Blackhorse Investments (Borough) Limited v The London Borough of Southwark [2024] UKUT 33 (LC) – Tanfield Chambers

‘In October 2021 the leaseholder applied to the Upper Tribunal under section 84(1) / s.84(12) of the Law of Property Act 1925 to modify or discharge covenants in a lease of a pub, of which The London Borough of Southwark (Southwark) was the landlord. Despite substantial prior communications by e-mail, the application was served by hand only at Southwark’s principal offices. It did not come to the attention of the correct department (or anyone). In the result, Southwark did not file a notice of objection, the Tribunal dealt with the matter on the papers and a final order was made without a hearing in the form sought by the leaseholder.’

Full Story

Tanfield Chambers, 13th February 2024
