Moving faster to a more diverse judiciary – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 29th, 2009 in judiciary, minorities, news by sally

“Lord Chancellor Jack Straw today announced the establishment of an Advisory Panel on Judicial Diversity with Baroness Julia Neuberger as its Chair.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 28th April 2009


Quota system may be considered for judges – The Independent

Posted April 29th, 2009 in judiciary, minorities, news by sally

“Quotas for ethnic minority and women judges could be part of new proposals aimed at improving ‘diversity’ in the judiciary. Baroness Julia Neuberger, a government adviser, said she wanted to remove ‘blockages’ faced by applicants for judicial posts and make judges more representative of society.”

Full story

The Independent, 29th April 2009


How can ethnic minorities reach the top of the profession? – The Times

Posted April 23rd, 2009 in legal profession, minorities, news by sally

“Baroness Scotland of Asthal could be forgiven if she saw no problem. Britain’s first black, first woman holder of the post of Attorney-General is a living example of diversity in the legal profession. But, as with women political leaders, is she a one-off?”

Full story

The Times, 23rd April 2009


Young black people and the criminal justice system – first annual report – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 16th, 2008 in criminal justice, minorities, reports, young offenders by sally

“The Home Affairs Select Committee published on 15 June 2007 the report of its inquiry ‘Young Black People and the Criminal Justice System’, which considered how to tackle the over-representation of young black people in the criminal justice system. The government published its formal response on 18 October 2007. Detailed proposals for the delivery of improved outcomes for young black people were published on 13 December 2007, which set out the governance and reporting arrangements for delivering the government’s commitments. One of the commitments made was to provide the committee with an annual report of progress in each year up to 2011. This is the first annual report.”

Full report

Ministry of Justice, 16th December 2008


Baroness Hale: new equality laws will not close gender gap – The Times

Posted November 20th, 2008 in equality, minorities, news, women by sally

“Britain’s most senior woman judge gave warning last night that the Government’s proposed overhaul of equality laws would not close the pay or gender gap.”

Full story

The Times, 20th November 2008


Single-minded pursuit – The Guardian

Posted July 30th, 2008 in charities, local government, minorities, special report by sally

“Government guidance on cohesion is thought to have spurred some councils to stop funding black and minority ethnic charities. But now a high court victory could force a serious rethink. Saba Salman reports.”

Full story

The Guardian, 30th July 2008


Magdalene Bayim-Adomako: ‘There are not many black lawyers in the City’ – The Times

Posted July 14th, 2008 in minorities, news, solicitors by sally

“The co-head of White & Case’s banking practice says that, for her, becoming a solicitor felt ‘normal'”

Full story

The Times, 14th July 2008


Sir Ian Blair denies blocking promotion of Asian police officer Shabir Hussain – The Times

Posted July 11th, 2008 in minorities, news, police, race discrimination by sally

“Britain’s most senior police officer was forced to defend his record on race yesterday, telling a tribunal that it would have been an ‘extraordinary aberration’ if he had tried to block the promotion of an ethnic minority colleague.”

Full story

The Times, 11th July 2008


Shabir Hussain: ‘golden circle’ of white Met officers held me back – The Times

Posted July 10th, 2008 in minorities, news, police, race discrimination by sally

“Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, will come face to face today with a senior officer who has accused him of holding back black and Asian detectives in favour of a ‘golden circle’ of white officers.”

Full story

The Times, 10th July 2008


The fine line between tolerance and political correctness – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2008 in human rights, minorities, special report by sally

“Does one betray or does one defend Western values by allowing those committed to destroying them to be exposed to practices that are anti-Western?”

Full story

The Times, 26th June 2008


Straw: too many white male judges – BBC News

Posted May 14th, 2008 in judiciary, minorities, news by sally

“Too few women and people from black and Asian backgrounds are appointed judges, Jack Straw has told MPs.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th May 2008


SRA begins review into ‘racially biased’ investigations – Legal Week

Posted March 20th, 2008 in minorities, news, solicitors, Solicitors Regulation Authority by sally

“The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has formally kicked off its review into the disproportionate number of lawyers from black and ethnic minorities who are subject to SRA investigation, by selecting a working party and setting out the terms of its review.”

Full story

Legal Week, 20th March 2008


So few women are in the High Court – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 7th, 2008 in judiciary, minorities, women by sally

“Dame Heather Hallett of the Judicial Appointments Commission says it is trying hard to encourage diversity, but progress is slow.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th February 2008


College of Law threatens SRA with anti-diversity suit – The Lawyer

Posted February 4th, 2008 in competition, legal education, minorities, news by sally

“The Solicitors’ Regulation Authority (SRA) has been attacked for taking action that will undermine the diversity of the British legal profession.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 4th February 2008


Curbs on foreign lawyers could hurt City firms in war for talent – The Times

Posted February 4th, 2008 in legal education, minorities, solicitors, special report by sally

“Hundreds of foreign lawyers who come to England every year to practise as solicitors face tough new curbs that law firms say will undermine London’s position in the global legal market.”

Full story

The Times, 4th February 2008


Major firms sign up for new diversity drive – Legal Week

Posted January 22nd, 2008 in law firms, minorities, news by sally

“Eight major law firms have joined a programme aiming to improve the development of black and ethnic minority lawyers.”

Full story

Legal Week, 22nd January 2008


Mascot is too white, male and blond…so Met introduces the PC PCs – The Times

Posted November 20th, 2007 in minorities, news, police by sally

“Scotland Yard is spending £15,000 on ethnically diverse police mascots after complaints that PCSO Steve, its current rubber representative, is too white, too male, and too blond.”

Full story

The Times, 20th November 2007


Solicitors Regulation Authority: we are not institutionally racist – The Times

Posted October 25th, 2007 in law firms, minorities, news, Solicitors Regulation Authority by sally

“The chief executive of the SRA says it is determined to understand why certain groups figure more highly in some areas of regulation.”

Full story

The Times, 24th October 2007


Police: stop and search more black suspects – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 22nd, 2007 in minorities, news, stop and search by sally

“A black police leader has reignited controversy in one of the most sensitive areas of British policing by suggesting that more people from ethnic minorities must be stopped and searched to tackle violent crime.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd October 2007


“Institutional” racism at solicitor watchdog – The Times

Posted October 19th, 2007 in law firms, minorities, news, Solicitors Regulation Authority by sally

“Jack Straw is facing calls for a review of the solicitors’ regulatory watchdog after allegations yesterday from black lawyers and one of Britain’s most senior black police officers that it is ‘institutionally racist.’ ”

Full story

The Times, 19th October 2007
