Businesses have little hope of compensation – The Times

Posted August 9th, 2007 in animals, compensation, news, slaughter by sally

“Farmers who own any of the 214 cows slaughtered so far in the latest foot-and-mouth outbreak will be able to claim compensation but other businesses that have been indirectly damaged are in a much harder legal position.”

Full story

The Times, 8th August 2007


Legal claim dismissed for being 88 secs late – The Times

Posted August 8th, 2007 in news, time limits, unfair dismissal by sally

“A senior employment court has thrown out a claim for unfair dismissal because the e-mail carrying the paperwork arrived 88 seconds late.”

Full story

The Times, 8th August 2007


Recent Statutory Instruments – OPSI

Posted August 8th, 2007 in legislation by sally

The Children and Adoption Act 2006 (Commencement No. 1) Order 2007

The Education (Supply of Information about the School Workforce) (No.2) (England) Regulations 2007

The Education (School Attendance Targets) (England) Regulations 2007

The Scottish Parliament (Elections etc.) (Amendment) Order 2007

The Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007

The Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study) (England) (Amendment) Order 2007

The Local Justice Areas Order 2007

The Town and Country Planning (Amendment of Appeals Procedures) (Wales) Rules 2007

The Gaming Machine (Single Apparatus) Regulations 2007


Director of Public Prosecutions v. Haw – WLR Daily

Posted August 8th, 2007 in demonstrations, law reports, police by sally

Director of Public Prosecutions v. Haw

“The statutory power available to the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis to impose conditions on authorisations for demonstrations in the vicinity of Parliament could be delegated.

WLR Daily, 6th August 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Hawkes v. Cuddy and others – WLR Daily

Hawkes v. Cuddy and others [2007] EWHC 1935 (Ch)

“The court had jurisdiction to grant a declaration on a petition brought under s 459 of the Companies Act 1985 where the unfair prejudice relied on was caused by the alleged contravention of s 216 of the Insolvency Act 1986 by a director of a company in liquidation who had become the director of another company that was known by a prohibited name.”

WLR Daily, 31st July 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

In re LM (Reporting restrictions: Coroner’s inquest) – WLR Daily

Posted August 8th, 2007 in inquests, law reports, reporting restrictions by sally

In re LM (Reporting restrictions: Coroner’s inquest) [2007] EWHC 1902 (Fam)

“The press would be permitted to report details of a surviving child’s parents and deceased siblings at an inquest into the death of one of the siblings.”

WLR Daily, 1st August 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Director of Assets Recovery Agency v. Szepietowski and others – WLR Daily

Posted August 8th, 2007 in assets recovery, law reports, proceeds of crime by sally

Director of Assets Recovery Agency v. Szepietowski and others

“On an application for an interim receiving order under s 246 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 the Director of the Assets Recovery Agency had to establish a good arguable case that the property to be recovered or other property it represented had been obtained by unlawful conduct. It was sufficient to show that a criminal offence had been committed and the property had been obtained by it or in return for it. It was not necessary to prove that a particular person committed a particular offence on a particular day.”

WLR Daily, 24th July 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

R (JL (by the Official Solicitor as litigation friend)) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Posted August 8th, 2007 in human rights, law reports, suicide, young offenders by sally

R (JL (by the Official Solicitor as litigation friend)) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department  

“Where there had been a death or near death in custody the state was obliged to conduct an enhanced investigation commenced by a person independent of those implicated in the facts. If the investigator found that the state or its agents potentially bore responsibility and that it was not plain that they could bear no responsibility it would be necessary to hold a further inquiry in the nature of a public hearing in which the next of kin or injured person could play a part.”

WLR Daily, 24th July 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted August 8th, 2007 in law reports by sally

High Court (Chancery Division)

Parti v Aysha Hamad Nassir Sabah Al-Nassir Al Sabah & Ors [2007] EWHC 1869 (Ch) (31 July 2007)

Tomy UK Ltd v HM Revenue & Customs [2007] EWHC 1889 (Ch) (31 July 2007)

Vellacott v The Convergence Group Plc & Ors [2007] EWHC 1774 (Ch) (31 July 2007)

Albon (t/a NA Carriage Co) v Naza Motor Trading Sdn Bhd & Anor (No 4) [2007] EWHC 1879 (Ch) (31 July 2007)

Walker v Inter-Alliance Group Plc & Anor [2007] EWHC 1858 (Ch) (31 July 2007)

Raja v Van Hoogstraten & Ors [2007] EWHC 1743 (Ch) (26 July 2007)

Sinclair Gardens Investments (Kensington) Ltd v Poets Chase Freehold Company Ltd [2007] EWHC 1776 (Ch) (26 July 2007)

High Court (Commercial Court)

Golden Fleece Maritime Inc & Anor v ST Shipping & Transport Inc [2007] EWHC 1890 (Comm) (02 August 2007)

Starlight Shipping Co & Anor v Tai Ping Insurance Co Ltd (Hubei Branch) & Anor Rev 1 [2007] EWHC 1893 (Comm) (01 August 2007)

Loon Energy Inc & Anor v Integra Mining & Ors [2007] EWHC 1876 (Comm) (31 July 2007)

Stone & Rolls Ltd v Moore Stephens (a firm) [2007] EWHC 1826 (Comm) (27 July 2007)

OAO Northern Shipping Company v Remolcadores De Marin SL (Remmar) [2007] EWHC 1821 (Comm) (26 July 2007)

High Court (Family Division)

LM, Re [2007] EWHC 1902 (Fam) (01 August 2007)

Greater Manchester Chief Constable v KI & Anor (Children) & Ors [2007] EWHC 1837 (Fam) (26 July 2007)

MM v VM [2007] EWHC 1820 (Fam) (26 July 2007)

High Court (Queen’s Bench Division)

Wells v The Parole Board & Anor [2007] EWHC 1835 (QB) (31 July 2007)

Spencer v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2007] EWHC 1775 (QB) (27 July 2007)

Long Beach Ltd & Anor v Global Witness Ltd [2007] EWHC 1816 (QB) (26 July 2007)

Hazlewood Grocery Ltd v Lion Foods Ltd [2007] EWHC B5 (QB) (26 July 2007)


Confidence in the criminal justice system: what lies beneath? – Ministry of Justice

Posted August 8th, 2007 in criminal justice, reports by sally

“This report presents the findings from an omnibus survey and focus groups designed to identify the factors that people consider when answering the question: ‘How confident are you that the criminal justice system is effective in bringing people who commit crimes to justice?’ This question is contained in the British Crime Survey, the responses to which are used to monitor performance against one of the Government’s public service agreement targets.  The study also identified which agencies people thought made up the criminal justice system (CJS), and whether they considered the CJS as a national system, local system, or a combination of the two.”

Confidence in the criminal justice system: what lies beneath? (PDF) 

Ministry of Justice, 7th August 2007


Geeling murder inquiry to report – BBC News

Posted August 8th, 2007 in murder, news, school children by sally

“A report into the murder of an 11-year-old boy by a fellow school pupil is due to be published.”

Full story

BBC News, 8th August 2007


‘Kebab’ murder trial jury fails to reach verdict – The Guardian

Posted August 8th, 2007 in juries, murder, news by sally

“A restaurant owner accused of killing a schoolgirl and joking that her remains had been put into kebabs will face a retrial after a jury failed to reach a verdict.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th August 2007


Serial streaker avoids Asbo for golf stunt – The Guardian

Posted August 8th, 2007 in ASBOs, indecent exposure, injunctions, news by sally

“A serial streaker who ran in front of Tiger Woods with a toy squirrel covering his genitals and a golf ball clenched between his buttocks escaped an anti-social behaviour order today.”

Full story

The Guaradian, 7th August 2007


BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted August 7th, 2007 in law reports by sally

Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) 

Serious Fraud Office v A [2007] EWCA Crim 1927 (02 August 2007)

Cottrell, R v [2007] EWCA Crim 2016 (31 July 2007)

Abdi, R v [2007] EWCA Crim 1913 (31 July 2007)

Devani, R v [2007] EWCA Crim 1926 (30 July 2007)

Times Newspapers Ltd. & Ors v R. [2007] EWCA Crim 1925 (30 July 2007)

Saleem, R. v [2007] EWCA Crim 1923 (27 July 2007)

Rafferty v R [2007] EWCA Crim 1898 (26 July 2007)

El-Kurd & Ors, R v [2007] EWCA Crim 1888 (26 July 2007)

High Court (Administrative Court)

Kelly, R (on the application of) v Warley Magistrates Court & Anor [2007] EWHC 1836 (Admin) (31 July 2007)

Corby Borough Council, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2007] EWHC 1873 (Admin) (31 July 2007)

Edwards v Government of USA [2007] EWHC 1877 (Admin) (31 July 2007)

Pajaziti & Anor, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] EWHC 1874 (Admin) (31 July 2007)

Donnachie, R (on the application of) v Cardiff Magistrates’ Court [2007] EWHC 1846 (Admin) (27 July 2007)

Croatia v Spanovic [2007] EWHC 1770 (Admin) (27 July 2007)

Martin v Legal Services Commission [2007] EWHC 1786 (Admin) (27 July 2007)

C and S v Special Education Needs and Disability Tribunal & Anor [2007] EWHC 1812 (Admin) (26 July 2007)


Whitehaven Harbour Act 2007

Posted August 7th, 2007 in harbours, legislation by sally

Whitehaven Harbour Act 2007 published

Full text of Act


National Trust (Northern Ireland) Act 2007

Posted August 7th, 2007 in environmental protection, historic buildings, legislation by sally

National Trust (Northern Ireland) Act 2007  published

Full text of Act


Offender Management Act 2007

Posted August 7th, 2007 in legislation, prisons, probation by sally

Offender Management Act 2007 published

Full text of Act


UK requests Guantanamo releases – BBC News

Posted August 7th, 2007 in detention, news, terrorism by sally

“The UK government has requested the release of five British residents from US custody at Guantanamo Bay.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th August 2007


BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted August 7th, 2007 in law reports by sally

Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

McAdie v Royal Bank of Scotland [2007] EWCA Civ 806 (31 July 2007)

IFE Fund SA v Goldman Sachs International [2007] EWCA Civ 811 (31 July 2007)

Massey v Unifi [2007] EWCA Civ 800 (31 July 2007)

Deadman v Bristol City Council [2007] EWCA Civ 822 (31 July 2007)

EB (Ethiopia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] EWCA Civ 809 (31 July 2007)

AG (Eritrea) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] EWCA Civ 801 (31 July 2007)

Somerset County Council v DFM (The Father) & Anor [2007] EWCA Civ 810 (31 July 2007)

Wittmann (UK) Ltd v Willdav Engineering SA [2007] EWCA Civ 824 (31 July 2007)

Fudge, R (on the application of) v South West Strategic Health Authority & Ors [2007] EWCA Civ 803 (31 July 2007)

Wolman v London Borough of Islington & Anor [2007] EWCA Civ 823 (31 July 2007)

JN (Uganda) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] EWCA Civ 802 (31 July 2007)

Horner, R (on the application of) v Lancashire County Council & Anor [2007] EWCA Civ 784 (30 July 2007)

R & V Versicherung AG v Risk Insurance & Reinsurance Solutions SA & Ors [2007] EWCA Civ 807 (30 July 2007)

MT (Algeria) & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department Rev 1 [2007] EWCA Civ 808 (30 July 2007)

A, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] EWCA Civ 804 (30 July 2007)

Ashworth v Newnote Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 793 (27 July 2007)

Chaudhary v Secretary of State for Health [2007] EWCA Civ 789 (27 July 2007)

Swords v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Ors [2007] EWCA Civ 795 (27 July 2007)

Mediterranean Shipping Company SA v Trafigura Beheer BV & Anor [2007] EWCA Civ 794 (27 July 2007)

Welsh v Stokes & Anor Rev 1 [2007] EWCA Civ 796 (27 July 2007)


Recent Statutory Instruments – OPSI

Posted August 7th, 2007 in legislation by sally

The A629 Trunk Road (Ings Lane to Cononley Lane) (Detrunking) Order 1996 (Revocation) Order 2007

The Education (National Curriculum) (Science at Key Stage 4) (England) Order 2007

The Companies (Interest Rate for Unauthorised Political Donation or Expenditure) Regulations 2007

The Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences) (Review) Regulations 2007

The Terrorism (Northern Ireland) Act 2006 (Transitional Provisions and Savings) Order 2007

The Magistrates’ Courts (Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders) (Miscellaneous Amendment) Rules 2007

The Family Proceedings (Amendment) (No.3) Rules 2007

The A629 Trunk Road (Skipton to Kildwick Improvement and Slip Roads) Order 1996 (Revocation) Order 2007
