CA rejects drug-dealer’s criticism of legal team over conviction – Legal Futures

‘The Court of Appeal has rejected criticisms of his legal team by a man jailed for possessing cocaine with intent to supply.’

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Legal Futures, 19th August 2024


Barristers should have duty to “actively promote anti-discrimination” – Legal Futures

Posted August 19th, 2024 in barristers, bullying, diversity, equality, harassment, news, professional conduct by tracey

‘Barristers should be under a professional duty to actively promote anti-discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, it has been suggested.’

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Legal Futures, 19th August 2024


Tribunal allows solicitor to continue with ‘unfair work allocation’ claim – Legal Futures

‘A solicitor can continue a claim that he was unfairly dismissed for blowing the whistle about biased work allocation practices at a law firm, a judge has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 19th August 2024


Part-time paralegal succeeds in employment tribunal over ‘sham’ redundancy exercise – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A paralegal, who could not work full-time due to her disability, has succeeded in an employment claim after a judge found she was made redundant for being a part-time employee.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 16th August 2024


Supreme Court dismisses appeal over transfer of management rights in student accommodation dispute – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted August 19th, 2024 in appeals, housing, landlord & tenant, news, universities by tracey

‘The Supreme Court has unanimously dismissed an appeal finding failure to serve a claim notice on a landlord did not invalidate the transfer of the right to take over management of a block of student flats.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 16th August 2024


HJB v WPB: Beware the Preliminary Issue – Financial Remedies Journal

‘In BN v MA [2013] EWHC 4250 (Fam) Mostyn J observed:

“[24] … In Granatino v Radmacher the Supreme Court analysed very closely the nature of nuptial agreements. They pointed out that nuptial agreements come in numerous shapes and forms and can be entered into at any point before, during or after a marriage …
[26] The Supreme Court has modified the test for the treatment of these nuptial agreements, as expressed in Edgar and Xydhias and, indeed, in MacLeod, so as to provide one single test applicable to all nuptial agreements, which is this, “The court should give effect to a nuptial agreement that is freely entered into by each party with a full appreciation of its implications unless in the circumstances prevailing it would not be fair to hold the parties to their agreement”. That now is the test to be applied in every case where a nuptial agreement falls for consideration.” ‘

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Financial Remedies Journal, 16th August 2024


NCDR Redux: The Impact of October’s CPR Amendments – Financial Remedies Journal

Posted August 19th, 2024 in civil procedure rules, costs, dispute resolution, families, family courts, news by tracey

‘One of the changes to the FPR 2010 made when the material parts of the Family Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2023 came into force on 29 April 2024 was an amendment to r 28.3(7) which by the insertion of a new (aa)(ii) makes “any failure by a party, without good reason, to attend non-court dispute resolution” a basis to depart from the general starting point that there should be no order as to costs. This is repeated in para 10E of PD 3A which states “the court may take the parties conduct in relation to attending non-court dispute resolution into account when considering whether to make an order for costs in relation to the proceedings”.’

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Financial Remedies Journal, 16th August 2024


‘Depraved’ stretch limo driver who raped and abused UK schoolgirls jailed – The Guardian

‘A “depraved” rapist who used a stretch limousine to abuse schoolgirls as young as 12 has been jailed for 24 years.’

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The Guardian, 15th August 2024


London woman’s death after eating laundry pods prompts coroner’s warning – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2024 in coroners, disabled persons, elderly, food, inquests, news by tracey

‘A coroner has issued a warning after a 93-year-old woman with dementia died after eating toxic laundry capsules she may have mistaken for sweets because of their bright packaging.’

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The Guardian, 18th August 2024


Killer with ‘misplaced’ sense of injustice loses appeal – BBC News

Posted August 19th, 2024 in appeals, drug offences, gangs, imprisonment, murder, news, sentencing by tracey

‘A murderer with an “entirely misplaced” sense of injustice over his life sentence had an appeal rejected.’

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BBC News, 19th August 2024


UK sperm donations being exported despite 10-family limit – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2024 in birth, children, export controls, families, limitations, news by tracey

‘Sperm donated in the UK is being exported and can be used to create large numbers of children across multiple countries, contradicting a strict 10-family limit that applies in the UK, experts warn.’

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The Guardian, 18th August 2024


England prison overcrowding emergency measures come into force – The Guardian

‘Ministers have activated emergency measures to ease prison overcrowding as more rioters are sentenced for their role in the recent unrest.’

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The Guardian, 19th August 2024


Child strip-searched every 14 hours by police in England and Wales, report finds – The Independent

‘A child was strip-searched every 14 hours by police in England and Wales, new data has revealed, with the youngest aged just eight years old.’

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The Independent , 19th August 2024


Guide sets out “consistent process” for AI approach to e-discovery – Legal Futures

‘The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) has published a draft best practice guide for the use in e-discovery of active learning (AL), a form of machine learning which can update and change its predictions as additional documents are reviewed.’

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Legal Futures, 16th August 2024


Government drops appeal over climate activist who held sign outside UK court – The Guardian

‘The government has dropped an appeal against a judge’s decision to throw out a contempt case against a woman who stood outside a climate activist trial holding a placard about jury rights.’

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The Guardian, 15th August 2024


Strict duties under the DPA: does the decision in Vainker v Marbank bring us any closer to getting a firm answer on this? – Gatehouse Chambers

‘It was probably inevitable that the retrospective extension of time to 30 years for bringing claims under the Defective Premises Act 1972 (the “DPA”), introduced by the Building Safety Act 2022, would lead to increased scrutiny of the DPA. Until then, with some honourable exceptions, the DPA had received relatively little attention, no doubt because, in most cases, it presented a more difficult route to ascend up the same mountain as would a claim in contract or tort. All that has now changed.’

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Gatehouse Chambers, 22nd July 2024


Father who poured can of cider over police officer at Weymouth protest jailed – The Independent

‘A father-of-one who poured a can of cider over a police officer during a protest in Weymouth has been jailed for 21 months.’

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The Independent, 15th August 2024


Student psychotherapist wins apology over expulsion for gender-critical views – The Guardian

Posted August 16th, 2024 in education, equality, freedom of expression, gender, homosexuality, news by sally

‘A student psychotherapist who was expelled from his master’s course after expressing gender-critical views has received an apology from the training institute where he was studying.’

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The Guardian15th August 2024


Judge calls for tougher charges for rioters – BBC News

‘A judge has urged prosecutors to consider charging offenders playing central roles in disorder with an offence carrying a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail.’

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BBC News, 15th August 2024


Claimant wins High Court challenge to council over failure to secure suitable accommodation, conduct lawful assessment of children – Local Government Lawyer

‘The London Borough of Bexley failed to secure suitable accommodation for claimant ZRR in breach of section 190 of the Housing Act 1996 and failed to conduct a lawful needs assessment of her children under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, the High Court has found.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 15th August 2024
