High Court: failure to comply with rules likely to result in “severe sanctions” – Litigation Futures

Posted May 29th, 2013 in civil procedure rules, news, practice directions, sanctions by sally

“The High Court has issued a fresh warning that it will take a ‘very much stricter view’ of the failure to comply with directions in the post-Jackson world.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 29th May 2013

Source: www.litigationfutures.com

Treasury presses supreme court to consider secret evidence in bank case – The Guardian

Posted January 23rd, 2013 in banking, closed material, evidence, Iran, news, sanctions, Supreme Court by sally

“The Treasury is urging the supreme court to consider secret evidence for the first time when it hears an appeal by an Iranian bank against sanctions imposed on it by the British government.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd January 2013

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Errant councillors and the new standards regime – 11 KBW

Posted November 27th, 2012 in codes of practice, local government, news, sanctions by sally

“Up and down the country, local authorities have been putting in place new standards arrangements so as to comply with the Localism Act 2011 (‘the 2011 Act’) and the regulations made thereunder. The first hearings for dealing with allegedly errant councillors under the new standards regime are taking place.”

Full story

11 KBW, 20th November 2012

Source: www.11kbw.com

Further review of disclosure in criminal proceedings: sanctions for disclosure failure – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted November 22nd, 2012 in criminal justice, disclosure, reports, sanctions by tracey

“The further review was established to consider the specific issue of sanctions for disclosure failure by both the prosecution and the defence; whether the sanctions available, together with judicial case management powers, are adequate to secure compliance with disclosure duties and, if not, whether there are options for strengthening those sanctions.”

Full review

Judiciary of England and Wales, 22nd November 2012

Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk

Clarke asks top judges to probe disclosure sanctions – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 3rd, 2012 in criminal justice, disclosure, news, sanctions by sally

“Justice secretary Kenneth Clarke has asked two senior judges to review sanctions for disclosure failures in criminal trials, to ‘mitigate the resource burden’ imposed by disclosure.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 3rd May 2012

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Legal grounds for intervention in Libya? – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 6th, 2011 in armed forces, Libya, news, sanctions, United Nations by sally

“In the midst of rapid developments at the diplomatic and military level concerning the Gaddafi regime, it is important to remember that Libya is no stranger to UN sanctions or bombing by NATO member state warplanes.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 6th May 2011

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Regina v F and M – WLR Daily

Posted November 5th, 2010 in delay, Iraq, law reports, orders in council, sanctions, United Nations by sally

Regina v F and M [2010] EWCA Crim 2437; [2010] WLR (D) 276

“An Order in Council, made pursuant to s 1 of the United Nations Act 1946 to give effect to a United Nations Security Council Resolution, could include the creation of a serious criminal offence for a breach of the Order, even though there was a substantial delay between the adoption of the Resolution and the creation of the offence.”

WLR Daily, 3rd November 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

UK court action over Congolese ‘illegal minerals’ – BBC News

Posted July 27th, 2010 in judicial review, miners, news, sanctions by sally

“Legal action has been launched against the UK for allegedly failing to refer firms trading in ‘conflict minerals’ from DR Congo for UN sanctions.”

Full story

BBC News, 26th July 2010

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Man jailed for Sudan vehicle deal – BBC News

Posted November 5th, 2009 in news, sanctions, sentencing, Sudan, weapons by sally

“A millionaire businessman who illegally sold former military personnel carriers to Sudan has been jailed.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th November 2009

Source: www.bbc.co.uk