Changes to police bail has led to further delays and more uncertainty – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 18th, 2019 in bail, delay, news, police by tracey

‘A landmark legal move introduced to prevent suspects spending months languishing on police bail, has backfired with people now spending even longer in limbo, official data has revealed.’

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Daily Telegraph, 18th March 2019


Essex Police arrested man’s death sparks sex case suicide alert – BBC News

‘A police force will review how it assesses the suicide risk of people under suspicion of child sex offences.’

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BBC News, 13th February 2019


Sex offenders put up in hotels as no space in bail hostels, says report – The Guardian

Posted January 24th, 2019 in bail, hotels, news, ombudsmen, prisons, probation, sexual offences, statistics by tracey

‘Sex offenders are being put up in high-street budget hotels without the knowledge of the proprietors or guests because spaces in closely monitored bail hostels are unavailable, inspectors have discovered.’

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The Guardian, 24th January 2019


Wanted man who taunted police on Instagram from Dubai jailed after being extradited back to UK – The Independent

Posted January 24th, 2019 in bail, dangerous driving, extradition, news, sentencing, weapons by tracey

‘A man who taunted police in Instagram posts from Dubai has been jailed after he was extradited back to the UK.’

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The Independent, 23rd January 2019


Number of offenders recalled to prison surges following ‘disastrous’ probation reforms – The Independent

Posted January 18th, 2019 in bail, news, prisons, probation, rehabilitation, statistics, women by tracey

‘Ministers have been accused of pushing through “disastrous” probation reforms as it emerged the number of offenders recalled to prison for breaching bail conditions has surged by more than a quarter in four years.’

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The Independent, 17th January 2019


Gay rugby player facing deportation allowed to leave holding centre – The Guardian

Posted November 29th, 2018 in bail, deportation, homosexuality, immigration, news, tribunals by tracey

‘A gay rugby player who is facing deportation to Kenya, where he says he will be persecuted because of his sexuality, has been granted bail allowing him to leave the immigration centre where he was being held.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th November 2018


Paul Gambaccini secures CPS payout over unfounded abuse claims – BBC News

‘Radio DJ Paul Gambaccini has secured a payout from prosecutors over unfounded allegations of historical sex offences.’

Full Story

BBC News, 3rd November 2018


Mariam Moustafa death: Defendants banned from contacting family – BBC News

Posted October 25th, 2018 in affray, bail, internet, news, young persons by tracey

‘Four teenage girls have been banned from using social media to contact the family of an Egyptian student who died three weeks after an attack on a bus.’

Full Story

BBC News, 25th October 2018


Convicted former UBS trader to be freed from UK immigration centre – The Guardian

‘The convicted former UBS trader Kweku Adoboli is to be released from detention at an immigration removal centre near Heathrow while he awaits a judicial review of his deportation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th October 2018


Ex-UBS trader gets last-minute reprieve from deportation – BBC News

Posted September 18th, 2018 in bail, deportation, immigration, news by sally

‘Kweku Adoboli, the former UBS trader convicted of fraud, has been given a temporary reprieve from deportation to Ghana, where he was born.’

Full Story

BBC News, 17th September 2018


Lancashire man pleads guilty to infecting two women with HIV – The Guardian

Posted August 16th, 2018 in bail, grievous bodily harm, HIV, news by sally

‘A Lancashire man has pleaded guilty to infecting two women with HIV.’

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The Guardian, 15th August 2018


Tommy Robinson bailed after Court of Appeal win – BBC News

Posted August 1st, 2018 in appeals, bail, contempt of court, news by sally

‘Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been bailed after winning an appeal against a finding of contempt of court.’

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BBC News, 1st August 2018


Immigration Detention: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back — Sophie Walker – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted March 20th, 2018 in bail, detention, human rights, immigration, news by sally

‘New legislation significantly curtails accommodation provision for those seeking release from immigration detention. The likely result is more and more people being held in immigration detention.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 19th March 2018


Home Office broke its own rules on avoiding family separations – The Guardian

Posted March 12th, 2018 in bail, detention, families, immigration, news by sally

‘The Home Office broke its own rules when British children had to be taken into care after officials arrested their father.’

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The Guardian, 11th March 2018


Staff without security clearance monitor offenders – BBC News

Posted March 6th, 2018 in bail, contracting out, employment, news, prisons, probation, release on licence by sally

‘Staff without security clearance are being allowed to monitor high-risk offenders living in approved premises – commonly known as bail hostels or probation hostels – the BBC has learnt.’

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BBC News, 5th March 2018


Judge refuses to withdraw Julian Assange arrest warrant – The Guardian

Posted February 14th, 2018 in bail, embassies, news, public interest, sexual offences, warrants by michael

“Handing down her judgment at Westminster magistrates court, the senior district judge Emma Arbuthnot said she was not persuaded by the argument from Assange’s legal team that it was not in the public interest to pursue him for skipping bail.”

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The Guardian, 13th February 2018


No power to grant immigration bail if no power to detain – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted February 13th, 2018 in appeals, bail, detention, immigration, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘On 8th February 2018, the Supreme Court held that the power to grant bail and impose bail conditions in respect of a person pending deportation ceases to be lawful if there is no legal basis for detaining that person. The power to impose bail conditions is inextricably linked to the power of detention. Once the Home Secretary ceases to have the power to detain a person under immigration law, she can’t then impose conditions on that person’s freedom through bail conditions.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 13th February 2018


Julian Assange saga: judge to rule on arrest warrant – The Guardian

Posted February 13th, 2018 in bail, Crown Prosecution Service, news, proportionality, warrants by sally

‘It is nearly six years since Julian Assange disguised himself as a motorcycle courier and entered the Ecuadorian embassy in London to seek political asylum. His subsequent legal battle, so vast and protracted a CPS lawyer once deemed it “like an industry in itself”, comes to a pivotal moment on Tuesday, when a judge will rule on whether the warrant for his arrest has become disproportionate.’

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The Guardian, 13th February 2018


Julian Assange arrest warrant still stands, court rules – BBC News

Posted February 7th, 2018 in bail, extradition, news, sexual offences, warrants by tracey

‘A UK warrant to arrest Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is still valid, a court has ruled.’

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BBC news, 6th February 2018


Court to make decision on validity of UK arrest warrant against Julian Assange – The Independent

Posted February 6th, 2018 in bail, extradition, news, warrants by tracey

‘A court decision on whether a UK arrest warrant against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is still valid is due on 6 February.’

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The Independent, 6th February 2018
