Views sought on proposed changes to Criminal Procedure Rules – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 7th, 2008 in consultations, criminal procedure, magistrates by sally

“The Criminal Procedure Rule Committee is asking for views on proposed changes to the rules on starting a criminal case in a magistrates’ court.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 7th April 2008


Sentencing Commission Working Group Consultation: A structured sentencing framework and Sentencing Commission – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted March 31st, 2008 in consultations, sentencing by sally

“The independent Sentencing Commission Working Group is seeking views on how a structured sentencing framework could be adapted for England and Wales, drawing reference to the US experience. The aim is to develop a set of proposals to improve the operation of the CJS in relation to sentencing.”

Consultation paper: A structured sentencing framework and Sentencing Commission (PDF)

Judiciary of England and Wales, 31st March 2008


Reforming the law governing easements, covenants and profits à prendre – Law Commision

Posted March 28th, 2008 in consultations, easements, profits a prendre, restrictive covenants by sally

“On 28 March 2008 the Law Commission published a consultation paper provisionally proposing wide-ranging reform of the law governing easements, covenants and profits à prendre.”

Full consultation

Law Commission, 28th March 2008


Prosecutors’ Investigation Code of Practice – Attorney General’s Office

Posted March 25th, 2008 in codes of practice, consultations, proceeds of crime, prosecutions by sally

The purpose of this paper is to seek stakeholder views on the proposed Code of Practice which provides guidance to the specified prosecuting authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on the use of the powers of investigation which are provided by POCA.”

Full consultation

Attorney General’s Office, 19th March 2008


Review of Part 6 of the Civil Procedure Rules: Service of Documents [CP 14/07] – Ministry of Justice

Posted March 19th, 2008 in civil procedure rules, consultations, service by sally

“The post-consultation report contains a summary of responses to the consultation, a detailed response to the specific questions raised in the report and the next steps following the consultation.”

Response to consultation (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 18th March 2008


Further Consultation on Court Dress – The Bar Council

Posted March 18th, 2008 in consultations, court dress by sally

“The Bar Council is carrying out a further consultation on court dress in civil, family and ceremonial proceedings. Click here for a link through to the consultation paper. All members of the Bar and interested third parties are welcome to comment and all completed consultation papers should be sent to or by post to Jan Bye at 289-293 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HZ no later than 4.00pm on 19 April 2008.”

The Report and Supplementary Report on the first consultation exercise

The Bar Council, 17th March 2008


Youth conditional caution code of practice – Ministry of Justice

Posted March 16th, 2008 in cautions, codes of practice, consultations, young offenders by sally

“A consultation paper inviting views on the draft code of practice for Youth Conditional Cautions for 16 and 17 year olds that is planned to be piloted during 2009.”

Full consultation paper

Ministry of Justice, 2nd March 2009


New code for watchdog’s public sector data mining –

Posted March 13th, 2008 in codes of practice, consultations, data protection, fraud, news by sally

“The Audit Commission has published a revised code of practice which will govern its extended powers to obtain and search data from public sector bodies.”

Full story, 13th March 2008


Consultation sentencing guideline and advice on theft and burglary (non-dwelling) – Sentencing Guidelines Council

Posted March 11th, 2008 in consultations, sentencing, theft by sally

“The Sentencing Guidelines Council published a consultation guideline on the sentencing of adult offenders convicted of theft and burglary (non-dwelling) offences on 10 March 2008.”

Full story

Sentencing Guidelines Council, 11th March 2008


EU trials in absence – Attorney-General’s Office

Posted February 29th, 2008 in consultations, criminal procedure, EC law by sally

“EU trials in absence: Attorney General launches UK consultation.”

Full consultation

Attorney-General’s Office, 28th February 2008


Family Procedure Rules – a new procedural code for family proceedings – Ministry of Justice

Posted February 22nd, 2008 in consultations, family courts by sally

“This consultation invited comments on the policy behind the new Family Procedure Rules.”

Consultation paper and responses

Ministry of Justice, 22nd February 2008


Proposed change to Criminal Procedure Rules: last chance to comment – Ministry of Justice

Posted February 18th, 2008 in appeals, consultations, criminal procedure by sally

“The Criminal Procedure Rule Committee is seeking views on proposals to simplify rules about appeals to the Crown Court against conviction and sentence. Those who wish to comment have until 22 February 2008 to submit their views.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 15th February 2008


Treasury launches consultation on the UK market abuse regime – HM Treasury

Posted February 8th, 2008 in consultations, financial regulation by sally

“The Treasury is today launching a consultation on the UK Market Abuse Regime. The consultation is specifically focused on where the UK regime imposes additional requirements to the EU’s 2003 Market Abuse Directive.”

Full consultation

HM Treasury, 7th February 2007


Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 – Court Rules – Ministry of Justice

Posted February 1st, 2008 in consultations, forced marriages by sally

“This consultation seeks responses on the draft court rules for the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007. It is primarily aimed at professional court users and those with knowledge of family court rules.”

Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 – Court Rules – consultation paper (PDF)

Questionnaire (Word)

Ministry of Justice, 31st January 2008


Administration and Enforcement Restriction Orders – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 16th, 2008 in consultations, debts, insolvency by sally

“This paper sets out for consultation the areas where secondary legislation will be used to establish the parameters required for the effective operation of both the revised Administration Order scheme and the Enforcement Restriction Order scheme.

Administration and Enforcement Restriction Orders consultation paper (PDF)

Annex A: new parts 6 and 6A of the County Courts Act 1984 (PDF)

Annex B: equality impact assessment (PDF)

Questionnaire (Word)

Ministry of Justice, 16th January 2008


Consultation sentencing guideline and advice on driving offences – causing death by driving – Sentencing Guidelines Council

Posted January 10th, 2008 in consultations, road traffic offences, sentencing by sally

“The Sentencing Guidelines Council published a consultation guideline on the sentencing of adult offenders convicted of a causing death by driving offence, on 9 January 2008. The Sentencing Advisory Panel also published its advice on this subject on the same day.  The Panel also published the report of research into attitudes to the sentencing of these offences:

Consultation guideline: Causing death by driving

Covering letter for causing death by driving consultation guideline

Advice: Driving offences – causing death by driving

Press notice for causing death by driving consultation guideline and advice

Research report: Attitudes to the sentencing of offences involving death by driving

Sentencing Guidelines Council, 10th January 2008


Public law family fees – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 20th, 2007 in adoption, children, consultations, family courts, fees by sally

“A consultation on the government’s strategy for developing the fees system in the civil and family courts of England and Wales. The consultation sets out proposals to:

  • make changes to court fees in relation to Public Law Children Act process
  • make changes to fees charged for Adoption proceedings.”

Public Law Family Fees Consultation Paper (PDF)

Questionnaire (Word)

Ministry of Justice, 19th December 2007


Bar consults on the future of the Bar’s complaints and disciplinary processes – Bar Standards Board

Posted December 14th, 2007 in barristers, complaints, consultations, disciplinary procedures by sally

“The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today announced the start of a new consultation seeking views on significant changes to the way in which complaints about barristers, and any subsequent disciplinary proceedings, are handled.”

Full press release

Bar Standards Board, 12th December 2007


Consultation on claims management regulation – responses to consultation on fee levels – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 14th, 2007 in claims management, compensation, consultations, fees by sally

“This consultation seeks views on proposals for claims management regulation fee levels for 2008/09. The consultation is aimed at those authorised to provide regulated claims management services under the Compensation Act 2006.”

Full responses to consultation

Ministry of Justice, 14th December 2007


Government launches consultation into review of murder law – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 13th, 2007 in consultations, murder by sally

“The Ministry of Justice today (12 December) announced the next step in the first comprehensive review of murder law for fifty years.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice press release, 12th December 2007
