Prisons: what’s gone wrong & how to fix it – Counsel

‘An abysmal mess? What our prisons tell us about our country today – by Nick Hardwick.’

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Counsel, February 2020


Crimes unreported as public lose faith in police – BBC News

‘Victims are no longer reporting some crimes to police because so many offenders are never brought to justice. A new report said the public are losing faith in the criminal justice system and have “rumbled” that police do not have the capacity to investigate.’

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BBC News, 7th February 2020


Third of barristers see cuts and changes to legal aid as “critical challenge”, LexisNexis report finds – Local Government Lawyer

Posted January 21st, 2020 in barristers, budgets, legal aid, news by sally

‘Family and criminal barristers handling publicly funded work consider the cuts and changes to legal aid as a major concern, a report by LexisNexis UK has revealed.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 20th January 2020


MPs call for unlimited fines for those who breach electoral law – The Guardian

Posted January 20th, 2020 in budgets, elections, fines, inquiries, internet, news, parliament, political parties by sally

‘Political organisations would face unlimited fines for breaking electoral law under new proposals to protect UK elections and referendums from “dirty money and dodgy data misuse”.’

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The Guardian, 18th January 2020


Ombudsman criticises council for failing to properly involve complainant in assessment and support planning process – Local Government Lawyer

Posted January 16th, 2020 in budgets, disabled persons, local government, news, ombudsmen, social services by sally

‘A council significantly delayed completing an assessment of a complainant’s social care needs, failed to complete a support plan before reducing his personal budget and failed to properly involve him in the assessment and support planning process, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 16th January 2020


Criminal records scandal: police chiefs blame Theresa May – The Guardian

Posted January 16th, 2020 in budgets, criminal records, deportation, government departments, news, police by sally

‘Theresa May has been blamed by chief constables for botched police reforms that led to tens of thousands of alerts on foreign criminals being kept from their home countries.’

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The Guardian, 15th January 2020


Staff shortages leave probation service in crisis, report finds – The Guardian

Posted January 14th, 2020 in budgets, news, probation, reports by sally

‘Public safety is at risk as huge workloads and staff shortages continue to place the probation sector under pressure, inspectors have said, while officers lack the “professional curiosity” needed to spot potentially dangerous behaviour among offenders managed in the community.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th January 2020


Serious crime victims wait longer for justice after court days cut – The Guardian

Posted January 13th, 2020 in budgets, courts, delay, Ministry of Justice, news, statistics, victims by tracey

‘Victims of serious crime now wait almost a year-and-a-half for the suspects to go on trial while judges sit “idle” after the government cut their sitting days – despite Guardian analysis finding almost half of all crown courtrooms in England and Wales are empty each day.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th January 2020


Government accused of ignoring ‘calamitous failings’ caused by its own budget cuts with justice review – The Independent

‘Legal campaigners have attacked the government’s announcement of a royal commission on the criminal justice system for “ignoring” the impact of its own budget cuts.’

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The Independent, 19th December 2019


Council refused permission to challenge Ombudsman findings on payment of special guardians – Local Government Lawyer

Posted December 19th, 2019 in budgets, children, families, fostering, guardianship, local government, news, ombudsmen by sally

‘A High Court judge has refused to grant Rochdale Council permission to challenge the findings of a Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman on the way it pays special guardians.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 19th December 2019


Rape convictions: Justice system near ‘breaking point’, says watchdog – BBC News

Posted December 17th, 2019 in budgets, criminal justice, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, rape, reports by tracey

‘A review of record low rape conviction rates has found a justice system “close to breaking point” because of cuts. The Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (CPSI) said a “damning” number of cases are lost during “under-resourced” police investigations. But it rejected claims that prosecutors are unfairly selective about cases they charge.’

Full Story

BBC News, 17th December 2019


Crown court disposals fall despite growing caseload – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted December 16th, 2019 in budgets, Crown Court, news, statistics by tracey

‘The Crown court faces a growing backlog of work, as the number of criminal cases reaching court rises but the number of disposals falls.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 16th December 2019


Disclosure pilot for the Business & Property Courts – Counsel

‘A cut out & keep guide to Practice Direction 51U and overview of the changes to disclosure procedures in the Business and Property Courts.’

Full Story

Counsel, December 2019


Consider decriminalisation to tackle drug death ‘crisis’, say treatment providers in unprecedented plea – The Independent

‘The future government has been urged to consider every available measure to curb the current drug death “crisis”, including decriminalisation, in an unprecedented plea from the UK’s major drug treatment providers.’

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The Independent, 2nd December 2019


Jump in unrepresented defendants as legal aid cuts continue to bite – The Guardian

‘The number of unrepresented defendants in crown courts is rising sharply, the head of the Criminal Bar Association has warned, as cuts to legal aid increasingly affect the criminal justice system.’

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The Guardian, 24th November 2019


A novel and effective costs order – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 11th, 2019 in budgets, costs, damages, news, striking out by sally

‘In the recent case of Orexim Trading Ltd v Mahavir Port and Terminal Private Ltd (Costs) [2019] EWHC 2338 (Comm), Christopher Hancock QC (sitting as a judge of the High Court) made an order against the defendant for payment of costs on account in the event that the defendant failed to comply with an ‘unless order’. Orexim followed the approach of Mr Justice Coulson (as he then was) in Bruce MacInnes v Hans Thomas Gross [2017] EWHC 127 (QB).’

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Law Society's Gazette, 11th November 2019


Justice system ‘will break down’ and criminals go unpunished unless next government spends hundreds of millions, union warns – The Independent

‘The justice system “will break down” and allow crimes to go unpunished if the next government does not provide hundreds of millions of pounds in investment, it has been warned.’

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The Independent, 11th November 2019


Commonwealth head warns of dangers of denying justice to all – The Guardian

‘Denying access to justice risks creating fresh conflicts at a time when the international rule of law is under threat, the Commonwealth secretary general has warned ahead of a meeting of the organisation’s law enforcement officers.’

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The Guardian, 5th November 2019


Warning shot for BSB after it axes Legal Choices funding – Legal Futures

Posted November 5th, 2019 in barristers, budgets, Legal Services Board, news by sally

‘The Legal Services Board (LSB) has issued a thinly veiled warning to the Bar Standards Board (BSB) over the need to invest “substantially” in consumer information after its controversial decision to withdraw from funding Legal Choices.’

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Legal Futures, 5th November 2019


Chaotic court system threatens justice for vulnerable, say MPs – The Guardian

‘The most vulnerable in society are at risk of being excluded from access to justice due to poor digital skills, lack of legal advice, court closures and “dilapidated” courthouses, MPs have warned in a damning critique of the government’s modernisation programmes.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 31st October 2019
