Fruit machines and Blue Monkeys: can administrators be personally liable for converting ROT goods? – 11 Stone Buildings

Posted June 26th, 2014 in administrators, gambling, insolvency, news, title to goods by sally

‘Administrators are often faced with a large number of retention of title (“ROT”) claims from suppliers who demand a quick adjudication of their claim, frequently on the back of incomplete evidence, and in the days immediately following an appointment when administrators’ resources are stretched. The recent decision Blue Monkey Gaming Ltd v Hudson & others [2014] EWHC (Ch)provides some useful guidance for both administrators and ROT claimants.’

Full story (PDF)

11 Stone Buildings, June 2014


Woman who sold vase for £228,000 ordered to pay cash to its real owner – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 18th, 2011 in news, sale of goods, title to goods by tracey

“A woman whose ‘ugly’ vase sold at auction for an unexpected £228,000 has been ordered to pay the windfall to her ex boyfriend’s mother after a court ruled that it was not hers to sell.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th November 2011


Islamic Republic of Iran v Barakat Galleries Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted January 7th, 2008 in artistic works, conflict of laws, law reports, title to goods by sally

Islamic Republic of Iran v Barakat Galleries Ltd

Court of Appeal

“A claim by a state to recover antiquities which formed part of its national heritage should not be shut out on the ground that an action whose object was to enforce the public law of another state should not be entertained.”

The Times, 7th January 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.