The Use of Police Tactics to Disperse Protests and the Fine Line Between Legitimate Protesting and Anti-Social Behaviour – 3PB

Posted June 23rd, 2020 in demonstrations, dispersal orders, news, police, public order by sally

‘A number of protests were held across the country and the world in response to the brutal killing of George Floyd in the United States. Although the protests were largely peaceful, there was some tension between the police and protesters over the weekend. This unfortunately resulted in some protesters and Legal Observers being kettled by the police. This note will provide a brief overview of the law surrounding the various tactics used by the police to disperse protests and maintain the peace. Some of the most commonly used tactics include kettling (otherwise known as containment) and the use of dispersal orders under s.35 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The note will also focus on what constitutes ‘anti-social behaviour’ in the context of protests.’

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3PB, 18th June 2020
