Misdiagnosis case update – Transparency Project

‘The purpose of this judgment is to approve and formalise the local authority’s decision to withdraw its application for care orders, following receipt of medical evidence that the baby did not suffer any non-accidental injury. As the judge points out, the local authority acted correctly in taking proceedings when it did, on the basis of earlier medical evidence (now known to be mistaken), and has also acted correctly in asking the court to agree to end the proceedings on the basis of the new, more specialist, evidence.’

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Transparency Project, 18th May 2021

Source: www.transparencyproject.org.uk

F (A Child : Adjournment) [2021] EWCA Civ 469 – Transparency Project

‘This case is about a little boy, J, who was approaching three years of age at the time the decision was made. His mother was 19 when J was born and she was living with J’s father. The local authority issued care proceedings in relation to J in August 2018. The proceedings began as J suffered a number of injuries whilst he was in the care of his mother and a Mr K. At a hearing before His Honour Judge Jack (‘the Judge’) findings were made that the mother had suffered serious abuse at the hands of J’s father.’

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Transparency Project, 12th April 2021

Source: www.transparencyproject.org.uk

Cornish grandmother of drowned baby admits cruelty – BBC News

‘The grandmother of a baby who drowned in a bath while she was out of the room has admitted child cruelty.’

Full Story

BBC News, 10th November 2020

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Bamford baby death: Father jailed for killing two-month-old son – BBC News

‘A father has been jailed for nine years for killing his baby son by shaking him, causing fatal head injuries.’

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BBC News, 13th October 2020

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Should Final Hearing continue remotely? Judgment of Lieven J [2020] EWHC 1086 (Fam) – Broadway House Chambers

‘ The case deals with whether to proceed with lay evidence remotely or to adjourn part heard having heard the medical evidence over a period of 5 days via Zoom. The case concerns an application for a care order for a 4 year child. In April 2019, his two month old sister died at home. The post mortem established that his sister had sustained 65 fractures to her body as well as brain injuries. As a result the child was made the subject of an interim care order in April 2019.’

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Broadway House Chambers, 14th May 2020

Source: broadwayhouse.co.uk

A timely and important decision on remote hearings in the family courts – Re P: (A Child Remote Hearings) (2020) EWFC 32 – Garden Court Chambers

‘This is a serious FII case, and concerned care proceedings involving a 7 year old child. It was alleged that the mother had falsely made a number of damaging claims that her child was suffering from a myriad serious ailments and health conditions. This was all hotly disputed by the mother, so the case was fully contested. It had been fixed several months previously for a 15 days fact finding and disposal hearing before a Judge at Guildford Law Courts. Following the lockdown, the Judge had decided the case would proceed as a remote hearing using the Skype video platform.’

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Garden Court Chambers, 22nd April 2020

Source: www.gardencourtchambers.co.uk

P (A Child: Remote Hearing) (Rev 3) [2020] EWFC 32: When is remote justice not justice? – Transparency Project

‘Re P (A Child: Remote Hearing) (Rev 3) [2020] EWFC 32 is a decision of the President of the Family Division and Head of Family Justice, Sir Andrew McFarlane, about whether or not a 15 day trial should go ahead remotely. The trial was set down within care proceedings to determine very serious allegations that the mother had harmed her seven-year-old daughter by fabricating or inducing illness (known in the trade as FII).’

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Transparency Project, 23rd April 2020

Source: www.transparencyproject.org.uk

McFarlane: Remote hearing on future of child a step too far – Legal Futures

‘It is not appropriate for a 15-day hearing into whether a mother has harmed her seven-year-old daughter to be held remotely, the president of the Family Court has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 22nd April 2020

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Court of Appeal upholds order for disclosure to police of documents filed in care proceedings – Local Government Lawyer

Posted April 9th, 2020 in appeals, care orders, child cruelty, children, disclosure, documents, families, news by sally

‘The Court of Appeal has rejected a father’s appeal against an order for the disclosure of certain documents filed in childcare proceedings.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 7th April 2020

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

High Court judge highlights clash between diplomatic immunity and child protection – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Family Court case has highlighted a “virtually insoluble dilemma” between diplomatic immunity and child protection, leading Mr Justice Mostyn to call for an amendment to the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 26th March 2020

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Another Re W – a successful appeal against refusal for leave to oppose an adoption – Transparency Project

‘In this unusual case, Re W (A child: leave to oppose adoption) [2020] EWCA (Civ) 16, the Court of Appeal has given birth parents leave to oppose an adoption order being made. The child is nearly three years old and has been living with his prospective adopters since he was aged 17 months, in November 2018, after care and placement orders had been made in March of that year. He has never lived with his parents and has not had any contact with them since October 2018.’

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Transparency Project, 23rd February 2020

Source: www.transparencyproject.org.uk

Oxford grooming trial: Three men jailed for sexually abusing girl – BBC News

‘Three men have been jailed for sexually abusing a schoolgirl in Oxford following an investigation into child sexual exploitation.’

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BBC News, 13th February 2020

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Child cruelty case triggers call for home schooling review – The Guardian

Posted January 30th, 2020 in child abuse, child cruelty, child neglect, domestic violence, education, news by tracey

‘Child protection experts have called for a national review of home schooling following an inquiry into a case in which a violent stepfather and his partner subjected their young son to extreme neglect and abuse.’

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The Guardian, 29th January 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

Wales to bring in smacking ban after assembly vote – BBC News

Posted January 29th, 2020 in assault, bills, child cruelty, children, families, news, Wales by sally

‘A law banning people in Wales from smacking their children has been passed by the Welsh Assembly.’

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BBC News, 28th January 2020

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Judge believes blameless parents and sends baby home – Transparency Project

Posted December 9th, 2019 in accidents, child cruelty, children, families, news, social services by sally

‘His Honour Judge Dancey has published a judgment in which he explains why he has decided that social services have failed to prove that either parent caused a skull fracture sustained by their baby, with the result that the baby is going home. The judge decided that the evidence did not prove that the fracture had been inflicted as opposed to caused accidentally, and the injury just remained unexplained. The baby has made a full recovery, by the way.’

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Transparency Project, 7th December 2019

Source: www.transparencyproject.org.uk

Baby P’s mother should not be freed, says Parole Board – The Guardian

‘Tracey Connelly, the mother of Baby P, who died after months of abuse, should not be freed from jail or moved to an open prison, the Parole Board has decided.’

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The Guardian, 6th December 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Enraged mother threw her own baby at police officer causing spinal injury – Daily Telegraph

‘A police officer suffered a life-changing spinal injury after a mother threw her own child at them in a rage, a court heard.’

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Daily Telegraph, 2nd December 2019

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Speech by https://www.innertemplelibrary.com/wp-admin/edit.phpSir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division: “If only we had known then what we know now” – Courts & Tribunals Judiciary

Posted December 2nd, 2019 in child abuse, child cruelty, speeches by tracey

‘Speech by Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division: “If only we had known then what we know now” ‘

Full speech

Courts & Tribunals Judiciary, 29th November 2019

Source: www.judiciary.uk

Former minister’s son branded ‘manipulative’ as he is jailed for seven years for killing toddler with car seat – Daily Telegraph

‘A former minister’s son has been branded “manipulative and cunning” as he was jailed for seven years for killing a three-year-old with a car seat.’

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Daily Telegraph, 14th November 2019

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Shaken baby syndrome cases ‘tip of the iceberg’ – BBC News

‘More than 220 infants in the UK were killed or injured as a result of being shaken in the past decade, analysis of NSPCC figures has found. Serious case reviews were carried out on 1,253 children, with nearly one in six of those reports concluding the youngster had suffered a brain injury. The charity said it believed that number was “the tip of the iceberg”.

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BBC News, 7th October 2019

Source: www.bbc.co.uk