Crown Prosecution Service Statement on Wahleed Hussain – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted March 30th, 2010 in Crown Prosecution Service, grievous bodily harm, news, retrials by sally

“The Crown Prosecution Service has decided not to proceed with the retrial of Wahleed Hussain, who stood trial last year alongside his uncles for an attack on burglar Walid Salem near their home in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.”

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 29th March 2010


Regina v W – WLR Daily

Posted March 4th, 2010 in appeals, law reports, misfeasance in public office, police, retrials by sally

Regina v W [2010] EWCA Crim 372; [2010] WLR (D) 61

“Where the crime of misconduct in a public office was committed in circumstances involving the acquisition of property by theft or fraud, particularly when the holder of a public office was alleged to have made improper claims for public funds in circumstances which were said to be criminal, proof that the defendant was dishonest was an essential ingredient of the offence.”

WLR Daily, 3rd March 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Tunbridge suitcase murderer’s appeal rejected – BBC News

Posted January 19th, 2010 in appeals, murder, news, retrials by sally

“A homeless man jailed for life for strangling a teenager and hiding her body in a suitcase has lost his appeal against his conviction.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th January 2010


DPP seeks second retrial of men accused of airline bomb plot – The Guardian

Posted September 14th, 2009 in aircraft, conspiracy, murder, news, retrials by sally

“Three men found not guilty of the plot to blow up transatlantic airlines could face a retrial, after the director of public prosecutions said last night he was willing to break with convention and press for a conviction, despite two juries clearing the trio.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th September 2009


Retrial ordered for crash couple – BBC News

Posted March 27th, 2009 in bias, juries, news, retrials by sally

“A judge has ordered a retrial in a case of causing death by dangerous driving after a juror was overheard making comments judged to be biased.”

Full story

BBC News, 27th March 2009


No retrial for artist whose inflatable Dreamspace creation led to two deaths – The Guardian

Posted March 6th, 2009 in artistic works, health & safety, homicide, news, retrials by sally

“The artist who created an inflatable artwork which blew away in a high wind, killing two people, will not face a retrial on manslaughter charges, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) announced this morning.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th March 2009


Babysitter jailed for murdering toddler is cleared after retrial – The Times

Posted December 19th, 2008 in child abuse, murder, news, retrials by sally

“A babysitter was cleared yesterday of murdering a two-year-old boy, marking the end of a long campaign to clear her name.”

Full story 

The Times, 19th December 2008


R v A – WLR Daily

Posted December 4th, 2008 in evidence, law reports, rape, retrials by sally

R v A [2008] EWCA Crim 2908; [2008] WLR (D) 374

The expression ‘new and compelling evidence … in relation to the qualifying offence’ in s 78(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 was not restricted to further evidence either from an individual who suggested that the defendant had admitted after the trial that he was guilty of the offence or from newly emerging witnesses who said that they had heard or seen something at the time which directly supported the relevant complaint.”

WLR Daily, 3rd December 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Muslims accused of aircraft bomb plot to face retrial – The Independent

Posted September 11th, 2008 in conspiracy, murder, news, retrials, terrorism by sally

“Seven young British Muslims are to be retried for plotting to blow up transatlantic passenger jets using home-made liquid explosives in soft drink bottles.”

Full story

The Independent, 11th September 2008


Retrial for builder murder case – BBC News

Posted September 10th, 2008 in murder, news, retrials by sally

“Two men jailed for life for kicking a retired builder to death in a Surrey street have had their convictions quashed by Appeal Court judges.”

Full story

BBC News, 10th September 2008


Disbelief turns to blame over failure to prove al-Qaeda aircraft plot – The Times

Posted September 10th, 2008 in conspiracy, murder, news, retrials, terrorism by sally

“Prosecutors are expected to decide at a high-level meeting today to seek a retrial of seven men on allegations of involvement in an al-Qaeda plot to attack transatlantic airliners.”

Full story

The Times, 10th September 2008


CPS considers retrial over bomb plot – The Independent

Posted September 9th, 2008 in conspiracy, murder, news, retrials, terrorism by sally

“Prosecutors were considering today whether seven men accused of plotting mass murder on board transatlantic aircraft should face a retrial after a jury failed to reach verdicts.”

Full story

The Independent, 9th September 2008


‘Publicity distorted’ Dando case – BBC News

Posted August 4th, 2008 in media, murder, news, retrials by sally

“The barrister for Barry George, cleared of killing presenter Jill Dando, has warned that huge publicity can distort investigations into high-profile cases.”

Full story

BBC News, 2nd August 2008


George not guilty of Dando murder – BBC News

Posted August 1st, 2008 in murder, news, retrials by sally

“Barry George has been found not guilty of murdering BBC television presenter Jill Dando outside her London home.”

Full story

BBC News, 1st August 2008


Jill Dando murder: Barry George faces retrial – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 9th, 2008 in murder, news, retrials by sally

“A man obsessed with female television celebrities and guns murdered Jill Dando nine years ago, the Old Bailey heard today.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th June 2008


Panday v Virgil (Senior Superintendent of Police) – Times Law Reports

Posted April 11th, 2008 in abuse of process, law reports, retrials, Trinidad & Tobago by sally

Panday v Virgil (Senior Superintendent of Police)

Privy Council

“When allowing an appeal against conviction on the ground of apparent bias in the conduct of the trial, the Court of Appeal could order a retrial if the defendant had been properly charged and brought before the court without any violation of the rule of law and it was possible to have a fair retrial before a different tribunal.”

The Times, 11th April 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Panday v Virgil (Senior Superintendent of Police) [2008] UKPC 24 – WLR Daily

Posted April 11th, 2008 in abuse of process, law reports, retrials, Trinidad & Tobago by sally

Panday v Virgil (Senior Superintendent of Police) [2008] UKPC 24; [2008] WLR (D) 102

The Court of Appeal might order the retrial of a defendant whose conviction was quashed on the grounds of apparent bias if the defendant had been properly charged and brought before the court without any violation of the rule of law and a fair retrial before a different judge was possible.”

WLR Daily, 10th April 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

R v Miell – WLR Daily

Posted January 10th, 2008 in evidence, law reports, perjury, retrials by sally

R v Miell [2007] EWCA Crim 3130; [2007] WLR(D) 346

“In deciding whether to quash an acquittal, the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) had to form its own view as to whether the acquitted person’s subsequent guilty plea to perjury at his trial constituted compelling evidence that he had committed the offence charged.”

WLR Daily, 8th January 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Regina v Miell – Times Law Reports

Posted January 4th, 2008 in evidence, law reports, perjury, retrials by sally

Regina v Miell

Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)

“In deciding whether to quash an acquittal, the court had to form its own view as to whether the acquitted person’s subsequent plea of guilty to perjury at his trial was in fact compelling evidence that he had committed the offence charged.”

The Times, 4th January 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Manning murder conviction quashed – BBC News

Posted November 15th, 2007 in murder, news, retrials by sally

“A man jailed after the murder of an 18-year-old woman has won his appeal against conviction at the High Court.”

Full story

BBC News, 15th Novemebr 2007
