UK detention of torture victims ‘inhumane’ – The Guardian

Posted February 23rd, 2012 in asylum, detention, news, torture, trafficking in human beings, victims by sally

“The detention of victims of torture and trafficking by the UK Border Agency pending their ‘fast-track’ deportation from Britain has been strongly criticised by the UN.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd February 2012


£1m payout to child asylum seekers – The Independent

Posted February 20th, 2012 in asylum, children, compensation, detention, news by sally

“The Home Office has paid compensation of more than £1m, plus £1m costs, in a case involving 40 child asylum seekers who were wrongly detained as adults, it has been reported.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th February 2012


Abu Qatada could be deported if UK can get guarantees on torture evidence – The Guardian

Posted February 17th, 2012 in deportation, detention, human rights, news, terrorism, torture by sally

“The Islamist preacher Abu Qatada could be deported to Jordan if Strasbourg is given ‘watertight guarantees’ he will not be tried on evidence extracted under torture, Europe’s most senior human rights official has signalled.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th February 2012


Women should get time out of jail to see their children, judge rules – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 14th, 2012 in detention, human rights, news, parental rights, release on licence, women by sally

“Female prisoners should be allowed time out of jail to see their children, the High Court ruled yesterday after dismissing Kenneth Clarke’s attempts to restrict women from doing so.”

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Daily Telegraph, 14th February 2012


Abu Qatada relased on “very restrictive” bail conditions – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted February 10th, 2012 in bail, deportation, detention, human rights, news, terrorism by tracey

“Mitting J has ruled that in the light of the recent Strasbourg ruling that the appellant could not be returned to Jordan,  his detention could not continue. Under the so-called ‘Hardial Singh’ principles, the Secretary of State must intend to deport the person and can only use the power to detain for that purpose, and the deportee may only be detained for a period that is reasonable in all the circumstances.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 9th February 2012


Abu Qatada: attorney general says government must follow rule of law – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2012 in bail, detention, news, rule of law, terrorism by sally

“The attorney general, Dominic Grieve, has voiced his concern over a decision to release the radical Muslim cleric Abu Qatada on bail but added that courts could not allow people to be held in indefinite detention without trial.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th February 2012


Playwright Lydia Besong freed from detention centre – BBC News

Posted January 27th, 2012 in deportation, detention, news by tracey

“A Cameroonian playwright and her husband who are under threat of deportation from the UK have been released from a detention centre.”

Full story

BBC News, 27th January 2012


UK rendition and torture collusion inquiry scrapped – BBC News

Posted January 18th, 2012 in detention, inquiries, intelligence services, news, police, rendition, terrorism, torture by sally

“A controversial inquiry into allegations of wrongdoing by the UK’s security services is being scrapped.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th January 2012


Overuse of pre-trial detention keeps thousands in EU jails, report finds – The Guardian

Posted January 16th, 2012 in detention, EC law, extradition, news, warrants by sally

“Thousands of people who have not been convicted of any crime are being held for months, or even years, because of the failure of pre-trial detention rules in the European Union, according to a survey.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th January 2012


BBC wins right to broadcast prisoner interview – BBC News

Posted January 11th, 2012 in detention, freedom of expression, human rights, media, news, public interest, terrorism by sally

“The High Court has ruled that Justice Secretary Ken Clarke was wrong to stop the BBC filming a terrorism suspect held for seven years without trial.”

Full story

BBC News, 11th January 2012


Child asylum seekers win compensation for 13-month detention – The Guardian

Posted January 6th, 2012 in asylum, children, compensation, detention, news by tracey

“Four children who were incarcerated in detention centres for 13 months – the longest time children have ever been locked up in the UK – have won a six-figure compensation payout from the Home Office more than eight years after their release.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th January 2012


Bagram jail detainee unlawfully held, court rules – The Guardian

Posted December 15th, 2011 in Afghanistan, detention, habeas corpus, news by sally

“The government has been ordered by three senior judges to secure the release of a Pakistani man captured by British special forces and held by the US in Afghanistan’s notorious Bagram jail without trial for more than seven years.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th December 2011


UK ‘must secure’ release of US detainee, judges rule – BBC News

Posted December 14th, 2011 in appeals, detention, habeas corpus, human rights, news, terrorism by sally

“The Court of Appeal has ordered the UK to secure the release of a suspected insurgent who remains held without charge by the US in Afghanistan.”

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BBC News, 14th December 2011


Howard League urges ban on detaining under 14s in police cells – BBC News

Posted December 13th, 2011 in children, detention, news by sally

“Police should be banned from detaining children under 14 in police cells overnight, campaigners have said.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th December 2012


Let us show terror detainee’s face on BBC, lawyers plead – The Independent

Posted December 12th, 2011 in detention, extradition, media, news, terrorism by sally

“Lawyers for a prisoner who has been detained for more than seven years without trial have made a plea in the High Court for BBC television to be allowed to show the world his ‘prematurely aged’ face.”

Full story

The Independent, 10th December 2011


MoD’s resistance to human rights in Iraq blamed for death of Baha Mousa – The Guardian

Posted November 25th, 2011 in armed forces, assault, detention, human rights, Iraq, news by sally

“The army’s former chief legal adviser in Iraq has accused the Ministry of Defence of moral ambivalence and a cultural resistance to human rights that allowed British troops to abuse detainees and beat the Basra hotel worker Baha Mousa to death.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th November 2011


Detention for woman over riot theft – The Independent

Posted November 16th, 2011 in burglary, detention, news, sentencing, violent disorder by sally

“A teenager who stole two left-footed trainers after crawling into a looted shop has been detained for a month for each second she spent inside the premises.”

Full story

The Independent, 15th November 2011


Torture inquiry: UN’s Juan Mendez calls for openness – BBC News

Posted November 14th, 2011 in detention, inquiries, intelligence services, news, torture by sally

“The inquiry into whether the UK was involved in alleged torture must be open or it would ‘only serve to cover up abuses,’ a UN expert has said.”

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BBC News, 13th November 2011


Knife crime law: Up to 400 more teenagers face custody – BBC News

Posted November 1st, 2011 in detention, news, offensive weapons, reports, young offenders by sally

“As many as 400 extra teenagers could be given custodial sentences every year because of changes to knife crime laws announced last week, according to a government impact assessment.”

Full story

BBC News, 1st November 2011


Psychiatric patient loses groundbreaking appeal – The Guardian

Posted October 27th, 2011 in appeals, detention, mental health, news, tribunals by sally

“The first psychiatric patient to have an appeal against detention heard in public lost his legal battle to be freed from Broadmoor hospital on Wednesday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th October 2011
