Cherie Blair: A call to action on knife crime – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 7th, 2008 in gangs, news, offensive weapons by sally

“Cherie Blair QC, chair of the Street Weapons Commission, on the truth about gang violence and what can be done to bring it under control.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 6th July 2008


Youth Justice Board’s future in doubt over failure to reduce crime – The Independent

Posted July 7th, 2008 in criminal justice, news, young offenders by sally

“The future of the Youth Justice Board, one of the central elements of Tony Blair’s penal policy, is in serious doubt as the Government rethinks its strategy on youth crime.”

Full story

The Independent, 6th July 2008


Top barristers battle over BAE Systems arms deal with Saudi Arabia – The Times

Posted July 7th, 2008 in barristers, bribery, corruption, news, Saudi Arabia by sally

“Two of Britain’s highest-paid and most sought after QCs will go head to head during the Serious Fraud Office’s appeal against a High Court ruling that it unlawfully halted its investigation into the BAE Systems arms deal with Saudi Arabia. ”

Full story

The Times, 7th July 2008


Blogger wins right to free speech – The Guardian

Posted July 7th, 2008 in freedom of expression, internet, news by sally

“A blogger who faced charges of intimidation in cyberspace has won a legal judgment that anti-censorship campaigners claimed this weekend will protect freedom of expression across the worldwide web.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th July 2008


Technology to tackle prison drugs – BBC News

Posted July 7th, 2008 in drug abuse, news, prisons by sally

“A report is to be published into ways of preventing drugs being smuggled into prisons in England and Wales.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th July 2008


BBC admits error in broadcasting fatal Jerusalem shooting on 10pm news – The Guardian

Posted July 7th, 2008 in complaints, media, news by sally

“The BBC has admitted it was wrong to broadcast during its 10pm news bulletin the graphic footage of a man being shot dead in Jerusalem.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th July 2008


Legal fight ahead if badger cull rejected – Reuters

Posted July 4th, 2008 in animals, news by sally

“Farmers said on Friday they would launch a legal challenge if the farm ministry rejected as expected next week a badger cull to help tackle bovine tuberculosis in cattle.”

Full story

Reuters, 4th July 2008


‘Sex with Diana’ story in News of the World was false, claims Burrell – The Guardian

Posted July 4th, 2008 in defamation, news by sally

“Solicitors for Paul Burrell, the former butler to Princess Diana, have written a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission claiming a News of the World story alleging Burrell claimed he had sex with Princess Diana was untrue.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th July 2008


Fans of Pringles lick lips over court ruling – Reuters

Posted July 4th, 2008 in food, news, VAT by sally

“Fans of Pringles are savouring a court ruling that the snack is not a potato crisp.”

Full story

Reuters, 4th July 2008


Take part in an e-consultation into criminal justice spending – Youth Justice Board

Posted July 4th, 2008 in criminal justice, news, prisons, probation by sally

“The justice reinvestment inquiry has been set up to examine whether the resources currently given to the criminal justice system are being used effectively or whether there are alternative strategies which would give a better return for society than traditional methods of dealing with offenders.”

Full story

Youth Justice Board, 4th July 2008


Human rights body condemns counter-terrorism bill – The Guardian

Posted July 4th, 2008 in detention, news, terrorism by sally

“Government plans to extend pre-charge detention for terror suspects to 42 days are ‘unnecessary, disproportionate and counter-productive’ and should be rejected when they come before the House of Lords next week, an international human rights group said today. ”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th July 2008


Linklaters follows rivals with record £1.29bn turnover – The Times

Posted July 4th, 2008 in law firms, news by sally

“Linklaters has followed its rivals in announcing a record turnover today, although it narrowly missed overtaking Clifford Chance as the world’s biggest firm. ”

Full story

The Times, 4th July 2008


Jack Straw welcomes a year of constitutional progress – Ministry of Justice

Posted July 4th, 2008 in constitutional law, news by sally

“Justice Secretary Jack Straw today marked the one-year anniversary of the government’s constitutional change programme and said the progress made was a major step forward in renewing Britain’s democracy.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 3rd July 2008


Witness and victim experience survey: early findings – Ministry of Justice

Posted July 4th, 2008 in news, reports, victims, witnesses by sally

“The Witness and Victim Experience Survey is a national telephone survey that explores victims’ and witnesses’ experiences of the criminal justice system in England and Wales in cases that have resulted in criminal charges.

This report explores the provision of information and services to victims and witnesses in cases closed between February 2005 to January 2006, and of the progress made at a local and national level against key criminal justice system initiatives.”

Early findings from the Witness and Victim Experience Survey: information and service provision (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 3rd July 2008


24-hour bail curfew for terrorist suspect linked to Bin Laden – The Guardian

Posted July 4th, 2008 in bail, news, terrorism by sally

“The hiding place of a leading terror suspect was inadvertently released by Justice Ministry officials last night after he was freed from jail under unprecedented bail conditions. The man, who can be identified only as U, was released from Long Lartin, Worcestershire, after the appeal court ruled there was no reason to hold him indefinitely as he could not be deported to his native Algeria.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th July 2008


Race inquiry as crime squad uses ‘blacked-up’ actor – The Times

Posted July 4th, 2008 in news, police by sally

“A white actor ‘blacked-up’ to play an African government official in a role-play exercise staged by the elite squad leading the fight against organised crime, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 4th July 2008


Crime costs every person £275 a year – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 4th, 2008 in crime, news by sally

“Crime cost the country nearly £15 billion – or £275 for every person – last year, according to a new report.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd July 2008


ID card fingerprint errors fear – BBC News

Posted July 4th, 2008 in identity cards, news by sally

“Mismatched or unclear fingerprints could hamper the government’s £5.6bn ID card scheme, independent experts warn.”

Full story

BBC News, 3rd July 2008


Jewish school did not discriminate against pupil – The Times

Posted July 4th, 2008 in education, news, religious discrimination by sally

“A top Jewish state school was cleared today of racially discriminating against an 11-year-old boy by refusing him a place, in a High Court ruling that has implications for the whole faith school system. ”

Full story

The Times, 3rd July 2008


Fraudster known as the Bogus Contessa is jailed – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 4th, 2008 in fraud, news, sentencing by sally

“A convicted fraudster has been jailed for posing as an incredibly wealthy noblewoman to con the life-savings out of vulnerable victims.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd July 2008
