Man fined for swearing at TV – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 8th, 2008 in ASBOs, news by sally

“A man has been fined £80 for swearing at his own television while drunk.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th December 2008


Botched biofuel legislation stalls climate change initiative – The Guardian

Posted December 8th, 2008 in climate change, energy, environmental protection, news by sally

“The government has blown a hole in its climate change plans by misdrafting a key piece of legislation covering the introduction of ‘green’ fuel for motorists. The Department for Transport admitted last night that there was an ‘error’ in the law governing the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) and it was going to have to put it right.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th December 2008


Bigamist jailed for three years – BBC News

Posted December 5th, 2008 in bigamy, news, sentencing by sally

“A former church minister and policeman has been jailed for three years for bigamy and forgery.”

Full story

BBC News, 5th December 2008


Social services errors led to death of baby, says inquiry – The Guardian

Posted December 5th, 2008 in child abuse, news, social services by sally

“A series of errors by social services and health staff allowed a baby girl to stay with her violent father and incompetent mother before she was shaken to death, an inquiry concluded today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th December 2008


Boy George guilty of imprisonment – BBC News

Posted December 5th, 2008 in false imprisonment, news by sally

“Singer Boy George has been found guilty of falsely imprisoning a male escort at his flat in east London.”

Full story

BBC News, 5th December 2008


Attorney urged to hand over torture evidence – The Guardian

Posted December 5th, 2008 in attorney general, disclosure, intelligence services, news, torture by sally

“The attorney general, Lady Scotland, must hand over to the director of public prosecutions detailed allegations of criminal wrongdoing by MI5 and the CIA concerning the treatment of a British resident held at Guantánamo Bay, his lawyer said yesterday. The demand comes in a 26-page letter, seen by the Guardian, sent to the attorney by Clive Stafford Smith, director of the legal charity Reprieve and the lawyer representing Binyam Mohamed.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th December 2008


Cash demand over ‘porn downloads’ – BBC News

Posted December 5th, 2008 in copyright, internet, news by sally

“Thousands of internet users have been told they’ll be taken to court unless they pay hundreds of pounds for illegally downloading and sharing hardcore porn movies.”

Full story

BBC News, 5th December 2008


Law firm bypasses banks to protect partners’ payouts – The Times

Posted December 5th, 2008 in law firms, news, partnerships, remuneration by sally

“A leading UK law firm has paid its partners £12 million in profits ahead of schedule because it believes that the money will be safer in private rather than corporate bank accounts.”

Full story

The Times, 5th December 2008


Dog walker receives £2.7 million compensation after being hit by car – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 5th, 2008 in compensation, news, personal injuries, road traffic by sally

“A businesswoman who suffered brain damage after being hit by a car on a zebra crossing has won £2.75 million in compensation.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th December 2008


DNA murderer in sentence appeal – BBC News

Posted December 5th, 2008 in appeals, DNA, murder, news, sentencing by sally

“The first person in the world to be convicted on the basis of DNA evidence has been given permission to challenge his sentence.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th December 2008


Couple fight back after children taken into care in ‘terrible miscarriage of justice’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 5th, 2008 in adoption, child abuse, news by sally

“A couple who had their three children forcibly adopted after being accused of abuse are the victims of a ‘terrible miscarriage of justice’, a court heard.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th December 2008


Police are ordered to destroy all DNA samples taken from innocent people – The Times

Posted December 5th, 2008 in data protection, DNA, human rights, news, police by sally

“More than 1.6 million DNA and fingerprint samples of innocent people on police databases must be destroyed after a court ruled yesterday that keeping them breaches human rights.”

Full story

The Times, 5th December 2008


Mother’s campaign changes the law – BBC News

Posted December 5th, 2008 in burials and cremation, coroners, news by sally

“A Dorset mother forced to wait 18 months to bury her two-year-old son has been celebrating after her six-year campaign led to a change in the law.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th December 2008


Held asylum seeker given £38,000 – BBC News

Posted December 4th, 2008 in asylum, detention, news by sally

“An African asylum seeker who fled her homeland after being tortured and raped has been awarded £38,000 after a judge ruled her detention ‘unlawful’.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th December 2008


Mother guilty over Shannon kidnap – BBC News

Posted December 4th, 2008 in false imprisonment, kidnapping, news, perverting the course of justice by sally

“The mother of Shannon Matthews has been found guilty of charges relating to her daughter’s disappearance.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th December 2008


DNA database innocents win landmark European court ruling – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 4th, 2008 in data protection, DNA, EC law, human rights, news by sally

“Two men from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, who were previously cleared of criminal charges, have won a major victory after the European Court of Human Rights ruled keeping their DNA on the British police database breached their human rights.”

Full story

Daily Telegrap, 4th December 2008


Life term for neck-stab teenager – BBC News

Posted December 4th, 2008 in murder, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“A teenager has been jailed for life for murdering a man after he had been lecherous towards her and her friends.”

Full story 

BBC News, 3rd December 2008


Budget airlines break new rules on opt-in website pricing –

Posted December 4th, 2008 in airlines, internet, news by sally

“Budget airlines Ryanair and easyJet are failing to comply with European laws that ban pre-checked boxes on websites that sell flight tickets. New rules provide that optional price supplements must be accepted on an ‘opt-in’ basis.”

Full story, 3rd December 2008


Competition Commission casts doubt on broadcasters’ online shop-

Posted December 4th, 2008 in competition, joint ventures, media, news by sally

“The Competition Commission has provisionally concluded that a proposed joint venture among the UK’s biggest broadcasters will restrict competition in the supply of video on-demand (VOD) services in the UK.”

Full story, 3rd December 2008


Jail for gang who targeted trains – BBC News

Posted December 4th, 2008 in news, railways, sentencing, theft by sally

“A gang of thieves who targeted passengers on London trains has been handed lengthy jail terms.”

Full story 

BBC News, 3rd December 2008
