Is There a Place for Law to Regulate Menopause in the Workplace?”- by Eugenia Caracciolo di Torella and Pascale Lorber – UK Labour Law Blog

‘Questions are being raised about the role of the law in dealing with issues associated with the menopause in the workplace following the recent publication by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) of the Guidance on the Menopause for Employers. The Guidance refers to the possibility of using discrimination law, in particular the disability provisions, to help women request adjustments in the workplace, and claim harassment if they are subject to unwelcome comments or behaviours because of the symptoms they are experiencing. This blog considers how the current legal framework needs some rethinking and adaptation given the number of workers affected by the menopause and the types of issues that have been raised in the workplace as a result.’

Full Story

UK Labour Law Blog, 8th March 2024
