What does it mean to be an expert in the person? The Court of Protection decides – Mental Capacity Law and Policy

‘In University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v HER & Anor [2024] EWCOP 25, Senior Judge Hilder had to consider what (if any) weight to place on the opinion of P’s sister as to her condition and treatment. P, identified in the judgment as HER, was 53 years old, and living in a supported living placement. In her early childhood HER had a stroke-like episode, which had a lasting effect on a large part of her brain. She was described as also having learning difficulties and epilepsy. She had also been diagnosed as having a metabolic disorder, OTC, giving rise to intermittent episodes of acute encephalopathy. HER was experiencing epileptic seizures a few times a month, without warning, and giving rise to risk of sudden unexpected death.’

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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 14th May 2024

Source: www.mentalcapacitylawandpolicy.org.uk