver who killed safety patrol cyclist while on phone before fleeing scene jailed – The Independent

Posted October 3rd, 2019 in accidents, bereavement, dangerous driving, news, sentencing, telecommunications by tracey

‘A hit-and-run driver who killed a safety patrol cyclist while on his phone driving the wrong way down a one-way street has been jailed.’

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The Independent, 3rd October 2019


Man, 69, jailed for knocking teenager off bike in road rage row – The Guardian

Posted September 12th, 2019 in assault, bicycles, dangerous driving, guilty pleas, news, road traffic, sentencing by tracey

‘A man who used his 4×4 to knock down a teenage cyclist before beating him up and trashing his new bicycle during a road rage row has been jailed for six months.’

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The Guardian, 11th September 2019


Man jailed for driving into PC near Stafford 10k race – BBC News

‘A banned driver who crushed a police officer against a fence before dragging her along has been jailed for 12 years.’

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BBC News, 2nd September 2019


Doublethink in the High Court: using a mobile phone whilst driving does not necessarily mean “using” it – Park Square Barristers

‘On 31st July 2019 Lady Justice Thirlwall DBE and Mr Justice Goss handed down the judgment of the High Court on what amounts to “using a hand-held mobile telephone or other hand-held interactive communication device” whilst driving in DPP v Barreto [2019] EWHC 2044 (Admin).’

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Park Square Barristers, 12th August 2019


MPs call for tougher penalties on drivers using mobile phones – The Guardian

‘Tougher restrictions on drivers using mobile phones, including extending the ban to hands-free devices, should be considered, MPs have said. The transport select committee said using any type of mobile phone while driving had potentially catastrophic consequences. The MPs called for more severe penalties “commensurate with the risks”, as road deaths linked to phone use have risen steadily over the past decade.’

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The Guardian, 13th August 2019


Assistant chief constable smashed into oncoming car because she was trying to make hands free call to MP husband, court hears – Daily Telegraph

‘A senior police officer who smashed into an oncoming car while trying to make a hands-free phone call to her MP husband escaped a driving ban today.

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Daily Telegraph, 8th August 2019


Motorists could challenge convictions for driving while using their phones after man has case overturned – Daily Telegraph

‘Motorists could challenge their convictions for driving while using their phone after a man has had his case overturned after he filmed a road collision.’

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Daily Telegraph, 31st July 2019


Judge faces no action over drink-driver ‘being a woman’ remark – BBC News

‘A judge who said a drink-driver deserved a chance to avoid jail because she is a woman will not face sanctions.’

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BBC News, 8th July 2019
