Government consults on Trade Mark Rules –

Posted March 5th, 2008 in news, trade marks by sally

“The Government wants to change the rules on the registering of trade marks to encourage more people to register marks. It has launched a consultation on the changes.”

Full story, 4th March 2008


Mr Loophole patents his nickname – The Times

Posted February 7th, 2008 in legal profession, news, road traffic offences, trade marks by sally

“Nick Freeman, lawyer and hero to scores of terrible drivers, has trademarked his nickname to ensure that no one else can move in on his niche as the celebrity world’s ‘Mr Loophole’.”

Full story

The Times, 6th February 2008


Rivals entitled to use O2’s bubbles – The Times

Posted January 31st, 2008 in advertising, news, trade marks by sally

“An adviser to the Europe’s highest court recommended it reject a complaint by British phone company O2 against a rival that used its bubbles logo in a television advertising campaign.”

Full story

The Times, 31st Janaury 2008


Trade mark fast-track launched, but value questioned –

Posted January 16th, 2008 in news, trade marks by sally

“Trade mark applicants will soon be able to pay an extra £300 to be fast-tracked through the system, but one expert has said that the new plan will only shave a few weeks from a process that can take years.”

Full story, 15th January 2008


Dentists defeat fashion giant that cried “snap” over croc logo – The Times

Posted January 3rd, 2008 in news, trade marks by sally

“It was a battle that pitted a dental practice in the suburbs of Cheltenham against the might of a global fashion corporation – all because of the grinning crocodile on the surgery’s sign. And the dentists have won. For the second time in a year, a trademark judge has overruled the objections of the French clothing giant Lacoste to the crocodile symbol that adorns a private dentist’s surgery in Gloucestershire.”

Full story

The Times, 3rd January 2008


Kitfix Swallow Group Ltd v Great Gizmos Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted December 19th, 2007 in law reports, stay of proceedings, trade marks by sally

Kitfix Swallow Group Ltd v Great Gizmos Ltd

“Where English trademark proceedings, in which there was a counterclaim for revocation, were running concurrently with validity proceedings in the Office for the Harmonisation in the Internal Market, there was no presumption that the English proceedings would be stayed.”

The Times, 19th December 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Making a mark may be easier – The Times

Posted October 2nd, 2007 in news, trade marks by sally

“Trademark law changed yesterday morning. Given the importance of brands these days, this development could be very significant. Edward Fennell reports.”

Full story

The Times, 2nd October 2007


Consultation on fast track processing of Patents & Trade Marks – UK Intellectual Property Office

Posted September 24th, 2007 in consultations, patents, trade marks by sally

“The Gowers Report on Intellectual Property recommended that the UK Intellectual Property Office provide new accelerated services for processing patent and trade mark applications. We have considered these recommendations and are now consulting on proposed new fast track services for patents and trade marks, both of which will be available to all applicants upon payment of a fee.”

Consultation Document (pdf and Word)

UK Intellectual Property Office, 21st September 2007


UKIPO offers trade mark rule change guidance –

Posted August 23rd, 2007 in news, trade marks by sally

“The UK Intellectual Property Office will be offering advice and practical help on forthcoming changes to the Trade Marks Act in a series of events being held around the country this September.”

Full story, 22nd August 2007


Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd. and Others v. Vetplus Ltd – Times Law Reports

Comparative advertisements must not be misleading

Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd and Others v Vetplus Ltd

Court of Appeal

“No interim injunction would issue to inhibit comparative advertising, whereby one trader promoted his goods over those of a rival, unless the claimant could show the advertising was misleading and he would probably win a permanent injunction at trial.”

The Times, 27th June 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only availble free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd. and ors v. Vetplus Ltd. – WLR Daily

Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd. and ors v. Vetplus Ltd. [2007] EWCA Civ 584

“Where a trader sought to publish in comparative advertising the results of tests of a rival trader’s product, an important issue of freedom of expression was engaged, even though the comparative advertising would be aimed at diverting trade from one trader to another; and therefore the court would not grant an interim injunction to prevent such publication unless the court was satisfied that the applicant would succeed at trial in obtaining a final injunction.”

WLR Daily, 20th June 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.