HRA Watch: Reform, Repeal, Replace? Sarah Lambrecht: Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights: A UK Phenomenon? – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted July 27th, 2015 in deportation, human rights, news, repeals by sally

‘The tumultuous relationship between the UK Government and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) is unlikely to normalise with the Conservative Party having obtained, against all polling predictions, an absolute majority at the May 2015 UK general election. In its October 2014 policy document, the Conservatives criticise the European Court of Human Rights for developing “mission creep” and proclaim a plan for change “to restore common sense and put Britain first”. The all-encompassing solution proposed is to repeal the UK Human Rights Act and introduce a new British Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. Even though I have uttered doubts as to whether such a Bill could live up to all of its drafters’ expectations, the wide-spread political support for a proposal expressly aimed at reducing the Strasbourg Court’s influence is exceptional. In an attempt to feed the rich debate and analyses on the UKCLA blog, this post places the UK debate in a wider perspective.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 27th July 2015
